
Welcome to Dungeons and Homebrews!

Welcome! I'm currently running a campaign based on the Into Exile setting I've created, as well as The Fourteen Virtues.  I love creating content for tabletop games, and I decided to create a blog to showcase what I've made--at least, a small portion of it.  In this featured post, I'll be posting links to my custom classes/races and game sessions, to make things easy. Feel free to browse, and ask questions if needed! Image credit: Kan Liu I find class and race creation both fun and entertaining, and I hope they'll be fun to play for both my players and any others willing to give them a try! Some are inspired by World of Warcraft, others, pathfinder classes that already exist, some that are based on the world of Guild Wars 1 and 2, and finally, the ones I made purely from my own imagination. Homebrew Settings (5e) Into Exile - The setting of Khastra, its curse, and its prominent deities which guide their citizens when the arcane powers of the world vanished ...

D&D 5e Setting - The Fourteen Virtues (The Land of Himitsu)

 Hi everyone, here is another setting I've been working on. It's eastern-themed, with fourteen clans that are named after the fourteen virtues listed in the document, whom combat the seven deadly sins. I'll include more info soon enough, like characters and whatnot, if people are interested.

D&D 5e Setting Elements - Into Exile (The Curse of Khastra)

 Hi everyone! I have a setting to share with you today. This is one where a the medieval age has recently given rise to magitek - 50 years after arcane magic vanished from the world. Since then, worship has heavily turned to deities and divine magic - resembled by backgrounds being replaced by deities, which supply the same features. With it, comes a curse - which comes with its own issues.  Since my campaign is still ongoing, I'm avoiding posting anything specific, such as towns, creatures, or secrets.  One day, I will - when the campaign finishes. However, it's gone from level 1 to 10 so far, and there's still much to go.

5e homebrew class - The Priestess

 An updated priest(ess) class. They're a divine scholar which discover ancient spells and power through their studies, rather than raw worship of deities. At first level they have a divine vocation, a focus of their studies, which guides their path. This is probably the class I've spent the most work on - it has 10 specializations, two archetypes, and a few of them have been well-tested. Let me know what you think! It's a homebrewery link, so remember to use chrome!

5e Homebrew Class - The Gambler

 Another 5e class - it's a minor change-up of the bard, using card draws and luck to see what kind of support they bring to the table. With a Divination Bard on your side, it's always a good time. Let me know what you think! Once again, it's a homebrewery link, so make sure you use chrome for it.

5e Homebrew Class - The Brawler

 A friend of mine was trying to find something he wanted to play, and really wanted a strong fistfighting character that had the power of a monk, the feel of a barbarian, and the versatility of the fighter. However, they didn't want mystic aspects (like ki) and didn't want to jump around multiclassing. This took me a few hours, but I hope you guys like it. It's untested, however. It's been awhile since my last post, mostly because I got a little more focused on other writing, and kept my homebrew stuff to myself. Don't get me wrong, I homebrew constantly. I use the homebrewery - be sure to use google chrome for it, as firefox doesn't view these properly.

5e Homebrew Class - Priest/Priestess

Priestess The priestess is a divine caster that devotes their life to studying the history of deities and divine magic. Through their work, they discover their calling through a type of divinity, and unlock the secrets that are hidden in old tomes. They discover ancient words of power which allow them to perform powerful rituals and acts that make them a powerful ally, or devastating foe. While more vulnerable than their stalwart relative, the cleric, their spells and abilities make up for their physical prowess--depending on their calling.  Priestess leveling table Level Proficiency Bonus Special Cantrips Known 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Power Words 1 +2 Spellcasting, Divine Vocation 1 2 - - - - - - - - - 2 +2 Power...