Custom Pathfinder Class: Revenant


Image credit: Jason Namgung

The revenant communes with the afterlife, granting them the ability to channel specific powerful spirits of the past, granting them new abilities and powers that help them aid their allies and take down foes.

Alignment: Any neutral. 

Hit die: d10.

Class Skills:
Skill ranks per level: 4+int modifier.

Class skills: Acrobatics, bluff, climb, craft, diplomacy, disguise, heal, intimidate, knowledge (history, planes, religion), perception, perform, profession, sense motive, spellcraft, stealth, survival

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Revenants are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light and medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Channel spirit, Revenant’s curse
Bonus feat, Scion ability
Spiritual weapon mastery +1
Spiritual ability, Spells
Channel spirit, Scion ability
Bonus feat
Fragmented soul
Spiritual weapon mastery +2, Scion ability
Spiritual ability
Channel spirit
Bonus feat, Scion ability
Stalwart mind
Spiritual weapon mastery +3
Spiritual ability, Scion ability
Channel spirit
Bonus feat
Scion ability
Spiritual weapon mastery +4
Spiritual ability
Channel spirit, Spirit’s devastation, Scion ability

Channel spirit: The revenant channels powers held by spirits of the past. The spirit is someone the revenant communes with, and chooses at first level. At fifth level, and every 5 levels thereafter, they can choose an additional spirit to channel. This spirit grants the revenant new abilities which they draw upon their spirit well to use. The name of the spirit depends on the world the campaign takes place in, but fits into one of the templates. When they channel the spirit, their ability scores are modified while this remains.

While channeling, the revenant can shift their focus to a different spirit they have communed with, but they must take a full-round action to do so. Changing their channel consumes two rounds of channeling, but does not cause them to be fatigued. At 4th level, they can switch channels as a standard action. At 8th level, they can change as a move action. At 12th level, they can change as a swift action. They can only switch once per round.

When the effect ends, these changes revert as well. They can channel a spirit as a swift action, and dismiss it as a free action. Channeling the past is difficult on the mind and body, causing the revenant to become fatigued when they dismiss their channel for 1 round per two rounds they channeled. At first level, they can channel their chosen spirit for 3 + their constitution modifier in rounds, and can channel for an additional 2 rounds per level they possess after first.

When the revenant first chooses to gain a new spirit to channel, they may choose 2 of their spiritual abilities to learn. At 4th level, and every five levels thereafter, they may choose one spiritual ability from a spirit they have communed with to learn.

Ability modifiers: The revenant gains a bonus and some negatives to certain ability scores based on the spirit they channel.

High save: while channeling a spirit, the revenant gains a boost to one save to the same scale as their will save. One exception is the berserker, who loses their high will save in exchange for both a high fortitude and reflex save.

Spirit boon: The revenant may use a spirit boon that aids them, granting them bonuses or special aspects that affect their luck or abilities.

Spiritual abilities: Unless stated otherwise, these abilities are only able to be activated/are active only while channeling that specific spirit.

Channel spirit: Assassin

Ability modifiers: +2 dexterity, +2 intelligence

Spirit boon: While channeling the master assassin, the revenant rolls twice on critical confirmation rolls and takes the higher result.

High save: Reflex.

Spiritual abilities:

Advanced ninja trick: the revenant can choose one advanced ninja trick to use while channeling the assassin. This requires 10th level or higher.

Assassin feats: The revenant can choose from one of the following feats to gain even when not channeling: stealthy, weapon finesse, lightning reflexes, improved lightning reflexes, skill focus (stealth), weapon focus. The revenant must have the prerequisites for these feats.

Enchanted daggers (Su): The revenant summons 1d4+1 daggers to their side to assist them. These daggers can be used to add a flanking bonus, but cannot move further than 15 feet from the assassin. At first level, these act as +3 daggers, using the revenant’s base attack bonus, plus their charisma modifier to attack. The enhancement bonus of these daggers increases by 1 at 15th and 18th level. When these daggers strike, they heal the revenant for the damage done. This ability requires 12th level.

Impossible odds (Ex): As a swift action, the revenant can strike impossibly fast, gaining them an additional attack at their full base attack bonus, as well as a +1 increase to their attack rolls, reflex saves, and a +30 ft. bonus to their movement speed. This works on charges, standard action attacks, and full attacks (stacking with haste attacks). This spiritual ability requires 14th level.

Ninja trick: The revenant can choose one ninja trick to use while channeling the assassin.

Reposting shadows (Ex): After striking an enemy as a standard action, the revenant can, as a move action, withdraw 10 ft. away. This distance increases by 5 for every four levels the revenant possesses.

Phase transversal (Su): The revenant can, as a move action, shadowstep to their enemy within 60 ft. The enemy is considered caught flat-footed. This spiritual ability requires 9th level.

Precise strikes (Ex): The master assassin deals devastating damage with their keen precision, gaining sneak attack damage. They deal +1d6 damage at first level, and an additional 1d6 damage for every four levels the revenant possesses.

Unrelenting assault (Su): The power blade vanishes and reappears, striking a number of targets equal to their charisma modifier with a melee weapon at their highest base attack bonus. They cannot combine any other power abilities with this ability. They cannot teleport an overall distance of more than double their movement, and cannot move more than their movement speed away from their original space. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The revenant is considered as flanking the target if they teleport to an appropriate space, but appearing itself does not cause the enemy to be flat-footed if the enemy is aware of them. This ability requires 14th level.

Spirit’s devastation:
Jade winds (Su): As a standard action, the master assassin whirls with spiritual might, stunning all enemies within 30 ft of them (Fortitude negates)) for 1d4+1 rounds. This can be used once per channel.

Channel spirit: Berserker

Ability modifiers: +2 strength, +2 dexterity

Spirit boon: The berserker’s damage rolls use 1.5x their strength modifier with one-handed and light weapons, or 2x strength for two-handed weapons. This does not affect modifiers such as damage added through the power attack feat.

High save: Fortitude and reflex. The revenant decreases their will save to the “low save” level.

Spiritual abilities:

Berserker feat: The revenant can take one of the following feats to use even outside of channeling:  Power attack, furious focus, cleave, greater cleave, lunge, two-weapon fighting, great fortitude, iron will, lightning reflexes. The revenant must have the prerequisites for these feats.

Determination (Ex): While channeling the berserker, the revenant does not fall unconscious nor disabled while taken to 0 hit points or less. They are still staggered, but automatically stabilize, yet they do not take additional damage from taking standard actions. If they fall to negative hit points equal to their constitution modifier, they still die as normal.

Fearless (Ex): While channeling the berserker, the revenant gains a +2 bonus to saves against fear and compulsion effects. At 8th and 16th level, this bonus increases by 2.

Mindless strikes (Ex): While channeling the berserker, the revenant gains a base attack bonus equal to their level instead of their normal one, but they take a -2 penalty to their AC. This power requires 9th level.

Momentous strikes (Ex): Every time the revenant hits in a round (while channeling the berserker), they gain a +2 bonus to their damage rolls. This stacks with effects such as the hammer the gap feat. This requires 13th level.

Rage power: When channeling, the revenant can gain a rage power, as if they were raging, as the barbarian. They must still have the prerequisites for these powers.

Rageful charge (Ex): When charging, the revenant can choose to take an additional -2 penalty to AC for the round to grant them an additional +2 to their attack roll, and +4 to their damage. This requires 9th level.

Strong blood (Ex): While channeling the berserker, the revenant is immune to the sickened, nauseated, diseased, and poisoned conditions. If they have these conditions when they begin channeling, they suppress the condition, and regain it after the channel ends. This does not consume duration, such as rounds of poison effects. In addition, they gain a +2 bonus to saves against these effects while channeling.

Spirit’s devastation:
Recklessness (Ex): Whenever the revenant channels the berserker, they can take a -4 penalty to their AC to gain a full base attack bonus, +8 strength, +8 constitution, and +4 to their will saves. This does not stack with their current ability score bonuses. This can be used once per channel.

Channel spirit: Champion

Ability Modifiers: +2 strength, +2 constitution

Spirit boon: While channeling the champion, they treat 1s rolled on damage rolls as 2s, and may roll twice and take the higher result for one saving throw during a channel.

High save: Fortitude.

Spiritual abilities:

Soothing stone (Su): As a standard action, the powerful warrior surges with vigor, healing themselves for 1d8 hit points. This healing increases by 1d8 for every 4 levels the warrior has, up to a maximum of 6d8 at 20th level. In addition, at each interval which the healing increases, the warrior can select a condition to remove. This cannot change once chosen, but can be replaced at each die increase. They cannot replace a lower condition with a higher one. This ability can be used once per day, plus one additional time for every four levels they possess.
3rd: fatigued, sickened, shaken
6th: frightened, diseased, dazed
9th: Nauseated, poisoned, exhausted
12th: stunned, cursed, panicked
15th: paralyzed

Inspiring reinforcement (Ex): The warrior shouts with a spiritual vigor, granting themselves and allies that can see or hear them a +2 morale bonus on saves against charm, enchantment, compulsion, stun, paralysis, and daze effects for one round per level. At 8th level, this bonus increases to +4. At 16th level, this grants immunity, and allows a save against spells and effects that normally don’t allow them. If they or an ally is already subject to one of these effects, they gain a new save with the revenant’s bonus.

Forced engagement (Su): The revenant launches a spiritual chain at an enemy within 30 ft as a standard action as a touch attack. The enemy is immediately subject to a taunt effect (intimidation check, as the antagonize feat) The revenant makes a grapple check. If successful, they may choose to pull the chained enemy toward them. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to its connection to the afterlife, intelligent undead are also subject to this intimidation effect. Mindless creatures are unaffected by this ability. They can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time at 17th and 20th level. This requires 14th level.

Vengeful hammers (Su): As a standard action, the warrior creates spiritual hammers that swirl around them. They create 1d4 hammers + 1 for every five levels they possess. Enemies threatened by the revenant are attacked by the revenant’s hammers (1/round) every round they remain at the beginning of the revenant’s turn, not when they enter. These hammers deal 1d6 damage + the revenant’s charisma modifier, and use their highest base attack bonus. When a hammer strikes an enemy, it vanishes. At 10th level, instead of attacking, a hammer can parry an attack once per round. The hammer still vanishes after the parry. This can be used once per channel.

Champion feats: The revenant can gain feats usable at all times once they learn to channel the champion. They may learn: Power attack, toughness, endurance, diehard, weapon focus, great fortitude, iron will, improved iron will, improved great fortitude, antagonise, battle cry, dazzling display, shatter defenses, combat expertise, bodyguard, in harm’s way. The revenant must have the prerequisites for these feats.

Spirit’s devastation:
Rite of the champion (Su): The revenant channels the almighty power of the warrior, bolstering their abilities as well as their allies. Allies within 30 ft. gain half the revenant’s charisma modifier as sacred AC, the same bonus to attack rolls and combat maneuver bonuses, and the revenant’s full charisma modifier to damage rolls. In addition, all affected allies gain a 50% chance to deny any critical hits or sneak attacks. This lasts a number of rounds equal to the revenant’s charisma modifier. This can be used once per channel.

Channel spirit: Corrupt

Ability modifiers: +2 strength, +2 charisma

Spirit boon: Once per round, the corrupt spirit allows the revenant to force one enemy to re-roll a saving throw against their own ability (not an ally's spell or ability) twice and take the lower result. This must be chosen before the enemy rolls.

High save: Fortitude.

Spiritual abilities:

Banish enchantment (Su): The evil spirit focuses on an enemy and dispels one effect as dispel magic as a spell-like ability. This requires 6th level. At 14th level, this acts as greater dispel magic. For each magical effect removed, the enemy takes 1 damage per level of the revenant. This can be used once per channel.

Channel the night (Su): the revenant channels negative energy as an evil cleric, with the revenant level equal to cleric level. The DC is charisma based. The revenant can channel the night once during a channel of the corrupt spirit.

Chaos strike (Su): As part of an attack, the power blade can enchant their weapon (normal or energy) with chaotic power, granting the target the effects of the chaos storm (lesser) spell for one round. A successful will save negates this effect. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + their intelligence modifier.

Corrupt feats: The revenant can take one of the following feats to use even outside of channeling: iron will, deceptive, great fortitude, improved iron will, improved great fortitude, any damnation feat, any corruption feat, critical focus, improved critical, betrayer. The revenant must have the prerequisites for these feats.

Empowering misery (Su): While channeling the corrupt spirit, the revenant gains fast healing 1 for every condition of the following applied to them: Bleeding, blinded, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, deafened, disabled, dying, energy drained, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, nauseated, panicked, shaken, sickened, staggered. At 8th level, this becomes fast healing 2. At 16th level, this becomes fast healing 3. At 20th level, this becomes fast healing 5.

Pain absorption (Su): When channeling the powerful evil, the revenant gains resist 5 to cold, fire, electricity, acid, and negative energy, as well as gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against disease, poison, death effects, and negative energy effects. At 10th level, this bonus increases to 10 and the save bonus becomes +4. At 15th level, this increases to 20 and they are immune to poison and disease as well as the other effects. At 20th level, these become immunities.

Unyielding anguish (Su): The revenant creates an 10 ft. aura around them while they channel the spirit that sickens enemies while the aura is active (fort save). At 10th level, this aura also causes enemies to deal half the damage they inflict on others, to themselves. A successful will save negates the effects of the aura. If they are subjected to the aura a second time during a new channel of the corrupt spirit, they must make this save again, whether the passed the save previously or not.

Spirit’s devastation:

Embrace the darkness (Su): For a number of rounds equal to half their level+ their charisma modifier per day, the revenant may summon the power of the evil presence to become a powerful avatar. They increase their strength by an additional 4, their dexterity by 2, their constitution by 6, their wisdom by 2, and charisma by an additional 4. Every round, they pulse an aura that paralyzes enemies (will negates). When they end this effect, the revenant must make a will save equal to their DC. If they fail, they are stunned for 1d4 rounds following. Enemies are staggered on a successful save. This can be activated as a move action, and dismissed as a free action. The rounds do not need to be consecutive, but must be during a channel.

Channel spirit: Healer

Ability modifiers: +2 wisdom, +2 charisma

Spirit boon: When using an ability that heals hit point damage, the healer spirit allows the revenant to treat 1s as 2s instead.

High save: Fortitude.

Spiritual abilities:

Channel healing (Su): The revenant channels positive energy, healing allies within 30 ft. Revenant level is as cleric level.

Guiding hand (Su): By touching an ally as a standard action, the ally gains a +2 bonus to skill checks, attack rolls, saving throws, caster level checks, and ability checks for 1 round per level. This ability can be used once per channel, plus one additional time at 8th and 16th level.

Healer feats: The revenant can take one of the following feats to use even outside of channeling: selective channeling, aligned channel, channel smite, elemental channel, bodyguard, in harm’s way, any teamwork feat. The revenant must have the prerequisites for these feats.

Healing soul (Su): the revenant becomes a font of positive energy for a number of rounds equal to their charisma modifier. Whenever an ally passes through them/they pass through an ally’s square, the ally is healed for 1d8+ their level. This requires 9th level, and can be used once per day.

Project tranquility (Su): Create an area of tranquility. When within range of the idol, allies gain fast healing 1. This area is a 10 ft square, plus 5 for every 5 levels the revenant possesses. This area can be reduced (by choice) to a minimum of 5 ft. on command of the revenant. As a move action, this area can be moved up to the revenant’s movement speed. The revenant cannot move themselves the same turn they move the area of tranquility. The fast healing given by this ability increases by 1 at 6th, 12th, and 18th level. When the channel ends, the projection vanishes. This can be used once per day, plus one additional time at 8th and 16th level.

Protective solace (Su): As a standard action, the revenant creates a spherical, illuminative barrier that deflects projectiles for a number of rounds equal to the revenant’s level. As a standard action, this barrier can be shattered by the revenant, dealing 1d6 slashing damage per four levels to all adjacent creatures outside the barrier (ref half). This can be used once per day, plus one additional time at 8th and 16th level.  

Purifying essence (Su): The revenant can touch an ally, and cure fatigue, disease, and sickened, deafened. At 9th level, they can cure poisoned, dazed, cursed, blinded, and nauseated. At 14th level, they can cure stunned, paralyzed, and cursed. They can choose this ability more than once. Each time, it cures one additional condition from the lists. This can be used once per channel.

Rift ward: As a standard action, the revenant spreads a spatial rift in a 20 ft line in a space within 60 ft. of them. This line acts as wind wall, but also deflect ray attacks. This line’s maximum length increases by 5 ft. at 15th and 20th level. This ability requires 10th level. This can be used once per day.

Spirit’s devastation:

Energy expulsion (Su): The revenant explodes with divine energy, dealing 1d6 damage per level to all enemies within 30 ft, and healing allies for the same amount. This can be used once per channel.

Channel Spirit: Protector

Ability modifiers: +2 constitution, +2 wisdom

Spirit boon: When struck with a critical hit, the great protector has a 25% chance of denying the critical as an immediate action. This chance increases by 25% at 12th and 20th level, and does not stack with effects such as fortification armor.

High save: Fortitude.

Spiritual abilities: (Facets: auras that can be created and dismissed. These have a radius of 10 ft. of the revenant, plus 5 for every 10 levels the revenant possesses, to a maximum of 20 ft. at 20th level) All facets become active when the revenant channels the protector, and remains until they end or change the channel, or if they use an infusion (a standard action). The facet cannot be reactivated for the remainder of the channel.

Facet of darkness (Su): The revenant gains an aura that gives allies within partial concealment in shadows that they see through. At 10th level, this becomes total concealment. At 15th level, allies gain invisibility. At 20th level, they gain greater invisibility. The revenant does not gain the benefits from this ability.

Infuse darkness (Su): for one round, all allies within the aura now strike against flat-footed AC, and all enemies within the aura are subject to an invisibility purge effect.

Facet of elements (Su): Allies within the aura gain a boon based on the element the revenant chooses at the beginning of their turn each round. (Fire: +1 damage per four levels, Cold: saves increase by 1, Electricity: +30 ft. movement speed, Acid: +1 attack per five levels)

Infuse elements (Su): The revenant chooses an element to channel, and steals all the energy of the aura and fuels it into a breath weapon that flows out in a 30 ft. cone, dealing 1d6 damage per level (reflex halves).

Facet of light (Su): The revenant gains an aura that grants fast healing to allies equal to one quarter their character level (minimum 1) whenever an ally enters/begins their turn in an aura. They cannot benefit from this effect more than once per round.

Infuse light (Su): The revenant can consume the aura to give all allies within range DR 5/- and resistance 5 cold, fire, acid, electricity, sonic, and negative energy for one round. At level 10, this increases to 10/- and 10. At level 15, this becomes DR 20/- and 20. At level 20, this becomes an immunity to damage.

Facet of strength (Su): The revenant’s aura gives allies a +1 sacred bonus to their strength score and natural armor. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 levels the revenant possesses.

Infuse strength (Su): The revenant channels the aura’s might into themselves, gaining twice the aura’s bonus for one round.

Protector feats: The revenant can take one of the following feats to use even outside of channeling: Shield proficiency, shield focus, shield specialization, greater shield focus, greater shield specialization, bodyguard, vanguard style, in harm’s way, saving shield, two-weapon defense, dodge, mobility, any teamwork feat. The revenant must have the prerequisites for these feats.

Spirit’s devastation:

Facet of chaos (Su): The aura gives allies a sacred bonus to their AC equal to the revenant’s charisma modifier.

Infuse chaos: release the aura’s power, subjecting all foes within 30 ft. to a bull rush attempt, adding the normal CMB bonuses, and their charisma modifier in addition to that. If successful, the enemy is automatically knocked prone in addition to the push back.

Revenant’s curse: A revenant’s connection to the ancestors comes with a cost.

Blind: The revenant is blind from their training, but they gain blindsight 10 ft., and blindsense 20 ft. These distances increase by 5 and 10 ft. for every 5 levels the revenant gains, to a maximum of 30 ft. blindsight and 60 ft. blindsense.

Clouded eyes: The revenant’s eyes are clouded. They cannot see beyond 30 ft., but this acts as darkvision. At 5th level, this distance increases to 60 ft. At 10th level, they gain 30 ft. blindsense. At 15th level, they gain blindsight 15 ft.

Corrupted: The revenant cannot cast spells with the good or lawful descriptors, nor can they summon good or lawful creatures. Good and lawful creatures instinctively distrust you, and you take a –4 penalty on all Diplomacy checks against such creatures. The revenant gains a +2 bonus on all Bluff and Intimidate checks. Diplomacy is not a class skill, but Bluff or Intimidate is. At 5th level, they gain a +4 bonus to all saving throws against fear effects. At 10th level, they gain immunity to poison. At 15th level, any weapon they wield is treated as chaotic and evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Deaf: The revenant cannot hear and suffer all of the usual penalties for being deaf. They cast all spells as if they were modified by the Silent Spell feat. This does not increase their level or casting time. At 5th level, they receive a +3 competence bonus on Perception checks that do not rely upon hearing, and the initiative penalty for being deaf is reduced to –2. At 10th level, they gain the scent ability, and do not suffer any penalty on initiative checks due to being deaf. At 15th level, they gain tremorsense out to a range of 30 feet.

Lame: One of the revenant’s legs is permanently wounded, reducing their base land speed by 10 feet if their base speed is 30 feet or more. If your base speed is less than 30 feet, it is reduced by 5 feet. Their speed is never reduced due to encumbrance. At 5th level, they are immune to the fatigued condition (but not exhaustion). At 10th level, their speed is never reduced by armor. At 15th level, they are immune to the exhausted condition.

Powerless Prophecy: The revenant is forewarned of danger but can’t act to prevent it. They gain uncanny dodge, as the rogue class feature. However, they can’t take any actions in a surprise round, including free actions. In the absence of a surprise round, they are staggered for the entire first round of combat. At 5th level, they gain a +4 insight bonus on initiative checks. At 10th level, they gain improved uncanny dodge as the rogue ability, using their revenant level as rogue level. At 15th level, they gain a +4 insight bonus on all saving throws and to their AC during surprise rounds and when they are otherwise unaware of an attack.

Wasting: The revenant’s body is slowly rotting away. They take a –4 penalty on Charisma-based skill checks, except for Intimidate. They gain a +4 competence bonus on saves made against disease. At 5th level, they are immune to the sickened condition (but not nauseated). At 10th level, they gain immunity to disease. At 15th level, they are immune to the nauseated condition.

Scion: In addition to the abilities gained to while channeling their spirits, they can also commune with a spirit they have learned from, and gain an ability even outside of channeling. They gain one at 2nd level, and one every 3 levels thereafter. Scion abilities are listed below. They may choose from scion of the spirits in addition to the channeled spirit lists.


Ambidexterity (Ex): When attacking with two weapons, decrease the penalties by 1. This requires 12th level.

Focused siphoning (Su): When dealing damage to someone either flanked or denied their dexterity bonus, the revenant siphons 1 hit point per damage die rolled.

Evasion (Ex): The revenant gains the rogue’s evasion ability. This effect is lost if they carry more than a light load, or wear medium or heavy armor. At 14th level, they can take this ability again to gain improved evasion.

Jade echo (Ex): When damaged below 0 hit points, the revenant fights as if they have the diehard feat. For every two hit points below 0, the revenant gains +1 to attack and damage rolls. The maximum bonus for this ability is ½ the revenant’s level (minimum 1).

Malicious reprisal (Ex): When the revenant misses an attack, their determination to strike only gets stronger, increasing their next attack roll by 1. This bonus increases for every consecutive miss, and is removed when they finally score a successful attack roll. The maximum bonus is equal to their charisma modifier.

Mutilate defenses (Ex): When striking a foe that is denied their dexterity bonus, the revenant strikes at vulnerable muscles and joints, dealing 1 strength or dexterity damage.

Targeted destruction (Ex): Deal 1d6 damage against foes that are flanked, or denied their dexterity bonus to AC. This does not stack with the precision damage dealt while channeling the assassin.

Swift determination (Ex): gain constant deathwatch. If the enemy is below 50% health, the revenant gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage per five levels.

Vicious lacerations (Ex): When striking a foe that is denied their dexterity bonus to AC, the revenant deals an additional 1 damage, plus 1 for every 5 levels that the revenant possesses.


Battle cry: as the battle cry feat.

Damage reduction: the revenant gains DR 1/-. Every four levels following 5th, this increases by 1. This requires 5th level.

Fast movement: The revenant’s base movement speed increases by 10 feet.

Fortuitous: Once per day, the revenant can re-roll a fortitude saving throw. They must take the second result, even if it is lower. This is chosen after the roll, but before the result is revealed.

Rending strikes: The revenant can take a -1 penalty to their AC for one round to deal 2 additional damage on an attack. At a base attack bonus of +4, and every 4 following, the penalty increases by 1 and the damage increases by 2. This damage increases to 3 per increment with two-handed weapons.

Shout: The revenant can choose one basic shout from the gladiator class to use. This is usable once per day, plus one additional time for every 5 levels they possess.

Toughness: The revenant can gain toughness as a bonus feat.

Uncanny dodge: the revenant gains the uncanny dodge feat. This requires 5th level. This can be taken again to gain the improved uncanny dodge ability at 8th level.

Vicious eye: The revenant can gain the effects of an expanded crit range as improved critical or keen as a swift action for a number of rounds equal to their level. This does not stack with the improved critical feat or keen weapon ability. This is usable once per day.


Close quarters: The revenant is a powerful close-quarters warrior, gaining +2 dodge AC to all enemies that are adjacent, and 1 dodge AC against enemies within 20 ft.

Determined resolution: When below half hit points, the revenant gains a +1 sacred bonus to AC. When below 10% hit points, this increases to +2. When below 0 hit points, this increases to +3.

Enduring recovery: When struck below one quarter of their hit points, the revenant can withdraw as a move action. This can only happen once per day. At 8th level and 16th level, the revenant can use this ability once more per day.

Eye for an eye: When an enemy inflicts a condition on the champion, they must make the same save or be afflicted by the same effect. The enemy gains a +2 bonus to this save.

Improved aggression: When an enemy is demoralized by the revenant, they take the same penalty to damage that they take to attack rolls.

Retaliatory evasion: When missed by an attack of opportunity, the great warrior can make an attack of opportunity against them.

Strong landing: Decrease falling damage taken by 1d6, and an additional 1d6 per 50 ft. of falling distance.

Unwavering strength: The great warrior ignores the first 2 points of strength ability damage. This damage is still taken, but their modifier is not lowered by the first two. At 10th level, this increases to 4. At 15th level, this increases to 6.

Corrupt spirit:

Bolstered anguish (Su): +1 damage on weapon attacks for every condition on the revenant. This bonus increases by 1 at 8th and 16th level. The maximum bonus is equal to their charisma modifier.

Claws (Ex): Gain 2 claws as natural weapons. These deal 1d4 damage as medium, 1d6 large. This allows them to take the improved natural attack feat, and this feat is added to the corrupted feats list in the corrupt spirit’s spiritual abilities.

Corrupted touch (Su): When casting an inflict spell, the damage is increased by 50%, and the spells are not limited by level. (Such as, a 9th level revenant with this ability can deal 1d8+9 hit points damage +50% with this talent using inflict light wounds)

Demonic defiance (Ex): The revenant gains resistance 5 to one energy type when not channeling the spirit. This can be taken again, but they must choose a different energy type.

Diabolic inferno (Su): When starting a channel of spirits, the revenant erupts with flame, dealing 1d6 fire damage per 2 levels to adjacent creatures. This effect can only occur once per day, plus one additional time for every five levels they possess.

Rampant Vex (Su): Critical hits curse enemies as the spell bestow curse. They gain a will save against this effect equal to the revenant’s DC 10 + ½ revenant level + charisma modifier. This ability requires 14th level.

Replenishing despair (Ex): When poisoned, ability damaged or drained, the revenant decreases the ability damage or drain they cause by 1. This requires 12th level. At 16th level, they reduce the numbers by 2, and reduce negative levels gained by 1.

Spell Resistance (Ex): The revenant gains 6+CL spell resistance. At 14th level this can be taken again, increasing to 11+CL.

Venom enhancement (Ex): When the revenant uses poisons, the DC increases by 1.


Bolstered rejuvenation: When healed for hit point damage, the revenant gains a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage for one round. For every five levels, the damage increases by 1.

Critical rejuvenation: When dealing a critical hit with a weapon attack, the revenant heals for 1 health. This amount increases by 1 for every four levels the revenant possesses. This requires 11th level.

Disarming riposte: When making an attack of opportunity, the revenant may make a disarm attempt as a swift action. This does still provokes attacks of opportunity as normal if they do not possess the appropriate feats.

Hardened foundation: Gain DR 1/-. This damage reduction increases by 1 for every six levels the revenant possesses.

Healing touch: When casting a spell healing hit point damage, the healing is increased by 50%, and the spells are not limited by level. (Such as, a 9th level revenant with this ability can heal 1d8+9 hit points +50% with this talent using cure light wounds)

Radiant revival: The revenant can use stabilize as a spell-like ability at will. At 10th level, dying allies adjacent to the revenant instantly stabilize.

Renewed abilities: When healed for ability damage or drain, the revenant heals for 1 additional point of ability damage or drain.

Resilient soul: the revenant gains a +2 bonus to saves against ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain. This bonus also applies to saves made to make the drain permanent. This bonus increases to +4 at 10th level, and they have a 25% chance to deny negative levels (each level)

Soothing aura: The revenant gains a residual aura of the spirits when not channeling, granting themselves and allies within 10 ft. a +4 bonus to saves against sickened, nauseated, diseased, and poisoned conditions.

Spiritual regeneration: 3+ their charisma modifier times per day, the revenant may touch an ally as a standard action, healing them for 1d6 health + 1d6 per four levels the revenant possesses.

Vessel of health: Whenever the revenant is healed for hit point damage by a single target ability, adjacent allies are healed for 1 per die that is rolled to heal them.


Elder’s force: Gain a +1 bonus to their armor class as (profane or sacred) for every beneficial magical spell effect on them revenant. (Max: ½ charisma modifier) This requires 8th level.

Enhanced bulwark: When affected by a spell that grants a bonus to AC, the bonus increases by +1. This only applies to one spell at a time.

Envoy of sustenance: When a beneficial magical effect affects the revenant, its duration is increased by one increment. (As in, 1 minute/level increases by 1 minute)

Hardening persistence: The revenant gains 1 natural armor for every condition they have accrued. This requires 10th level or higher.

Shared empowerment: When gaining a benefit of some kind (such as bull’s strength) adjacent allies to the revenant gain the same. This requires 10th level or higher.

Soothing bastion: When using a feat such as bodyguard, saving shield, or the aid another action to increase an ally’s AC, the revenant causes the ally to reduce the damage they take if struck by the revenant’s level.

Swift gale: The revenant’s movement speed increases by 30 ft. for one round when a stun, daze, immobilize, entangle, or paralysis effect ends, or is removed from them.

Scion of the Spirits:

Channel of talent: When not channeling a spirit, the revenant can use one spirit well power to gain a 1d6 bonus to any skill check. If they roll a 6, a beneficial spirit has empowered them further, granting them an additional 1d6.

Cleansing channel: Entering a spiritual channeling removes disease, poisoned, sickened, nauseated, dazed, cursed, frightened.

Cruel repercussion: When the revenant misses an attack, the next attack deals an additional +1 damage as a morale bonus. This bonus increases by 1 for every four levels the revenant possesses.

Empty vessel: When stunned, the revenant can end channeling a spirit in order to end the stun effect.

Ethereal slayer: a number of rounds per day equal to their level, the revenant can, as a swift action, give their weapon the ghost touch ability. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Incensed response: When the revenant gains a morale bonus, it can be taken as a sacred bonus if a morale bonus is already present.

Spiritual weapon mastery: At 3rd level, and every 5 levels thereafter, the revenant chooses one fighter weapon group that is related to a spirit they have communed with. This is subject to DM discretion (such as, the assassin could use light blades, but not heavy blades). They gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls. Every time this ability is gained, the previous weapon groups increase by +1, and the revenant chooses a new fighter weapon group.

Spells: Beginning at 4th level, a revenant gains the ability to cast a small number of divine spells which are drawn from the revenant spell list presented below. A revenant must choose and prepare her spells in advance.

To prepare or cast a spell, a revenant must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a revenant’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the revenant’s Charisma modifier.

Like other spellcasters, a revenant can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table: Revenant. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Charisma score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells). When Table: revenant indicates that the revenant gets 0 spells per day of a given spell level, she gains only the bonus spells she would be entitled to based on her Charisma score for that spell level.

A revenant must spend 1 hour each day in quiet meditation to commune with the spirits to regain her daily allotment of spells. A revenant may prepare and cast any spell on the revenant spell list, provided that she can cast spells of that level, but she must choose which spells to prepare during her daily meditation.

Through 3rd level, a revenant has no caster level. At 4th level and higher, her caster level is equal to her revenant level – 3.

Fragmented soul: At 7th level, the revenant gains a +2 bonus against mind-affecting effects when invoking a spirit. At 14th level, this bonus increases to +4.

Stalwart mind: At 12th level, the revenant is no longer fatigued when ending a spiritual channel.

Spirit’s Devastation: The revenant unlocks the ultimate ability of their spirits, noted in the spirit channel section. In addition, all ability score bonuses granted by channeling a spirit increase by +2.

Revenant spell list

First level:
Bane, barbed chains, cause fear, celestial healing, command, comprehend languages, contact entity I, cure light wounds, deathwatch, detect alignment, detect magic, divine favor, doom, dream feast, embrace destiny, endure elements, entropic shield, forbid action, guardian armor, guidance, haze of dreams, hidden diplomacy, hide from undead, infernal healing, inflict light wounds, know the enemy, light, magic weapon, moment of greatness, murderous command, protection from alignment, ray of sickening, recharge innate magic, remove fear, remove sickness, resistance, stunning barrier, swallow your fear, touch of blindness, touch of truthtelling, unbreakable heart.

Second level:
Abeyance, admonishing ray, aid, air step, align weapon, ancestral communion, ancestral regression, augury, bear’s endurance, bestow weapon proficiency, blessing of courage and life, blessing of luck and resolve, blinding ray, blindness/deafness, bloodbath, boneshaker, blind trust, bull’s strength, burst of radiance, calm emotions, contact entity II, cure moderate wounds, darkness, dark whispers, death knell, delay disease, delay pain, detect magic (greater), eagle’s splendor, effortless armor, endure elements (communal), enthrall, ghostbane dirge, grace, heroic fortune, hold person, inflict moderate wounds, ironskin, make whole, owl’s wisdom, path of glory, protection from alignment (communal), protection from outsiders, remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove disease, remove paralysis, resist energy, restoration (lesser), sense fear, sense madness, share language, shield of fortification, shield other, silence, soothing word, status, touch of mercy, undetectable alignment, zone of truth.

Third level:
Air breathing, align weapon (communal), aura sight, bestow curse, bestow insight, borrow fortune, channel the gift, contact entity III, continual flame, cure serious wounds, damnation, daylight, deadly juggernaut, death ward, deeper darkness, delay poison (communal), detect anxieties, detect desires, discovery torch, dispel magic, disrupt silence, divine illumination, enervation, enter image, final sacrifice, fractions of heal and harm, helping hand, infernal challenger, inflict serious wounds, invisibility purge, life shield, magic circle against alignment, mantle of calm, neutralize poison, obscure object, protection from energy, resist energy (communal), restoration, sacred bond, sadomasochism, sands of time, screaming flames, searing light, see beyond, severed fate, shadowmind, share language (communal), speak with dead, spirit bonds, stunning barrier (greater), water walk, wind wall.

Fourth level:
Absolution, air walk, ancestral gift, ancestral memory, anti-incorporeal shell, aura of doom, battle trance, blessing of fervor, breath of life, celestial healing (greater), conditional curse, contact entity IV, cure critical wounds, dismissal, divination, enchantment foil, false future, fortell failure, freedom of movement, ghostbane dirge (mass), glimpse of truth, infernal healing (greater), inflict critical wounds, magic weapon (greater), majestic image, path of glory (greater), protection from energy (communal), raise dead, rest eternal, restoration (greater), sending, shield of fortification (greater), speak with haunt, spiritual ally, tongues, water walk (communal).


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