Custom Pathfinder Race: Drakken

As before, this post will detail the races and classes I’ve made that the players are using for the start of the campaign. As new enemies are faced, I’ll post more!

Soren Corvinus is a Drakken Death knight! The Drakken was made more as a hybrid of human and dragon, giving them specific body parts so to speak, rather than truly fusing the two races as a half-dragon is.


Image credit: Xiaochen Li

Created by void magic by the twilight hammer clan, Drakken are humans altered by draconic blood by unnatural means. Their origins make them  outcasts of Alliance society as they are seen as evil, but the Horde accept them as one of their own, as they know what it is like to be seen as monsters.

Physical description: Human-like appearance with traits of a dragon (see below). Changes from person to person. Prominence varies greatly.

Age: 40 + 3d6 (intuitive) +5d6 (self-taught) +7d6 (trained)

Height: 5’0” + 3d6(M)/2d8(F)

Male: 120+height modifierx6
Female: 100+height modifierx3

Extra modifiers: Tail (M/F)+30/40 lbs (Minor), +45/60 lbs (major)

Scaly skin in area of trait. (player’s choice for prominence) Colour and element depends on subtype. (and breath type)

Black (acid) 15 ft cone
Blue (earth) 20 ft. Line
Green (electricity) 15 ft. cone
Red (Fire) 15 ft. cone
White (cold) 20 ft. line
Brass (fire) 20 ft line
Bronze (electricity) 20 ft. line
Copper (acid) 15 ft. cone
Gold (fire) 20 ft. line
Silver (cold)  15 ft. cone

Statistics of the Draconic blood: Drakken vary greatly in their natural abilties, based on the way their blood manifests. They gain a +2 bonus to their constitution score, and +2 to another ability score based on the manifestation they choose as a major trait at first level (see below).

Medium: Drakken suffer no penalties due to their size.

Normal speed: Drakken move at a normal speed of 30 ft.

Darkvision: The drakken sees up to a distance of 60 ft. in darkness.

Natural armor: The drakken has various parts of their body covered in dragonscales, granting them a +1 bonus to their base natural armor.

Dragon’s luck: The drakken gains the dragon’s boon once per day, allowing them to re-roll one saving throw. They must do this before the result is revealed, and must take the second result, even if it is lower.

Elemental assault: Once per day the drakken can, as a swift action, deal 1d6 points of their chosen form’s energy damage on weapon and natural attacks for a number of rounds equal to their hit dice.

Energy resistance: The drakken gains resistance 5 to their chosen form’s energy type.

Dragon traits: A drakken’s hybrid blood warps parts of their body into draconic forms. They choose one major and one minor trait from this list.

Wings: their dragon blood comes out in the form of wings, granting them a flight speed of 30 ft. If the drakken gains bonuses to their base movement such as through the fleet feet or fast movement as a barbarian, they do not gain this bonus to their fly speed. Magical effects such as the haste spell, however, does. If they choose the minor trait, their flight is poor. If they choose the major trait, their wings are larger and more powerful, making their flight speed perfect, and they gain +2 to their dexterity score.

Claws: Their blood manifests along their arms, granting the drakken 2 claw attacks dealing 1d4 damage. If they choose the major trait, they also gain a rend attack with their claws, dealing 1d4 + 1.5x their strength modifier, and they gain a +2 bonus to their strength score.

Horns: Their blood manifests as gnarled horns, granting them a gore attack dealing 1d6 damage. If they choose the major trait, their gore grants a bull rush attempt that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and they gain a +2 bonus to their strength score.

Feet: The drakken manifests draconic feet that have extra power within them. They gain a +5 ft. bonus to their base land movement speed. If they choose the major trait, the speed increases to +10 ft., and they are always considered as doing a running jump. In addition, they gain a +2 bonus to their dexterity score.

Tail: The drakken grows a long tail, granting them a tail whip attack that deals 1d6 damage. If they choose the major trait, the tail also becomes more deft and prehensile, allowing them to carry items with it. It cannot wield weapons, but it can retrieve stowed items as a swift action. In addition, they gain a +2 bonus to their dexterity score.

Mind: The drakken gains great insight through the mind of a dragon, granting them a +2 bonus to sense motive checks, and can make knowledge checks untrained. If they choose the major trait, they gain a +1 bonus on all will saves, and a +2 bonus to their intelligence score.

Eyes: The drakken can see more than the typical individual through their draconic eyes. They gain a +2 bonus to perception checks. If they choose the major trait, they gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls. In addition, they gain a +2 bonus to their wisdom score.

Breath: The drakken manifests the raw breath and voice of a dragon. They gain a +1 to diplomacy, bluff, and intimidate checks, and gain a breath weapon using their breath shape and energy type (see above). They can use this breath weapon once per day, dealing 1d6 damage, with a reflex saving throw DC of 10 + ½ the drakken’s hit dice + their constitution modifier. The damage of this breath weapon increases by 1d6 for every four hit dice they have following their first. If they choose the major trait, this deals 1d6 additional damage for every two hit dice they have following first. In addition, they gain a +2 bonus to their charisma modifier.

Languages: Drakken begin by speaking common and draconic. Drakken with high intelligence scores can choose from infernal, dwarven, giant, orc, goblin, taurahe, darnassian, pandaren, elvish, celestial, abyssal, infernal, sylvan.

Alternate racial traits

Spell resistance: The Drakken gains spell resistance equal to 6 + their character level. They may only choose this trait if they have a both the dragon’s mind and eyes as chosen traits. This replaces Natural armor and energy resistance

Bonus major trait: The drakken gains one additional major trait from their draconic blood. If taken, the drakken does not gain the ability score bonus associated with it. Replaces 1 natural armor, dragon's luck, and energy resistance. This cannot be taken if they choose the bonus minor trait as an alternate racial trait.

Bonus minor trait: The Drakken gains one additional minor trait from their draconic blood. Replaces natural armor.

Additional feat options (Not automatic, can be taken): improved natural attack.


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