Welcome to Dungeons and Homebrews!

Welcome! I'm currently running a campaign based on the Into Exile setting I've created, as well as The Fourteen Virtues. I love creating content for tabletop games, and I decided to create a blog to showcase what I've made--at least, a small portion of it. In this featured post, I'll be posting links to my custom classes/races and game sessions, to make things easy. Feel free to browse, and ask questions if needed! Image credit: Kan Liu I find class and race creation both fun and entertaining, and I hope they'll be fun to play for both my players and any others willing to give them a try! Some are inspired by World of Warcraft, others, pathfinder classes that already exist, some that are based on the world of Guild Wars 1 and 2, and finally, the ones I made purely from my own imagination. Homebrew Settings (5e) Into Exile - The setting of Khastra, its curse, and its prominent deities which guide their citizens when the arcane powers of the world vanished ...