Custom Pathfinder Class: Dervish

Magnus, son of Magnus, son of Magnus, is a Dervish. It is a class I made based on the Dervish from Guild Wars: Nightfall expansion, and I used pathfinder concepts from the monk, cleric, and inquisitor for this one. Hope you like it! :)


Image credit: Arenanet/Ncsoft

These divine warriors are fueled by the power of the gods. Through their worship, they gain sacred bonuses and enchantments which bolster their defenses. Through giving up these boons, they can gain even more powerful abilities.

Alignment: Within one step of their worshipped deity.

Hit die: d8.

Class Skills: Acrobatics, diplomacy, disguise, heal, knowledge (arcana, history, planes, religion), linguistics, perception, perform (dance), sense motive, spellcraft, use magic device.

Skill ranks per level: 4+int modifier.
Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
AC Bonus
Enchantments, divine power, domain, Dervish strike
Fighting stance
Brute or Deft, dervish strike
Enchantments, Spells
Dervish strike, Mystic weapons
Fighting stance, Mystic regeneration
Enchantments, Dervish strike
Evasion, Conviction
Dervish strike
Enchantments, Fighting stance
Dervish strike
Consume enchantments
Enchantments, Dervish strike
Fighting stance, improved evasion
Dervish strike
Dervish strike
Fighting stance
Enchantments, Dervish strike
Divine form

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dervishes are not proficient with armor, but are proficient with all simple weapons, their deity’s favoured weapon, as well as the kukri, gladius, starknife, nine-ring broadsword, falchion, naginata, scythe, nodachi, chakram, kama, double-chained kama, fighting fan, sai, falcata, temple sword, elven curve blade, kusarigama, and seven-branched sword.

When wearing armor or using a shield, the dervish loses their sacred/profane AC bonus.

AC bonus (Su): A dervish’s worship grants them a sacred bonus to AC equal to their charisma modifier. This bonus increases by +1 at fourth level, and increases again by +1 every four levels to a maximum of +5 at 20th level. This bonus is lost when the dervish is paralyzed or helpless, wearing armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load.

Domain (Su): The dervish is enhanced by their faith in their deity, and choose one domain to empower them. This domain must belong to their deity. As certain levels, the dervish gains certain powers associated with each domain. (See Below)

Divine power (Su): Dervishes gain access to a pool of divine power. This is a pool of energy which they may expend to accomplish tasks beyond that of mortal energies. Dervishes start with a pool of divine power equal to their Charisma modifier. This pool can be replenished in various ways.

Critical strike against a foe: The dervish replenishes 1 divine power when they confirm a critical strike against an enemy.

Knock out of killing blow: The dervish replenishes 1 divine power when they take a foe below 0 hit points, knocking them unconscious, or if they land the killing blow. 

Using a dervish strike: Successfully striking an enemy with a dervish strike replenishes one divine power.

Enchantments (Su): The dervish forsakes their use of magic for their unique enchantments. The fundamental ability of the dervish is to create enchantments, both beneficial and detrimental. Not only are their enchantments powerful in and of themselves, but if ended, they can be even more deadly. When using a dervish strike (See dervish strike, below), some end an enchantment either on themselves or one they placed on an enemy early in order to evoke an effect. At first level, and every 3 levels thereafter, the dervish gains access to a new set of enchantments. Dervishes consume one divine power to use an enchantment.

Any number of enchantments can be dismissed without the use of a dervish strike as a free action, and are not removed when the dervish is knocked unconscious or killed.

Unless specified otherwise, using an enchantment is a move action, last a number of rounds equal to their level, and have a 30 ft. range. Only one enchantment can be used in a round, even if they have the actions to do so.

Note: these are not enchantment effects in RAW, just in name.

Enchantments can be placed on themselves, or another ally. This excludes aura-based abilities, which are centered on the dervish.

1st level or later:
Featherfoot grace: The target gains a +30 ft. sacred bonus to their movement speed. This bonus increases by 10 ft. for every four levels the dervish possesses. This is a swift action.

Skillful grace: The chosen ally gains a bonus 1d6 on their skill checks. If removed early, the dervish can gain a +10 sacred bonus on one skill check, either as a free or immediate action, if able.

Gaze of the gods: The dervish can enchant themselves with the eyes of a deity. When they focus their gaze on a single enemy as a swift action, the enemy makes a will save or be shaken for 1d4 rounds. If this enchantment is removed, all enemies within 30 ft. must make a will save or be shaken for a number of rounds equal to the dervish’s level.

Imbue health: Acts as the spell cure minor wounds. At 5th level, it acts as cure moderate wounds. This is a standard action.

Empower enchantments: The dervish focuses their deity’s power as a move action, extending all enchantments present on themselves and other targets within 60 ft. by 1 round. This does not cost divine power, but this can be used as a swift action by spending one divine power.

Aura of bravery: This enchantment grants the dervish a 10 ft. aura that grants them and allies within 10 ft. a +4 bonus to saves against fear effects, and a +1 to their attack bonus, and 1 lower penalty to AC on a charge started within the aura. This aura lasts a number of minutes equal to the dervish’s level. If this aura is removed, the dervish takes no penalty on their next charge within 1 minute.

5th level or later:

Self-preservation: The dervish heals themselves for 1d6 health as a swift action, plus 1d6 for every three levels they possess.

Shield of mighty force: The dervish glows with a mystical white veil over their skin. They gain a shield temporary hit points equal to their level + their charisma modifier. These hit points guard against melee weapon attacks, and when removed, the mystical veil shatters and all adjacent creatures make a reflex save. If they fail, they are knocked prone. The enemy that shattered the shield takes a -2 penalty to their save.

Vow of strength: The target gains base weapon damage to adjacent foes to the one they hit. If using the cleave feat, the rule still applies, and works on the next with the damage on the previous one hit. (Such as, you normally do 1d8+4 damage, and the adjacent enemies take the 1d8, but not the +4.)

Vital boon: Gain a +4 sacred bonus to constitution. When this ends, the health is lost. If it is removed early, the health is not lost (unless above normal maximum), and they gain a +2 bonus to fortitude saves for one round.

Vow of pain: Cause an enemy within 30 ft. to bleed for 1d6 damage per round until healed (fort save initial negates). This damage increases by 1d6 at 8th and 16th level.

Mist cloak: Swirl a mystical divine mist around the target, granting them partial concealment. If ended early, the enchanted target gains total concealment for one round, and all adjacent enemies mist make a will save or be blinded for one round.

7th level or later:

Soulbane: Targeting an enemy within 60 ft., the dervish curses them, giving them a -2 penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, and saving throws. (Will save). This is a mind-affecting effect.

Aura of thorns: Enemies within 10 ft. of the dervish bleed for half the dervish’s level per round in the aura. They gain a fortitude save to negate the bleeding each round. When the aura ends, the wounds heal. If ended early, all enemies affected make a fortitude save or be nauseated for 1d4 rounds. Those that save are sickened for the same duration. This is a standard action.

Aura of weakness: For a number of rounds equal to the dervish’s level, Enemies within 10 ft. of the dervish deal minimum damage on all attacks, spells, and abilities. (will negates each round). If ended early, the dervish deals maximum damage on attacks and spells for one round. This is a mind-affecting effect. This is a standard action.

Armor of sanctity: The dervish staggers all enemies within 30 ft. of them (will save) for one round. All allies within the radius (not the dervish) gain +2 sacred AC. This bonus to armor class increases by 1 at 10th and 15th level. If ended early, the allies gain the same bonus to all saves as morale for one round. This is a standard action.

Mystic vigor: Grant a target a +2 sacred bonus to their strength score, and a +10 sacred bonus to their movement speed for a number of minutes equal to the dervish’s level. This bonus increases to +4 at 10th level. If this enchantment is removed, the bonus is doubled for one round. This is a move action.

Aura of Awe: the dervish gains an aura that represents the power of the gods, forcing creatures within 10 ft. to make a will save. If they fail, they cannot move within the aura. If the creature is undead, they flee, as if affected by turn undead. This enchantment can only be used on themselves. This is a standard action.

11th level or later:

Greater imbue health: Acts as cure serious wounds. At 15th level, it acts as cure critical wounds.

Mystic healing: Acts as cure mass light wounds. At 15th level, it acts as cure mass moderate wounds. This is a standard action.

Attacker’s insight: The target gains an insight bonus to their AC equal to half the dervish’s charisma modifier. If ended early, the target gains the insight bonus to their attack rolls for 1 round.

Fleeting stability: The target gains a +4 bonus to CMD against trip, overrun, and bull rush. This lasts 1 minute per level, or until one of the specified combat maneuvers are resisted. When it is, they may counter with the same as an immediate action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. This is a move action.

Aura of befuddlement: For a number of rounds equal to the dervish’s level, they gain an aura out to 20 ft. that decrease the DC of enemy spells, SLAs, and supernatural abilities by 4. If they save, the effect persists for one round. If ended early, those affected are dazed for one round. (no save) This enchantment can instead be inflicted upon a single enemy within 60 ft. This is a mind-affecting effect, and a standard action.

Divine strikes: The dervish’s melee attacks deal divine energy damage.

13th level or later:

Veil of magic: Grant a target with spell resistance equal to 11 + dervish level. If a spell is resisted, the caster is staggered for one round (will save) If the enchantment ends early (before the resist trigger) they gain a +2 sacred bonus to their saving throws for the remaining duration.

Dispelling strikes: The target’s first weapon attack per round casts dispel magic. This dispel check uses the dervish’s caster level. If ended early, the next attack made by them acts as greater dispel magic. This is a move action.

Aura of divine power: The dervish, as well as allies within 10 ft., gain either the holy, unholy, anarchic, or axiomatic enchantment for a number of rounds equal to the dervish’s level, depending on the alignment of the dervish. If they embody two of the principles, they must choose one as they cast the enchantment. If ended early, the dervish gains a bonus equal to their level to their next weapon damage roll.

Dervish’s curse: Enemy has a 50% chance to lose their action (will negates) for a number of rounds equal to their level. This is a curse effect. A successful will save reduces this to one round.

Aura of balance: Gain an aura of 10 ft. for a number of rounds equal to their level that increases the CMD of allies by 1 per three levels of the dervish. Enemies within the aura must make a will save the first time within, or take a the same bonus as a penalty to their CMD. If ended early, the dervish lets out a shockwave of divine energy, forcing all enemies within 30 ft. to make the save as or fall prone.

Defender’s boon: The target gains DR 5/-. If this enchantment is removed, this bonus is doubled for one round.

16th level or later:

Onslaught: The dervish acts as if they have the haste spell, and deal additional damage on weapon attacks equal to their charisma modifier. When they kill an enemy, stun, paralyze, or knock one unconscious, the duration is renewed. If ended early, the dervish can make one additional attack the following round, even if they make a standard attack.

Watchful intervention: This can only be placed on the dervish. If an ally within the dervish’s movement speed range is reduced below 0 hit points, the dervish dashes to them as an immediate action, and heals them as if using the breath of life spell. This is a move action.

Necrotic grasp: The dervish’s attacks transfer conditions they are afflicted with (randomly) to enemies, with their save as the DC. This is a move action.

Bonds of agony: Divine bonds wrap around the necks of enemies that come within 20 ft of the dervish. They may make a reflex save to avoid the bonds. If they pass, they are entangled for 1 round per level of the dervish. If they fail, they are helpless, writhing in agony. They take the dervish’s level in damage as long as the bonds persist. After becoming attached, the dervish can command the bonds to dissipate as a free action from an individual.

19th level or later:
Vow of silence: Spells with verbal components cannot target the dervish for a number of rounds equal to the dervish’s level. If ended early, the dervish is shrouded in mystifying light, granting them total concealment for one round.

Greater mystic healing: This enchantment acts as mass cure serious wounds. They can instead use this on a single ally, acting as the heal spell.

Guiding hands: The target’s attacks (up to a maximum equal to the dervish’s charisma modifier) are against touch AC. Initial effect: cures blindness, deafness, entangle, confusion, insanity, daze, stun, paralysis, shaken, frightened, panicked. If ended early, They deal damage on the next attack with a bonus equal to the dervish’s level.

Dervish strike (Ex): The dervish can use dervish strikes to make deadly strikes up close or at a distance, and can also end an enchantment to evoke a desired effect. They gain two at first level, and one every two levels thereafter. Using a dervish strike is a standard action, unless it uses an attack of opportunity, or stated otherwise. They can use these strikes a number of times per day equal to their level. Successfully striking an enemy with a dervish strike replenishes one divine power.

1st level or later:

Eremite’s attack: Make a regular melee attack. (Or during a full attack) this attack deals an additional 2 damage, plus 1 for every four levels the dervish possesses. If an enchantment is removed, and this attack deals 50% extra damage. This does not multiply bonus dice (such as flaming, shock, holy, etc.)

Dervish cleave: Acts as the cleave feat, but take no penalty to AC. If an enchantment is removed, the dervish can cleave back to hit the original enemy once more. This ability doesn’t trigger off its own attacks.

Faithbound assault: If an enemy spellcaster is making a concentration check and passes, the dervish may make an attack of opportunity before the spell is cast. If they hit, the caster must make a fortitude save or the spell is lost.

Crippling sweep: Make a melee attack. On hit, the enemy’s movement speed is halved for one round. If an enchantment is removed, they are immobilized for one round, and their speed is halved for a number of rounds equal to the dervish’s level.

5th level or later:

Pious assault: Make a melee attack with +1 bonus to the attack roll. This bonus increases by +1 for every 6 levels the dervish possesses. If an enchantment is removed, they gain a second attack with the same bonus. If the dervish has additional attacks (if they were making a full attack) they may use these attacks if they remove additional enchantments, at the respective attack bonus.

Radiant strike: Make a melee attack, and cause a burst of light as the spell daylight to explode from the enemy’s square for 1d4 rounds. If an enchantment is removed, heal for the damage done, and the enemy is blinded for the duration (fortitude save)

Reap impurities: Make a melee attack. The strike grants the dervish a new save against a condition they are suffering. If an enchantment is removed, they roll twice and take the higher result at a +2 bonus. This cleanses: one of sickened, fatigued, diseased, shaken, At level 10, remove poisoned, staggered, cursed, exhausted.

Twin moon sweep: Make a melee attack that fakes out the enemy, making the attack against flat-footed AC. If an enchantment is removed, attack again against flat-footed AC. The dervish may use cleave and whirlwind attack for this attack.

9th level or later:

Aura slicer: Make a melee attack, and reduce the enemy’s AC by 1 (will save) for a number of rounds equal to the dervish’s charisma modifier. This penalty increases by 1 per 6 levels the dervish possesses. If an enchantment is removed, the penalty is increased to 1 per 5 levels, and the enemy is staggered for one round (no save). If the enemy has an aura opposite to your alignment, they are stunned for one round.

Rending sweep: The dervish makes two melee attacks at their highest base attack bonus. If they hit, your weapon rips into the enemy and deals excessive damage, dealing weapon damage an additional time with 1.5x strength mod (x2 with 2 hander). If an enchant is removed, the target begins bleeding for the dervish’s charisma modifier in damage.

Disorienting strike: The dervish makes a melee attack and dazes the foe for a one round. (fort save). If an enchantment is removed, all adjacent foes must make the save or be demoralized, and the main foe is dazed without a save.

Divine rage: The dervish strikes with the rage of their deity, dealing damage as if they have the flame burst enchantment, except the damage is divine fire. If an enchantment is removed, the enemy is ignited, burning for 1d6 divine fire damage for a number of rounds equal to the dervish’s level. The enemy must take a full-round action to put the flames out.

13th level or later:

Wearying strike: Make a melee attack, and rip at the enemy’s tendons of muscles, dealing either 1d4 strength of dexterity damage. If an enchantment is removed, deal 1d4 con damage instead. (fort halves, minimum 1)

Reaper’s sweep: Make a melee attack. On hit, the enemy takes one negative level (fortitude halves, minimum 0). If an enchantment is removed, this becomes 1d4 negative levels.

Victorious sweep: When you kill an enemy or knock them unconscious with this attack, you instantly strike all other foes adjacent to you with a bonus attack equal to ½ your charisma modifier. Enchantment removal: Deal an additional damage equal to the dervish’s charisma modifier. If an enemy is not killed or knocked unconscious, this attack has no additional effect.

Banishing strike: Make a melee attack as a standard action. This attack deals double damage to outsiders and summoned creatures. If an enchantment is removed, they are subject to the banishment spell, using the dervish’s charisma modifier for the DC. If this attack critically hits an outsider or summoned creature, the damage is additive, not multiplicative (x2 crit is triple damage, not quadruple)

15th level or later:

Devastating strike: Make a single melee attack as appropriate with vital strike (or the highest vital strike feat taken). If an enchantment is removed, add weapon enhancement bonus and strength (or dexterity, if chosen for deft of brute) modifier for the number of dice multiplied.

Revenge: The dervish puts all their focus into their ability to counter, and take a defensive position (full defense). If the dervish is attacked by a weapon or a spell from an enemy that is within their attack range, they immediately counter it with an attack whether they hit or not. If an enchantment is removed when using this ability, they can continue countering for every attack for the round, not just the first.

Rain of light: Make a whirlwind attack as a full round action, and become a beacon of light as the daylight spell. All enemies hit take weapon damage. If an enchantment is removed, heal all allies within 20 ft. (including yourself) by the same.

20th level:

God’s strike: The dervish puts all the power of their enchantments into one strike. For every enchantment on them, they deal their charisma modifier in damage. For every enchant they remove, deal additional damage equal to their level. This is a full-round action.

Paralyzing sweep: As a full round action, the dervish can do a whirlwind attack, and each target hit must make a will save or be paralyzed.

Fighting stance (Ex): At 2nd level, when offering prayers to their deity (while regaining spells), they focus on one portion of their abilities. This gives them a stance to focus in combat, and cannot be switched until the dervish spends 10 minutes in meditative prayer.

Pious haste: The dervish’s base speed improves by 10 ft. This bonus increases by 5 ft. for every 5 levels they possess. This does not stack with featherfoot grace.

Pious fury: The dervish gains a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls. This bonus increases by 1 for every 10 levels the dervish possesses.

Pious might: When making a single attack, the dervish deals additional damage equal to their charisma modifier. This bonus is increased by 1.5x when wielding a 2-handed weapon.

Pious resolve: The dervish gains a +1 sacred bonus to all saving throws. This bonus increases by +1 for every 10 levels the dervish has, up to a maximum of their charisma modifier.

Pious awareness: The dervish gains a +1 insight bonus to their AC. This bonus increases by +1 for every 10 levels the dervish possesses.

Brute or Deft (Ex): At third level, the dervish can choose to make melee attack and damage rolls with either their dexterity modifier or strength modifier This stat must be used for both, they cannot be mixed (i.e. using dexterity for attack, strength for damage). When wielding a two-handed weapon, the 1.5x damage only applies to strength.

Spells: Beginning at 4th level, a dervish gains the ability to cast a small number of divine spells which are drawn from the dervish spell list presented at the bottom of the document. A dervish must choose and prepare her spells in advance.

To prepare or cast a spell, a dervish must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a dervish's spell is 10 + the spell level + the dervish's Charisma modifier.

Like other spellcasters, a dervish can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given in the same numbers as paladins (see paladin class table). In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Charisma score. When the table indicates that the dervish gets 0 spells per day of a given spell level, she gains only the bonus spells she would be entitled to based on her Charisma score for that spell level.

A dervish must spend 1 hour each day in quiet prayer and meditation to regain her daily allotment of spells. A dervish may prepare and cast any spell on the dervish spell list, provided that she can cast spells of that level, but she must choose which spells to prepare during her daily meditation.

Through 3rd level, a dervish has no caster level. At 4th level and higher, her caster level is equal to her dervish level – 3.

Mystic weapons (Su): At 5th level, the dervish asks their deity for divine might in their attacks when they prepare their spells at the beginning of the day. If the dervish is enchanted, they gain a +1 enhancement bonus to any weapon they wield, even if it is not magical. For every 3 levels following, this bonus increases by an additional +1 to a maximum of +6 at 20th level. This bonus is chosen at the first time the weapon is activated. The dervish can choose additional abilities to add to their weapon as long as it has at least a +1 enhancement bonus. This cannot take a weapon above a +5 enhancement bonus.

The dervish may add the following abilities to their weapon: Allying, Bane, countering, defending, guardian, keen, mighty cleaving, valiant, defiant, disruption, glorious, greyflame, invigorating, lifesurge, speed, brilliant energy, and vorpal. If the user is Lawful, they may add axiomatic. If the user is chaotic, they may choose anarchic. If the user is good, they may choose holy, and if they are evil, they can choose unholy.

The dervish can spend one divine power to gain this enhancement bonus for 1 minute.

Mystic regeneration (Su): As long as the dervish has one divine power, they (and any ally enchanted within 100 ft.) gain fast healing 1 for each enchantment on you (or them) at the beginning of their turn in combat.

Conviction (Ex): At 8th level, the dervish gains 1 DR/- for every two levels they possess, and fast healing equal to half their level when they suffer from one of the following: shaken, frightened, panicked, diseased, poisoned, dazed, stunned, cursed, sickened, nauseated. If they are paralyzed, they gain a +4 bonus to saves against coup de grace attempts, and fast healing equal to their level.

Consume enchantments (Su): The dervish can heal their CL for each enchantments they consume. This is a standard action. They can consume a number of enchantments equal to their charisma modifier. The enchantments do not gain their end effects if they are consumed in this way.

Divine form (Su): At 20th level, the dervish may change into a form resembling their god, and their alignment. They must choose one form, and it will stay with them for life. They can use this form a number of times per day equal to their charisma modifier. It lasts for a number of rounds equal to the same.

Good: You gain 10 DR/evil, Attacks count as good, silver, cold iron, and adamantine, you can choose to increase in size by one category, and all enchantments do not lose duration while the form is active. Your attacks gain the holy special ability automatically. You also gain a +2 sacred bonus to all saves while in this form.

Law: You gain 10 DR/chaotic, Attacks count as lawful, silver, cold iron, and adamantine, you can choose to increase in size by one category, and all enchantments do not lose duration while the form is active. Your attacks gain the axiomatic special ability automatically. You also gain a +2 sacred bonus to all saves while in this form.

Neutral: You gain 5 DR/-, Attacks penetrate 5 DR of all kinds (except epic), you can choose to increase in size by one category, and all enchantments do not lose duration while the form is active. Your attacks gain an additional +2 enhancement bonus. You also gain a +2 sacred or profane bonus (choose) to all saves while in this form.

Chaos: You gain 10 DR/lawful, Attacks count as chaotic, silver, cold iron, and adamantine, you can choose to increase in size by one category, and all enchantments do not lose duration while the form is active. Your attacks gain the anarchic special ability automatically. You also gain a +2 profane bonus to all saves while in this form.

Evil: You gain 10 DR/good, Attacks count as evil, silver, cold iron, and adamantine, you can choose to increase in size by one category, and all enchantments do not lose duration while the form is active. Your attacks gain the unholy special ability automatically. You also gain a +2 profane bonus to all saves while in this form.


1: Powerful winds (Ex): Your strikes unsteady the enemy, and you gain a +1 to all trip and bull rush attempts. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 levels the dervish has.

10: Wind thrust (Su): You swish the region in front of you, dealing weapon damage to all (3 squares for medium, 4 for large) and initiating a free bull rush attempt. If successful, they must make a reflex save, and fall prone upon failing it. At 15th level, the squares directly behind the front are also affected and you gain a +2 bonus to your attempt and the DC.

20: Whirlwind of death (Su): You swing around in a whirlwind, dealing weapon damage to all enemies within 5 ft more than your normal reach.

1: Ferocious roar (Ex): You channel the power of animals, roaring wildly. Enemies within 30 ft. that can see or hear the dervish make a will save or be shaken. At 9th level, they are frightened. At 17th level, they are panicked.

10: Pounce (Ex): You grow feral in your battle tactics, and gain the pounce ability.

20: shapeshift (sp): You gain the shapeshift ability once per day, and you gain your charisma modifier to natural armor.

1: Artificer’s touch (Sp): You can use the spell mending at will, and can deal damage to constructs dealing 1d6+2 levels, and bypass hardness and DR on constructs equal to your dervish level.

10: Dancing weapons (Su): You can give a touched weapon the dancing special quality for 4 rounds. You can use this ability once per day, plus one per four levels following.

20: Turn construct (Su): Once per week, the dervish can touch a construct and control it permanently. This effect can not be on more than one construct at one time. The check is a caster level check equal to DC 10+the level of the caster who activated or forged it. This does not work on an inactive contruct.

1: Touch of Chaos (Sp): You can imbue a target with chaos as a melee touch attack. For the next round, anytime the target rolls a d20, he must roll twice and take the less favorable result. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your charisma modifier. If you use a dervish strike while this debuff is active, The target must roll three times and take the lowest result.

10 Chaos Blade (Su): At 8th level, you can give a weapon touched the anarchic special weapon quality for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your dervish level. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level, and an additional time per day for every four levels beyond 8th. If you use a dervish strike and dispel this ability, your weapon is deals an additional 2d6 to lawful characters for that attack alone. Above level 15, 4d6.

20: Aura of Chaos (Su): You emit pure chaos. All chaotic allies within 10 ft. gain +2 to all attacks, saves and damage, and all lawful characters take a -2 penalty on theirs.

1: Fascinating dance (Su): The dervish does an alluring dance, causing all characters within 30 ft. who can see the dervish are fascinated for 2d4 rounds. (will save) This can be used 1+CHA modifier per day.

10: Charming Smile (Sp): At 8th level, you can cast charm person as a swift action, with a DC of 10 + 1/2 your dervish level + your Charisma modifier. You can only have one creature charmed in this way at a time. The total number of rounds of this effect per day is equal to your cleric level. The rounds do not need to be consecutive, and you can dismiss the charm at any time as a free action. Each attempt to use this ability consumes 1 round of its duration, whether or not the creature succeeds on its save to resist the effect. If the foe is hit with a dervish strike, they are dazed for one round (fortitude save)

20: Alluring presence: Enchanetment. Anyone who is within 10 ft of the dervish first must make a will save or be dominated. If the effect is dispelled with a dervish strike, the enemy strikes themselves with whatever means they can for one round.

1: Diplomatic: You gain a +1 bonus on diplomacy and knowledge checks to gather information. This bonus increases by 1 per four dervish levels you possess.

10: Communal strike: When the Dervish uses a dervish strike to dispel an enchantment, the benefit (if beneficial) is given to all allies within 10 ft. This can be used 3+CHA per day.

20: Grand enchanter/enchantress: When giving yourself an enchantment (required 15 and below), all allies within 20 ft. gain the same. However, they cannot dispel it for the secondary effect.

1: Darkvision: You see 60 ft. in darkness. At 7th level, you gain 120 ft. darkvision. At 13th level, you gain the see in darkness ability.

10: Strike from the dark: While in darkness, the dervish gains a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage per 5 levels they possess.

20 See in darkness: You gain the see in darkness ability. In addition, While in darkness, You gain partial concealment even to those with see in darkness.

1: Resist death (Ex): You gain a +1 bonus to will saves from negative energy, energy drain and ability drain. This increases by 1 per four levels the dervish possesses.

10: Energy drain (Su): You can drain a target’s energy, dealing 1d4 negative levels. This can be used once per day, plus one additional time at 15th and 20th level.

20: Umbral scion (Su): Enchantment. The target absorbs negative energy, and gain a +1 bonus to attack, damage, saves, and 5 hit points for every negative level dealt to them (max +5).

1: Destructive strikes (Ex): Your attacks are especially deadly. You gain +1 damage to all attacks, plus 1 for every five levels the dervish possesses. When dispelling a dervish enchantment, you gain double the bonus on attacks for one attack.

10: Destructive aura (Su): When you dispel an enchantment, you give your normal bonus (not the improved) to all allies within 30 ft. for 1 round.

20: Meteor (Su): You summon great destruction from the skies. A meteor will crash in a spot you determine in five rounds, dealing 1d6 damage per level in a 30 ft. radius area. This can be used once per day.

1: Sand shards: Whenever you hit foes with your weapon, deal 1d4 additional slashing damage from shards spraying from it. If ended early, deal 1d6+CHA to all adjacent enemies.

10: Corrosive strikes: As a swift action, the dervish’s weapon gains the corrosive and corrosive burst enchantments for CHA rounds. If they use a dervish strike to dispel the enchantment, They deal double the acid damage the dervish strike would deal normally.

20 Acid nova: With a whirl of her blade, the dervish spreads acid damage equal to 10d6 (ref half). Fail or not, the ground below is coated with acid. This acid deals 2d6 damage per round whenever it is stood in.

1: Sickness (Su): As an enchantment, the dervish can sicken the enemy. When this enchantment is removed, they take 1d4 dex damage (fort save) At 10th level, this can be dispelled for strength damage. At 15th level, con damage.

10: Evil blade (Su): You can give a weapon touched the unholy special weapon quality for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your dervish level. You can use this ability once per day at 10th level, and an additional time per day for every four levels beyond 10th. If you use a dervish strike and dispel this ability, your weapon is deals an additional 2d6 to good characters for that attack alone. Above level 15, 4d6.

20: Malevolence incarnate (Ex): every time the dervish kills a helpless enemy, an innocent, or in cold blood, they gain a +1 bonus to their attacks, damage, and saves for 1 day, up to their charisma modifier.

1 Fire resist (Su): Enchantment. Gain fire resistance 5, at level 5, 10, at level 10, 20, at level 20, immunity. If ended early, they deal fire damage to an enemy in their next attack equal to their resistance. immunity counts as 20.

10: Flaming strikes (Su): Enchantment. As a swift action, the dervish’s weapon gains the flaming and fiery burst enchantments. If they use a dervish strike to dispel the enchantment, They deal double the fire damage the dervish strike would deal normally and have them burn for an additional 2 rounds for 1d6.

20: Fiery rage (Su): A nova of fire bursts from you, inflicting 2d10 fire damage to all individuals within 10 feet, dealing the same over CHA rounds. As long as an enemy is within 20 feet of you, you gain +1 attack and damage from each. The fire takes a full round to put out.

1: Boon of Battle (Su): Enchantment. One ally gains a +1 bonus to their attack and damage for every strike they deal, up to a maximum equal to their level.

10: Death or glory (Ex): The dervish gains the death or glory feat, except their bonus is 2 higher. For every size category the enemy is higher, their bonus increases by an additional +2.

20: Undefeatable (Ex): When reduced to hit points that would normally kill the dervish, their need to have their glory of battle surges them with life as their deity intervenes, allowing the character to act immediately. They are healed to 1 hit point, and they are granted DR 10/-, and a bonus to their attacks, damage, and saves equal to their charisma modifier for the round.

1: Touch of Good (Sp): You can touch a creature as a standard action, granting a sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws equal to half your dervish level (minimum 1) for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your charisma modifier.

10: Holy Lance (Su): You can give a person you touch the holy special weapon quality (for any weapon they wield during the duration, including unarmed) for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your dervish level. You can use this ability once per day at 10th level, and an additional time per day for every five levels beyond 10th.

20: Aura of Good: You emit pure order. All good allies within 10 ft. gain +2 to all attacks, saves and damage, and all evil characters take a -2 penalty on theirs.

1: Channel (Su): They gain the channel energy ability. as cleric, based on their alignment, They can use this 1+CHA per day.

10:  Pious restoration (Sp): Acts as the restoration spell. This can be used once per day as a standard action.

20: True resurrection (Sp): The dervish gains the true resurrection spell. This cannot be used more than once per week.

1: Enhanced memory (Su): EnchantmentThe dervish can enchant themselves to gain a +1 bonus on all knowledge checks, and make them untrained. This bonus increases by 1 for every four levels they possess.

10: Perfect memory (Ex): The dervish can take 20 immediately on one knowledge check in a day.

20: Discover weakness (Ex): When using a knowledge skill to identify a hostile creature’s weakness and get over 25, they gain a +5 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls until the creature is dead.

1: Touch of Law (Sp): You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, infusing it with the power of divine order and allowing it to treat all attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 round as if the natural d20 roll resulted in an 11. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

10 Chaos Blade (Su): Enchantment. You can give a weapon touched the anarchic special weapon quality for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your dervish level. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level, and an additional time per day for every four levels beyond 8th. If you use a dervish strike and dispel this ability, your weapon is deals an additional 2d6 to lawful characters for that attack alone. Above level 15, 4d6.

20: Aura of Law: You emit pure order. All lawful allies within 10 ft. gain +2 to all attacks, saves and damage, and all chaotic characters take a -2 penalty on theirs.

1: Liberation (Su): You have the ability to ignore impediments to your mobility. For a number of rounds per day equal to your dervish level, you can move normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement, as if you were affected by freedom of movement. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
10: Freedom's Call (Su): Enchantment. You can emit a 30-foot aura of freedom. Allies within this aura are not affected by the confused, grappled, frightened, panicked, paralyzed, pinned, or shaken conditions. This aura only suppresses these effects, and they return once a creature leaves the aura or when the aura ends, if applicable.

20: Free from bonds (Sp): You have a constant freedom of movement effect on you at all times.

1: Lucky (Ex): Enchantment. The dervish can choose to roll twice on any d20 roll and take the higher result before rolling. This enchantment is removed upon use.

10: Deadly strikes (Ex): The dervish increases their crit range by 1 on any weapon.

20: Second chances (Ex): The dervish can choose to reroll a failed d20 result after the result is known a number of times equal to their charisma modifier per day.

1 Winds of disenchantment: Remove one of your enchantments. All nearby foes are subject to a dispel attempt. This can be used once per day, plus one additional time per five levels they possess.

10: Confusion strikes: A number of attacks per day equal to the dervish’s charisma modifier, they can cause the enemy strike to be confused for a number of rounds equal to the dervish's level. Even if the enemy succeeds, the they are still confused for one round. An enemy can only be subject to this strike once per day.

20: Insanity aura (Su): Any time an enemy comes within 10 ft. of the dervish, they can, if the dervish chooses, be subject to the insanity spell.

1: Magic weapons (Su): Touched weapons gains a +1 enhancement bonus. This bonus increases by 1 for every five levels the dervish possesses. This does not stack with a weapon’s current bonus, it only gains whichever is higher. This can be used 3 + charisma modifier times per day.

10: Spell deflector: Enchantment. The character gains 11+CL Spell resistance. If a spell is resisted, the dervish can remove an enchantment as an immediate action to reflect it back at the caster. 

20 Protected by magic (Su): Enchantment. The dervish gains 10 DR/magic. If removed early, the DR becomes 10 DR/- for one round.

1: Inspiring Word (Sp): As a standard action, you can speak an inspiring word to a creature within 30 feet. That creature receives a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your dervish level (minimum 1). You can use this power a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

10: Leadership (Ex): At 8th level, you receive Leadership as a bonus feat. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on your leadership score as long as you uphold the tenets of your deity (or divine concept if you do not venerate a deity).

20: Aura of command (Ex): All allies as long as they can hear and see the dervish, gain +4 to their attack rolls, saves, skill checks for a number of rounds equal to their charisma modifier.

1: Wooden Fist (Su): Enchantment. As a free action, your hands can become as hard as wood, covered in tiny thorns. While you have wooden fists, your unarmed strikes do not provoke attacks of opportunity, deal lethal damage, and gain a bonus on damage rolls equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum +1). You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

10: Bramble Armor (Su): Enchantment. At 6th level, you can cause a host of wooden thorns to burst from your skin as a free action. While bramble armor is in effect, any foe striking you with an unarmed strike or a melee weapon without reach takes 1d6 points of piercing damage + 1 point per two dervish levels you possess. 

20: Treant (Su): Enchantment. Your skin becomes hardened wood, and you grow in size along with your weapon. Your equipment bonuses remain, and you gain an additional enhancement to your natural armor equal to your charisma modifier. You become immune to cold, resistant to fire and electricity (20), and immune to poison and disease. This does not remove diseases and poisons already in effect.

1 Protector’s visage (Su): Enchantment. Gain energy resistance 5 to acid, electricity, fire, and cold. At level 6 this increases to 10. at level 12, this increases to 20. At level 20, this increases to 30.

10: Perfect insight (Su): Passive: Gain your CHA bonus as insight AC when used with other enchantments granting the same, only gain insight equal to 1.5x CHA.

20: Vow of piety: Enchantment. Gain CL health per round and +5 deflect AC. Every time the dervish removes a condition or another enchantment, this ability is renewed.

1: Gentle Rest (Sp): Your touch can fill a creature with lethargy, causing a living creature to become staggered for 1 round as a melee touch attack. If you touch a staggered living creature, that creature falls asleep for 1 round instead. Undead creatures touched are staggered for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
10: Ward Against Death (Su):  Enchantment. You can emit a 30-foot aura that wards against death. Living creatures in this area are immune to all death effects, energy drain, and effects that cause negative levels. This ward does not remove negative levels that a creature has already gained, but the negative levels have no effect while the creature is inside the warded area. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

20: Strikes of undeath (su): When striking an undead enemy, they must make a fortitude save (Cha based) or be destroyed. This can be used a number of times per day equal to 3+cha modifier. This cannot be used on one creature more than once per day.

1: Blast Rune (Sp): As a standard action, you can create a blast rune in any adjacent square. Any creature entering this square takes 1d6 points of damage + 1 point for every two cleric levels you possess. This rune deals either acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, decided when you create the rune. The rune is invisible and lasts a number of rounds equal to your cleric level or until discharged. You cannot create a blast rune in a square occupied by another creature. This rune counts as a 1st-level spell for the purposes of dispelling. It can be discovered with a DC 26 Perception skill check and disarmed with a DC 26 Disable Device skill check. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
10: Spell Rune (Sp): You can attach another enchantment that you cast to one of your blast runes, causing that spell to affect the creature that triggers the rune, in addition to the damage. Regardless of the number of targets the spell can normally affect, it only affects the creature that triggers the rune.

20: Rune master: You add all rune spells to your spell list, and the DC for all runes is equal to 10+the spell level+your charisma modifier.

1: Beacon of light (Sp): The dervish can use the light spell at will. A number of times equal to their charisma modifier, they can enhance the light they cast as daylight. At tenth level, the first round when enhanced creates a massive burst of light, blinding all creatures in the effect for one round (fort save)

10: Sunfire (Su): This ability acts as the flame strike spell, but produces a daylight spell.

20: Sun Warden (Su): The dervish becomes as powerful as the sun itself, becoming the centre of a daylight effect, gaining the flame burst ability to their weapon. They gain the see in darkness ability, and dispel all darkness that they make contact with. All enemies with light sensitivity are permanently blinded (fort save), and those that are take a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, saves, and skill checks while in/shooting into the effect. Allies are empowered by the light, gaining the same as a bonus to their rolls.

1 Marching steps (Ex): The dervish can enchant themselves to travel twice as fast as normal without worry of fatigue.

10: Teleport (Sp): once per day, the dervish can use the teleport spell.

20: Greater teleport (Sp): As the greater teleport spell.

1 Opportune striker: You deal +1 damage per two levels you possess on attacks of opportunity for the next CHA rounds. If this ends early, You gain double the bonus for 1 round. This ends when an attack of opportunity is made, and ending in this way does not grant the extra bonus.

10: Precision strikes: Once per day, the dervish can enchant themselves to use the sneak attack ability with their level as half of rogue’s.

20: Ultimate trickster: The dervish enchants themselves with greater invisibility, and deals sneak attack damage during the duration with rogue level as half dervish level.

1: Boon of strength (Su): Enchantment. The dervish gains 1 strength, plus 1 per three levels.

10: Unexpected strikes (Ex): Enchantment. When enemies enter your threatened squares, they provoke attacks of opportunity from you.

20: Rending charges (Ex): Enchantment. When you charge next, you deal 50% additional damage, and can use a dervish strike ability.

1 Mystic twister: Deals 1d6 cold damage to surrounding enemies. If you are enchanted, it deals 2d6. (Ref half) At 8th level, this increases to 2/4d6, 14th, 3/6d6, 20th, 4/8d6. Usable 3 + charisma score per day.

10: Frozen strikes: As a swift action, the dervish’s weapon gains the icy burst enchantment. If they use a dervish strike to dispel the enchantment, They deal double the cold damage the dervish strike would deal normally and transfer 1 condition they have to adjacent foes.

20: Whirling charge: Enchantment The next time you charge, you deal +weapon damage as cold and all adjacent enemies to the foe as well. Enemies must make a reflex save or be immobilized in ice. If they fail by 5 or more, they are paralyzed.

1 Stormclouds (Sp): You can cast call lightning, but dealing 1d6 damage per turn plus 1d6 per two levels. Usable once per day.

10: Ice storm (Sp): As the ice storm spell. Usable once per day.

20 Fire storm (Sp): As the meteor swarm spell, but one sphere per round for four rounds, and on the same spot. Usable once per day.

Dervishes who abandon their deity or commit acts against their deities will (subject to DM discretion) Lose their sacred AC bonus, domain abilties, and enchantments. They however retain their dervish strike abiltiies.

Dervish spell list
1stBane, Bless, bless water, bless weapon, celestial healing, Command, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, Detect chaos/evil/good/law, Detect demon, detect poison, Detect undead, diagnose disease, divine favor, doom, endure elements, Feather step, ghostbane dirge, glide, grace, hollow blades, infernal healing, inflict light wounds, Jump, keen senses, lead blades, Longstrider, magic weapon, moment of greatness, Nereid’s grace, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, remove fear, read magic, resistance,  restoration (lesser), rite of the centered mind, sanctify corpse, sanctuary, shield of faith, shield of fortification, spider climb, stunning barrier, swallow your fear, thunderstomp, touch of the sea, true strike, unbreakable heart, veil of positive energy,
2ndAbeyance, Aid, Air step, Align weapon, Angelic aspect (lesser), arrow of law, bear’s endurance, bestow grace, bestow weapon proficiency, blade tutor’s spirit, blessing of courage and life, blessing of luck and resolve, blinding ray, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, corruption resistance, death knell, delay disease, delay poison, divine arrow, divine illumination, endure elements (communal), enthrall, fairness, holy ice weapon, holy javelin, inflict moderate wounds, instant weapon, ironskin, life shield, light lance, martyr’s bargain, Owl’s wisdom, protection from alignment (communal), reaper’s coterie, remove paralysis, protective spirit, righteous vigor, resist energy, righteous blood, rite of bodily purity, sacred bond, sacred/profane space, shield other, stave off corruption, soothing word, touch of mercy, undetectable alignment, wake of light, wake of darkness, weapon of awe, zone of truth
3rdAccept affliction, angelic aspect, archon’s aura, weapon of mystic spirits (as blade of bright victory), blessing of the mole, burst of speed, cure moderate wounds, damnation, daybreak arrow, daylight, deeper darkness, deadly juggernaut, delay poison communal, discern lies, dispel magic, feather step (mass), forceful strike, freedom of movement, ghostbane dirge mass, glimpse of truth, heroic fortune, holy/evil whisper, invisibility purge, longstrider (greater), magic circle against alignment, mantle of calm, prayer, remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, resilient reservoir, resist energy communal, sanctify weapons, shield of fortification, greater, spotlight, stunning barrier greater, they know, thunderstomp (greater), true form, water walk, wrathful mantle
4thAbsolution, absorb toxicity, air walk, angelic aspect greater, archon’s trumpet, aura of doom, ban corruption, banishing blade, battle trance, blaze of glory, blessing of fervor, blessings of luck and resolve mass, celestial healing (greater), cure serious wounds, break enchantment, bloodsworn retribution, burst of glory, burst with light, chains of light, cure serious wounds, death ward, dispel alignment, alignment weapon, infernal healing (greater), inflict serious wounds, neutralize poison, mark of justice, nondetection, oath of peace, persistent vigor, reprobation, resounding blow, rest eternal, restoration, sacred nimbus, sensory amplifier, shield of dawn, stay the hand, stoneskin, symbol of healing, water walk (communal)

Favoured class bonuses

Human: +1/4 to the number of enchantments per day.
Gnome: Add +1/3 healing for enchantments, domain powers, and spells when applied to creatures with the animal, fey, and plant subtypes.
Dwarf: Choose a domain ability usable a number of times equal to 3+charisma modifier. Add ½ uses to that domain power.
Half-elf: +1/4 to the number of enchantments per day.
Elf: Choose a domain ability usable a number of times equal to 3+charisma modifier. Add ½ uses to that domain power.
Night elf: Add 1/3  to the effective level of the dervish when considering the impact of their current stance.
Draenei: add 1/3 to the effective level of the dervish when using enchantments.
Sylvari: learn 1/6 of a dervish strike.
Man’ari: +1/2 damage to dervish strikes.
Pandaren: Add 1/3 to the effective level of the dervish when using enchantments.
Worgen: +1/2 damage to dervish strikes.
Half-orc: +1/4 to the number of enchantments per day.
Zandalari: +1/6 to attack rolls.
Goblin: Add 1/5 to the sacred AC of the dervish.
Blood elf: Increase their effective level using their domain abilities by 1/3.
Drakken: (+2 str) +1/2 damage to dervish strikes. (+2 dex) +1 ft. movement. (+2 int) +1/5 to the DC of enchantments. (+2 wis) +1/3 the effective level for enchantments.
Frozelia: +1/2 bonus to knowledge (planes) checks to identify outsiders.


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