
Showing posts from February, 2018

Custom Pathfinder Class: Guardian (paladin archetype)

Hey guys! This is a paladin archetype based on the guardian from guild wars 2. It's a public one! I'll be posting the red mage on the 24th for my patreon , and a couple of racial templates before the end of the month as a bonus! If interested, check the schedule post for march to see what's public, and what'll be for patrons only. I changed some of the virtue names (such as, virtue of justice is called virtue of zeal, here) and changed what they do (aka, virtue of courage doesn't grant aegis or block, but it acts more like the aura of courage of pathfinder, making the paladin immune to fears/granting new fear saves to allies on activation). I feel like I did maintain the flavour of the class, while maintaining it as a paladin archetype. I replaced the auras with virtues, mercies and lay on hands with judge and judgements (some of the utility skills in gw2), and i removed channel positive energy (due to virtue of mercy aka virtue of resolve from gw2). I also...