Custom Pathfinder Class: Dragoon
Image credit: Yu Cheng Hong
Dragoon is a fearsome enemy, using it’s knowledge of the dragons and their
abilities to leap into the fray from long distances to damage enemies. They
commune with the dragon aspect they choose to associate with, gaining their
abilities, elemental affinities and possibly magical talents. However, in order
to become a great avatar for the dragons, one must be highly intelligent in
order to comprehend their abilities.
Alignment: Any.
die: d10.
points: 4+int.
skills: Acrobatics, climb, craft, diplomacy, fly, handle animal,
intimidate, knowledge (arcana), knowledge (nature), knowledge (planes),
Linguistics, perception, ride, sense motive, swim.
and weapon proficiencies: Dragoons are proficient with light, medium and
heavy armor. They are proficient in all shields (except tower shields). They
are proficient in all simple and martial weapons, as well as all slashing and piercing reach and
brace weapons.
Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Dragon aspect
weapon (1d6), Aspect power
power, Draconic armor training 1,
weapon (2d6)
weapon (3d6), Jump power. Aspect power
ability, Draconic armor training 2
weapon (4d6), Enhanced Breath area
weapon (5d6), Aspect power
ability, Draconic armor training 3
weapon (6d6), Jump power
weapon (7d6), Enhanced Breath area, Aspect power
power, Aspect ability, Draconic armor training 4
weapon (8d6)
weapon (9d6), Jump power, Aspect power
ability, Draconic armor training 5
Dragon Avatar
(Su): At first level, the dragoon harnesses the mighty agility and
power of dragons. They are able to leap high into the air as a full-round
action. They must note a desired space to jump to when they use this ability.
The following turn, the dragoon lands, striking an enemy with vast power.
Dragoons can jump once per day, plus one additional time for every two levels following. They also gain a number of jumps per day equal to their intelligence modifier (if positive). Jump cannot be used in conjunction with cleave, vital strike, or other similar abilities.
first level, the dragoon gains the ability to jump. The Distance the dragoon can
jump is 30 ft. + 5 ft. per level following first, up to a maximum of 120 ft.
The height is incorporated into this jump distance. (For example, a 10 ft. distance
and 10 ft. height becomes 20 ft. total. Jump at level 20 is 110 ft.
ability deals double damage with a normal weapon, and triple damage with a
reach weapon. Vital strike increases this damage, but power attack does not.
This is a dexterity-based attack,
with strength damage. The dragoon must make an acrobatics check. If the opponent fails to overcome their acrobatics roll with an opposed perception check, they are flat-footed against the jump attack.
the dragoon decides to land in a different space when they are supposed to land,
their attack roll is reduced by 1 per 5 ft. of movement. A dragoon cannot
adjust their jump by more than 30 ft.
Aspect (Ex, Sp, Su): Based on the dragon form chosen, The Dragoon
is given access to certain powers and feats of his or her choosing. (See Below)
power (Ex, Sp, Su): At second level, and every four levels
thereafter, the Dragoon gains a special power granted by their dragon aspect. These are noted in the dragon aspects section below.
Power (Su and Ex): At third level, and every four levels thereafter, the Dragoon can
choose one of the following powers to enhance his or her jump ability upon use.
At 6th, 12th, and 18th level, they can add one
additional jump power.
higher (Ex): Jump takes two turns, but deals quadruple damage.
maneuverability (Ex): Reduce jump range penalties by 1. Increase maximum range
by 5 ft. This power can be taken again at levels 9 and 15.
jump (Su): As the stunning fist feat (Int-based fortitude save)
strike (Su): Add your aspect’s element to your jump. 1d6 element damage per 1x
multiplier (rounding down), stacks with other elemental assault abilities.
twice (Ex): When jumping, Hit the same target automatically at your highest
base attack bonus. Requires 3rd level or later.
barb (Su): Poison your weapon, dealing either str or dex damage (1d3) (Con fort
save) Requires 3rd level or later.
landing (Ex): As you land, all adjacent enemies are subject to an intimidation
check as if using the dazzling display feat. Requires 6th level or later.
jump (Ex): Jump occurs in the same turn, but only 1.5x damage is dealt. (1x
with non-brace/reach) Requires 6th level or later.
leap (Ex): After jumping, dodge AC is increased by 2 for the following round.
Requires 6th level or later.
damage (Ex): Increase jump damage by 50%. (e.g. if it was 2x damage, now 3x)
Requires 6th level or later. This talent can be taken again at level 11 and 16,
increasing the bonus damage to 100%.
nova (Su): A frost nova is unleashed from your landing point (15 ft. radius),
halving movement speed of all affected enemies. At 12th level, this also deals
1d2 dex damage. At 15th, 1d4. (Fort save) Requires 9th level or later.
‘em down (Ex): The enemy falls prone when struck. This is a strength-based
fortitude save. Requires 9th level or later.
(Ex): Stick your reach or brace weapon through the enemy, ripping it out as a
swift action for base weapon roll damage as bleed, but not per turn following.
Requires 7th level or later.
(Ex): When jumping, deal damage one size category higher. Require 12th level or
Breath weapon (Su): At second level, the dragoon gains the use of a breath weapon
(1d6, increases by 1d6 every two levels thereafter), In the shape of a 15 ft.
cone or 30 ft. line. This can’t be used for 1d6 rounds after use. At 8th level,
the area increases to 20/40, and at 14th Level, 30/60. (Reflex save for half DC
10+½ CL+INT) This can be used once every 1d6 rounds, and a number of times per day equal to 1 + their intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
Draconic armor training (Ex): At 3rd
level, and every four levels thereafter, the dragoon increases the maximum
dexterity bonus of armor they wear by 1, and reduce the check penalties by 1,
to a maximum of 5 at 19th level.
Aspect ability (Ex, Sp, Su): At 3rd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the Dragoon can choose an aspect feat denoted in the subsection for aspects below. These are comprised of feats, class abilities, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities. If not noted otherwise, spell-like abilities chosen are used once per day, with their dragoon level as caster level. DCs for spell like abilities use the levels given on the sorcerer/wizard spell list. If it is a divine spell, it uses the cleric spell list. If it is only on the druid spell list, then that spell level is used.
Aspect ability (Ex, Sp, Su): At 3rd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the Dragoon can choose an aspect feat denoted in the subsection for aspects below. These are comprised of feats, class abilities, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities. If not noted otherwise, spell-like abilities chosen are used once per day, with their dragoon level as caster level. DCs for spell like abilities use the levels given on the sorcerer/wizard spell list. If it is a divine spell, it uses the cleric spell list. If it is only on the druid spell list, then that spell level is used.
Evasion (Su): At 5th
level, when the dragoon passes a reflex save for half damage, they take no
damage. This works in all armor types.
Improved evasion (Su): At 13th
level, If the dragoon fails a reflex save, they only take half damage from the
effect. This works in all armor types.
Dragon sight (Ex): At 17th
level, Dragoons gain blindsight 30 ft. at 20th level, this increases
to 60 ft.
Avatar: The dragoon masters the ways of the dragons, becoming a true
dragon avatar. They are immune to paralysis, sleep, and a specialization in a
part of their breath weapon, and gain one final power, denoted in the aspect
section (See below).
10d6 breath damage
30 ft. cone/60 ft line
Ref DC 10+½ CL+INT
Specialization: (Choose one)
60 ft. cone/120 ft. line
Reflex DC+2
60 ft. cone/120 ft. line
Reflex DC+2
Aspect feat/abilities for each: Form of the dragon I (13th), Form of the dragon II (15th), Form of the dragon III (17th)
Black Dragon
Energy type: Acid
Alignment: Chaotic
Ancestry: the
connection to the dragons of the past grants the black dragoon a +1 bonus to
the damage of their breath weapon per die rolled.
Aspect Powers:
2nd level:
Elemental assault (acid, Su): As a
swift action once per day, the dragoon can gain 1d6 acid damage to their weapon
and unarmed attacks. This lasts for one round per level, but these rounds do
not need to be consecutive.
6th level:
Resist acid (Ex): the dragoon becomes
attuned to their element, gaining resist acid 10. At 10th level,
this becomes 20. At 15th level, this becomes 30. At 20th
level, they are immune to acid.
10th level:
Precise strikes (Ex): the cunning
black dragoon finds weaknesses in their enemies, gaining +1d6 sneak attack
damage. This damage increases by 1d6 at 15th and 20th
14th level:
Acidic blood (Su): Once per day, the
dragoon can form volatile acid in their blood as a standard action. For a
number of rounds equal to their level, acid sprays in a 15 ft. line from weapon
attacks, dealing their breath weapon damage to all within (reflex halves). This
can be used one additional time at 16th and 19th level.
18th level:
Dominion over reptiles (Sp): The
dragoon gains the ability to speak with reptiles as a constant spell-like
ability, and can use mass charm monster as a spell-like ability once per day.
Aspect Abilities: Vital
strike, Improved vital strike, greater vital strike, Power attack, Improved
overrun, Improved sunder, Greater overrun, Greater sunder, acid splash (9th),
acid arrow (3rd), Dazzling display, shatter defenses, deadly stroke,
penetrating strike, devastating strike, greater devastating strike.
Avatar: Gain a
crushing tail attack, hitting all enemies within a 10 ft. wide, 15 ft. deep
rectangle in front of you with a spiritual tail as a full-round action, that
appears and strikes the enemies. This deals weapon damage two category sizes
higher, and knocks the enemy prone. This can be used a number of times per day
equal to the dragoon’s intelligence modifier.
Red Dragon
Energy type: Fire
Alignment: Chaotic
Ancestry: the red
dragoon’s connection to the ancient red dragons grants them a +1 bonus on
weapon damage rolls. This increases by 1 for every four levels they possess.
Aspect Powers:
2nd level:
Tough hide (Ex): The red dragoon’s skin
is toughened through their connection to the red dragons, granting them a +1
bonus to their base natural armor through dark red scales that form across
their skin. This bonus increases by 1 at 8th and 16th
6th level:
Resist fire (Ex): the dragoon becomes
attuned to their element, gaining resist fire 10. At 10th level,
this becomes 20. At 15th level, this becomes 30. At 20th
level, they are immune to fire.
10th level:
Brute force (Ex): A scion of the red
dragon favours brute force, granting the dragoon a +2 bonus to their strength
score. This bonus increases by 2 at 14th and 18th level.
14th level:
Move flames (Su): The dragoon can move
flames, both magical and natural, as If it were the caster as a standard
action. They can control and move a number of 5 ft. squares equal to their
18th level:
Incinerate (Su): If the dragoon
reduces a creature below 0 hit points with their breath weapon, the target must
make a fortitude or be instantly incinerated to ash.
Aspect abilities:
Empowered breath (1 die), Weapon focus, Greater weapon focus, Fireball (7+),
Burning hands (2+), Fire Shield (11th), Analyze dweomer (15th), Power attack,
Improved bull rush, greater bull rush, two weapon fighting, improved two weapon
Avatar: As a
swift action, the dragoon can grow claws that deal damage two categoies higher
than their own size, and gain the flaming
burst enchantment with a+5 enhancement bonus. This can be activated for 1
minute per day, spent in minute increments and dismissed as a free action. In
addition, their breath weapon damage increases by one die.
Blue Dragon
Energy type:
Alignment: Lawful
Ancestry: the blue
dragoon’s connection to the ancient blue dragons grants them a +2 bonus to will
saves against spells of the illusion subschool.
Aspect Powers:
2nd level:
Desert thirst (Su): The dragoon can
use the create water spell once per day (their level as CL), plus one
additional time per three levels they possess. Alternatively, they can use this
ability to turn liquid to sand. If used on magical objects such as potions, the
object gets a will save equal to the dragoon’s DC.
6th level:
Resist electricity (Ex): the dragoon
becomes attuned to their element, gaining resist electricity 10. At 10th
level, this becomes 20. At 15th level, this becomes 30. At 20th
level, they are immune to electricity.
10th level:
Sound imitation (Ex): The dragoon can
imitate any sound or voice it has heard as a bluff check against the target’s
sense motive. In addition, they can use ghost sound a number of times per day
equal to their intelligence modifier, and ventriloquism once per day.
14th level:
Mirage (Su): The dragoon can appear to
be in two places at once as a move action for a number of rounds equal to their
level. This acts as project image, but the dragoon can cast their breath weapon
from the mirage. They can make the image move as a swift action.
18th level:
Sandstorm (Su): The dragoon can create
a sandstorm centred on them for a number of minutes equal to their level in
minute increments that do not have to be consecutive. This deals 2d6 damage to
enemies other than the dragoon (in addition to other sandstorm penalties)
within the radius (60 ft. from the dragoon).
Aspect abilities: Zone of
truth (4th), Protection from Chaos (2nd), Detect Chaos, Alertness,
Deceitful, Disruptive, spellbreaker, Persuasive, Self-sufficient, Rogue talent,
The dragoon gains a burrow speed equal to their movement speed,
and can use the jump ability through
the ground, instead of the air.
Green Dragon
Energy type: Acid
Alignment: Lawful
Ancestry: Through
their connection to the green dragon, these dragoons do not leave tracks as the
trackless step ability, and gain a +2
bonus on saves against diseases and poisons.
Aspect Powers:
2nd level:
Woodland stride (Ex): The dragoon can
move through forest, plains, jungle, and swamp terrain as if it were not
difficult terrain. In addition, they gain a +2 bonus to stealth checks and
initiative checks while on these terrains.
6th level:
Resist acid (Ex): the dragoon becomes
attuned to their element, gaining resist acid 10. At 10th level,
this becomes 20. At 15th level, this becomes 30. At 20th
level, they are immune to acid.
10th level:
Nature’s blood (Ex): The green dragoon
becomes immune to diseases and poisons.
14th level:
Command plants (Sp): The dragoon can
cast command plants once per day as a spell-like ability. At 17th
level, they can cast control plants.
18th level:
Regenerate (Sp): At 17th
level, the dragoon can use regenerate on themselves at will as a spell-like
Aspect abilities: Wild
shape (as druid level -5), Favoured terrain (Forest, jungle, or swamp),
favoured enemy, speak with nature, Power attack, vital strike, improved vital
strike, penetrating strike, overrun, improved overrun, greater overrun, skill
focus (heal), skill focus (survival)
Avatar (Su): The
dragoon delivers a leeching poison through it’s strikes, dealing 1d4
constitution damage once per round per level (2 saves). They heal 5 hit points
per point of constitution damage inflicted as long as the target remains within
30 ft. They can activate this ability for a number of attacks per day equal to
their level.
White Dragon
Energy type: Cold
Alignment: Chaotic
Ancestry: White
dragons are known for their rageful ways and unrelenting attitude. White
dragoons gain a +2 bonus to saves against fear and enchantment effects.
2nd level:
Icewalker (Ex): The dragoon does not have
to make checks while walking or charging on ice, and can walk on icy surfaces
as if using the spider climb spell.
6th level:
Resist cold (Ex): the dragoon becomes
attuned to their element, gaining resist cold 10. At 10th level,
this becomes 20. At 15th level, this becomes 30. At 20th
level, they are immune to cold.
10th level:
Rage (Sp): The dragoon can use rage as
a spell-like ability once per day. They can use this ability one additional
time per day for every three levels following 5th.
14th level:
Ice storm (Sp and Ex): The dragoon can
cast ice storm as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to their
intelligence modifier. In addition, they take no penalties to movement or sight
in snowy environments or spells.
18th level:
Unstoppable (Ex): White dragoons are
immune to daze, stun, paralysis, and entangle effects. If they are subject to
frighten or panic effects, they are simply shaken. In addition, they are not
knocked unconscious when reduced below 0 hit points, and are killed when reduced
to double their constitution score.
abilities: Cone of cold (11th), Icy prison (13th), Freezing
sphere (15th), Polar ray (19th), Power attack, improved initiative, favoured terrain
(Ice, tundra), Rage power, endurance, diehard, improved overrun, greater
overrun, penetrating strike.
slows the enemy. (will 10+1/2CL+Int) If failed by 5 or more, frozen (helpless,
1d4 rounds)
Copper Dragon
Energy type: Acid
Alignment: Chaotic
Ancestry: the
dragoon’s connection to ancient copper dragons gains them an innate bonus to
trap crafting and perception checks to notice traps equal to 1/3 their level
(minimum 1), and they gain a climb speed of half their level.
Aspect powers:
2nd level:
Spells of the copper dragon (Sp): The
copper dragoon can use grease as a spell-like ability once per day. At 4th
level, they can use hideous laughter once per day. At 8th level,
they can use stone shape once per day. At 12th level, they can use
transmute to mud/mud to rock once per day. At 16th level, they can
use wall of stone. At 20th level, they can use move earth once per
6th level:
Resist acid (Ex): the dragoon becomes
attuned to their element, gaining resist acid 10. At 10th level,
this becomes 20. At 15th level, this becomes 30. At 20th
level, they are immune to acid.
10th level:
Mass laughter (Su): Once per day, the
dragoon can tell hilarious joke to all within 30 ft. as a full-round action,
forcing them all to laugh hysterically and lose actions for a number of rounds
equal to half their level.
14th level:
Slow aura (Su): For a number of rounds
equal to the dragoon’s level, they can activate a 10 ft. aura that subjects
enemies to the slow spell effect for the duration of the aura. An initial will
save when entering the aura negates the effect. This can be activated once per
day, plus one additional time at 16th and 19th level.
18th level:
Slow breath (Su): The dragoon’s breath
now has a slowing effect, lasting 1d4 rounds for those that fail the reflex
Abilities: Slow, hideous laughter, trapfinder (rogue talent), Disruptive,
spellbreaker, dimension door (9th), dimensional assault, dimensional
agility, dimensional dervish, Dimensional savant, suggestion (7th),
mass suggestion (11th), improved feint, greater feint, improved
overrun, greater overrun, power attack.
Avatar: The
killing joke: Once per day, the dragoon can tell one creature a joke of
horrible hilarity, causing them to laugh so hard they die if they do not pass a
fortitude save. This is a language-based sonic effect.
Silver Dragon
Energy type: Cold
Alignment: Lawful
Ancestry: The dragoon fights on when in danger of death. When taken below zero
hit points, they remain conscious, instantly stabilize, and can continue to
act. However, they are still staggered. If they are taken below a number of hit
points to kill them or killed by a death effect, they remain conscious for one
round and can act normally, not staggered, but die after their turn ends.
Aspect powers:
2nd level:
Align weapon (Sp): The dragoon can use
align weapon as a spell-like ability once per day, plus one additional time for
every five levels they possess.
6th level:
Resist cold (Ex): the dragoon becomes
attuned to their element, gaining resist cold 10. At 10th level,
this becomes 20. At 15th level, this becomes 30. At 20th
level, they are immune to cold.
10th level:
Fog vision (Ex): The dragoon sees
perfectly in any natural or magical fog, as well as clouds.
14th level:
Spell resistance (Sp): At 9th
level, the silver dragoon gains spell resistance equal to 11 + their level. At
15th level, if a caster fails the check to overcome their spell
resistance by 5 or more, the spell is reflected back at the caster (this
functions as spell turning)
18th level:
Paralysis breath (Su): The dragoon can
instead form their breath into a wave of paralyzing gas. Creatures must succeed
on a fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d6+1 rounds.
Aspect abilities: Saving
shield, Shield focus, Extra breath, increased breath damage (1 die), Aligned
breath (good), Aligned breath (Lawful), Shield other (7th), Order’s
wrath (11th), Shield of law (19th), Holy aura (19th),
improved initiative, endurance, diehard, smite evil 1/day (level -5 as
paladin), discern lies (11th)
Avatar: Freeze
all enemies in place within 20 ft (Ref save 10+½ CL+INT) when you jump.
Gold Dragon
Energy type: Fire
Alignment: Lawful
Ancestry: When
adjacent to an ally, the dragoon gains a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls,
saving throws, and dodge AC.
Aspect powers:
2nd level:
Spells of the gold dragon (Sp): The
gold dragoon can use detect evil as a spell-like ability once per day. At 4th
level, they can use bless once per day. At 8th level, they can use
daylight once per day. At 12th level, they can use geas/quest once
per day. At 16th level, they can use sunburst. At 20th
level, they can use foresight once per day.
6th level:
Resist fire (Ex): the dragoon becomes
attuned to their element, gaining resist fire 10. At 10th level,
this becomes 20. At 15th level, this becomes 30. At 20th
level, they are immune to fire.
10th level:
Luck (Su): The dragoon can bestow luck
upon one person once per day, granting them a +1 luck bonus to all saving
throws. If cast on themselves, they and any good creature within 10 ft. gain
this bonus.
14th level:
Aura of courage (Su): the dragoon
becomes immune to fear effects, and grants a +4 bonus to fear saves to all
allies within 10 ft. of them.
18th level:
Resurrection (Sp): The dragoon can
cast the resurrection spell once per week. However, they still require the
material components for this ability.
Aspect abilities:
Leadership, power attack, Antagonize, Persuasive, Saving shield, Gang up,
improved initiative, Holy sword (15th), Remove curse (5th), Neutralize poison
(7th), Cure light wounds (1st), Cure moderate wounds (5th), Cure serious wounds
(10th), Cure critical wounds (15th).
Avatar: The
dragoon’s breath now heals allies within the area for half the roll, instead of
damaging them.
Bronze Dragon
Energy type:
Alignment: Lawful
Ancestry: The
dragoon gains +10 ft. movement speed while in water, and does not take
penalties to attack rolls while fighting underwater.
Aspect Powers:
2nd level:
Elemental assault (electricity, Su):
As a swift action once per day, the dragoon can gain 1d6 electricity damage to
their weapon and unarmed attacks. This lasts for one round per level, but these
rounds do not need to be consecutive.
6th level:
Resist electricity (Ex): the dragoon
becomes attuned to their element, gaining resist electricity 10. At 10th
level, this becomes 20. At 15th level, this becomes 30. At 20th
level, they are immune to electricity.
10th level:
Water scion (Ex): the dragoon can
breathe freely underwater, and gains a swim speed equal to their movement
14th level:
Electrical defences (Sp): the dragoon
can electrify themselves, dealing 1d6 electricity damage per three levels they
possess to enemies that strike them with melee attacks with unarmed or weapons,
including reach weapons. In addition, those struck must make a fortitude save
or be stunned for one round. These defenses last a number of rounds equal to
the dragoon’s level, and can be used once per day, plus one additional time at
17th and 20th level.
18th level:
Repulsion breath (Su): the dragoon
can, at will, form their breath weapon into a repulsive gas rather than dealing
damage. Creatures struck make a will save or be forced to move away from the
dragoon for 1d6+1 rounds. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect.
Aspect abilities: Vital
strike, improved vital strike, greater vital strike, critical focus, weapon
focus, persuasive, endurance, diehard, improved initiative, Step up, lunge,
penetrating strike, power attack, improved disarm, greater disarm.
dragoon’s breath weapon, when not used as repulsion, paralyzes enemies if they
do not pass a fortitude save. They must make this save even if they pass the
reflex save.
Brass Dragon
Energy type: Fire
Alignment: Chaotic
Ancestry: The
dragoon gains the ranger terrain stride and
trackless step abilities in desert
environments, and can see through any concealment or other effects due to sand.
Aspect Powers:
2nd level:
Sand cloak (Su): The dragoon can kick
up a sand cloak as a move action for a number of rounds equal to their level
per day. This grants partial concealment. These rounds do not have to be
consecutive. At 10th level, this grants total concealment.
6th level:
Resist fire (Ex): the dragoon becomes
attuned to their element, gaining resist fire 10. At 10th level,
this becomes 20. At 15th level, this becomes 30. At 20th
level, they are immune to fire.
10th level:
Desert wind (Su): The dragoon can call
up the sands to serve them. This functions as the gust of wind spell, but any
creature in its path must make a fortitude save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds by
the sand. The fortitude save is equal to the breath weapon DC. This can be used
once per day, plus one additional time at 14th and 19th
14th level:
Sleep breath (Su): Instead of energy
damage, the dragoon can transform their breath weapon into sleep gas, forcing
enemies to make a will save or fall asleep for 1d6+1 rounds.
18th level:
Sandstorm (Su): The dragoon can create
a sandstorm centred on them for a number of minutes equal to their level in
minute increments that do not have to be consecutive. This deals 2d6 damage to
enemies other than the dragoon (in addition to other sandstorm penalties) within
the radius (60 ft. from the dragoon).
Aspect abilities: Detect
thoughts (3rd), alter self (3rd), hold person (3rd), Improved
feint, greater feint, Persuasive, Combat expertise, combat reflexes, endurance,
die hard, improved initiative, restoration (11th), lesser restoration (7th).
dragoon’s breath weapon, both fire and sleep, permanently blind the enemy. If
they pass a fortitude save, they are blinded for one round. In addition the
dragoon gains burrow speed equal to their movement speed in deserts.
Crystal Dragon
Energy type: sonic
Alignment: Lawful
Ancestry: The
dragoon’s connection to their ancestry grants them tremorsense 5 ft., but not
until 6th level. This distance improves by 5 ft. at 12th,
18th, and 20th level.
Aspect powers:
2nd level:
Crystal skin: Crystallite scales form
across the dragoon’s skin, granting them a +1 bonus to their base natural
armor. This bonus increases by 1 at 8th and 16th level.
6th level:
Resist sonic: the dragoon becomes
attuned to their element, gaining resist sonic 10, and a +2 bonus to saves
against sonic effects. At 10th level, this becomes 20 and +4. At 15th
level, this becomes 30 and +6. At 20th level, they are immune to sonic
damage and effects.
10th level:
Crystal reflection (Ex): Once per day,
the dragoon can reflect one ray attack cast against them back toward the
caster. At 14th and 19th level, this increases by one
additional time per day.
14th level:
Magical wards (Su): the dragoon gains
DR 10/magic, and spell resistance equal to 6 + their dragoon level.
18th level:
Sonic blast (Su): With a blast of
sonic energy, the dragoon can permanently deafen and stun all creatures within
30 ft. of them for 1d4 rounds. This is usable once per day, and a successful
fortitude save negates the stun, and reduces the deafening effect to 1d4
Aspect abilities: Two-weapon
defense, Combat expertise, combat reflexes, Magic misisle, Two-weapon fighting,
Cover ally (divide health damage to ally between you), improved initiative,
toughness, endurance, diehard, Shout (11th), Shout (greater) (17th).
affected by the dragoon’s breath do not take damage, and gain 10 DR/magic for
one round. Enemies struck by the breath are stunned for 1 round if they fail a
fortitude save.
Umbral Dragon
Energy type: Negative
Alignment: Chaotic
Ancestry: When the
umbral dragoon kills an enemy, they rise as a shadow 1d4 rounds later, obeying
the dragoon’s commands for one round per level before dissipating.
Aspect powers:
2nd level:
Ghostly assault (Su): The umbral
dragoon can grant their unarmed and weapon attacks the ghost touch special
quality for a number of rounds equal to their level. These rounds do not have
to be consecutive.
6th level:
Resist negative energy: the dragoon
becomes attuned to their element, gaining resist negative energy 10, and a +2
bonus to saves against negative energy effects. At 10th level, this
becomes 20 and +4. At 15th level, this becomes 30 and +6. At 20th
level, they are immune to negative energy damage and effects.
10th level:
Darksight (Ex): the umbral dragoon
gains 120 ft. darkvision. If they already possess darkvision, this distance
increases to 150 ft. At 14th level, they gain see in darkness.
14th level:
Energy drain (Su): The umbral dragoon
can deliver one temporary negative level through a number of weapon attacks per
day equal to their level. A fortitude save negates this level. If the level is
gained, the target must make a save after 24 hours or it becomes permanent. Instead,
they can choose to inflict 1d4 strength damage or 1 strength drain (no save)
chosen before the roll is made.
18th level:
Shadow breath: Instead of dealing
negative energy, once per day the dragoon can blind enemies for 1d4 rounds.
This also deals 1 point of strength drain, plus 1 point per three levels the
dragoon possesses. A successful fortitude save negates the blindness and
reduces the strength drain to 1d4 points.
Aspect abilities: Improve
initiative, endurance, diehard, vital strike, improved vital strike, greater
vital strike, penetrating strike, improved penetrating strike, persuasive,
dazzling display, shatter defenses, deadly stroke, Inflict minor wounds (2nd),
Moderate (4th) Serious (6th), critical (8th).
Command undead (11th), enervation (9th).
dragoon’s breath steals the life from its victims, granting 1d4 negative levels
if it deals hit point damage. (Fortitude halves, minimum 1)
Sovereign Dragon
Energy type: Sonic
Alignment: True
Ancestry: Creatures with no neutral aspect to their alignment take a -2 penalty
to their saving throws against the dragoon’s breath weapon, supernatural
abilities, and spell-like abilities.
2nd level:
Detect alignment (Sp): the sovereign
dragoon can use any detect alignment spell as a spell-like ability at will.
6th level:
Resist sonic: the dragoon becomes
attuned to their element, gaining resist sonic 10, and a +2 bonus to saves
against sonic effects. At 10th level, this becomes 20 and +4. At 15th
level, this becomes 30 and +6. At 20th level, they are immune to sonic
damage and effects.
10th level:
Violent retort (Ex): If an enemy
confirms a critical hit against the dragoon, they can immediately make a
counterattack against them. This can only be activated once per round.
14th level:
Counterspell (Su): A number of times
per day equal to the dragoon’s intelligence modifier, they can counterspell an
enemy’s spell being cast as an immediate action, with their level as caster
level. This acts as dispel magic for the purposes of counterspelling.
18th level:
Golden armor (Su): the dragoon can
form a golden veil across their body, granting them a +4 sacred bonus to AC,
resist energy acid, cold, fire, electricity, negative energy 20, and has DR/10
against any attack that is aligned. This armor can be summoned once per day as
a move action, and lasts a number of rounds equal to their level.
ability: Dispel alignment (9th),
Protection against alignment (2nd), protection against alignment
(communal) (5th), Death or glory, Power attack, combat expertise, combat
reflexes, Persuasive, toughness, step up, strike back, Saving shield, Deflect
arrows, Endurance, diehard, Alertness, Blind-fight, Improved initiative, Suggestion
(7th), Mass suggestion (15th), Charm person (7th).
Avatar: The
sovereign dragoon’s breath weapon stuns enemies for 1d4 rounds. A successful
fortitude negates this stun, unless they are of a non-neutral alignment, which
a save reduces the save to one round.
jumps: Gain 2 additional uses of the jump
ability per day. This requires the dragoon
jump ability.
jump power: Learn one additional jump power. This requires the dragoon jump ability.
breath: The dragoon can use their breath
weapon one additional time per day. This
requires the dragoon breath weapon ability.
Aspect ability: Learn one additional
aspect ability. This requires the dragoon
dragon aspect ability.
spell-like ability: Choosing one
spell-like ability the dragoon can use once per day, it can be used two
additional times per day. This requires a
spell-like ability granted by the dragon aspect ability.
breath: Increase the power of their breath weapon by one die. This requires the dragoon breath weapon ability,
and 5th level dragoon. This feat can be taken again at 10th
and 15th level.
Expanded breath: The
dragoon’s breath weapon extends by 10 ft. in a line, or 5 ft. in a cone. This requires the dragoon breath weapon
ability. This can be chosen more than once.
jump distance: Increases the distance of the jump ability by 10 ft. This can be taken
one additional time at 5th, 10th, and 15th
level Dragoon. Requires the jump ability
granted by the Dragoon class.
jump: When using the jump ability, the dragoon deals double the number of damage dice,
acting as the vital strike feat. This
does not grant additional damage to other forms of attacks. Requires 8th level dragoon.
vital jump: When using the jump ability, the dragoon deals triple the number of damage dice
(one additional set added to vital jump),
acting as the improved vital strike feat.
This does not grant additional damage to other forms of attacks. Requires 16th level dragoon, and
vital jump.
blow: When dealing damage with jump, the dragoon pierces 5 points of
damage reduction of any kind. This
requires the jump ability, and 11th level Dragoon.
Improved Piercing blow: When
dealing damage with jump, the dragoon pierces 10 points of damage reduction of
any kind. This requires piercing blow,
and 15th level Dragoon.
Greater Piercing blow: When
dealing damage with jump, the dragoon pierces all damage reduction. This requires improved piercing blow, and 19th
level Dragoon.
class bonuses
Human: Gain +2 ft to the jump ability.
Dwarf: +1/6 jump powers.
Half-elf: Gain +2 ft to the jump
Elf: +1/6 jump powers.
Night elf: +1/6 jump powers.
Draenei: +1/5 to the reflex DC for
dragon breath.
Sylvari: +1/4 attack to the jump
Man’ari: +1 damage to fire-based
Worgen: +1/3 to critical confirmation rolls on the jump ability.
Orc: +1/3 to critical confirmation rolls.
Half-orc: Gain +2
ft to the jump ability.
Zandalari: +1/2 to critical confirmation rolls on jumps. This does not
stack with other bonuses.
Tauren: +1/3 uses per day on a specific aspect power.
Forsaken: +1/4 uses of dragon breath per day.
Blood elf: +1/3 to the effective level of their aspect powers.
Drakken: +1 damage to their breath weapon.
Frozelia: +1 damage for frost-based dragon breath.
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