Custom Pathfinder Class: Shadow Knight

Shadow Knight
Image credit: Nick Gan

 Some warriors naturally attune to the shadow plane, gaining strength from the darkness in the world and using it to their advantage. While it may seem so, they are not inherently evil. They maintain a peace of mind that keeps them sane, allowing them to use the shadows but not be corrupted by them.

Their powers of shadow come with a price; they must use their own life force to use their powers. Their powers may come as intimidating to some, but others, a formidable ally.

Alignment: Any.

Hit die: d10.

Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (nobility), Knowledge (planes), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive, Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis).

Skill ranks per level: 4+int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Shadow Knights are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with two types of armor (light, medium), and shields (except tower shields).

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Transfer of Darkness, Dark sword 1/day
Shadow pool, Shadow power
Darkvision 60 ft., Resist negative energy +1
Shadow power, Dark sword 2/day
Dark wave, Dash and slash
Vengeful strike, shadow power
Dark sword 3/day, Resist negative energy +2, Darkvision 120 ft.
Shadow Power, Mistwalker
Shadow power, Dark sword 4/day
See in darkness, Resist negative energy +3
Shadow Power
Dark sword 5/day, Drain mastery
Shadow power, Shadow realm
Health Transfer (1:1), Resist negative energy +4
Shadow Power, Dark sword 6/day
Shadow power
Dark sword 7/day, Resist negative energy +5
Master of darkness

Transfer of darkness (su): The dark knight uses their own life force to damage enemies. Hit points are only taken if the knight hits the enemy. They can activate this ability as a swift action, and can hold the energy within them for 1 minute, or until a target is struck. This deals 2 damage at first level, sacrificing 1 hit point. This damage bonus increases by 2 and hit point drain every 2 levels thereafter. Damage increments are increased to +3 for weapons wielded with two hands. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + their charisma modifier.

When the shadow knight reaches 2nd level, they gain the ability to use one point from their shadow pool to forgo the hit point cost of this ability. Once a target is struck, the health is drained from the knight, or the shadow point is spent.

Dark sword (Su): At 1st level, the shadow knight can strike the ground, causing a shadowy, quasi-physical blade to puncture up beneath an enemy within 30 ft. (120 ft. in darkness) Dealing 1d8 negative energy damage + their level and healing the shadow knight for the damage dealt. A will save halves this damage. He also gains one shadow point for every enemy hit, but this ability cannot bring a shadow knight's pool above its maximum. (Standard action) Every 3 levels following, the shadow knight can use this ability one additional time per day, and its damage increases by an additional 1d8, to a maximum of 7d8 + their level at 19th level. This ability can instead be used to heal a target with negative energy affinity (such as an undead). A shadow point is not replenished when dark sword is used in this way.

Shadow pool (Su): At 2nd level, the shadow knight gains access to a pool of shadowy energy with a number of points equal to 1/2 their shadow knight level + their charisma modifier. They can spend one point to forgo the hit point cost of transfer of darkness, dark wave, or dash and slash. In addition, they may use these points to use shadow powers (see below).

Shadow Power (Su): At 2nd level, a shadow knight learns to weave and use the shadows to their will, gaining new abilities and modifying the strength of others. If a shadow power is passive (such as the tiring spirit power), this cannot be used in conjunction with another power modifying the same ability. At each new power, they can replace a current one with another as long as it is in the same level grouping. The shadow pool cannot go above the normal maximum.

2nd level or later:

Shadow strike: The shadow knight’s next attack is made against the target’s touch AC. This only works during an attack action (such as charge or vital strike, or standard attack) or the first attack during a full attack action. At 11th level, this increases to the first two attacks of a full attack action. Costs one shadow point.

Shadow jump: The knight can teleport to a space within 30 ft as a standard action. At 6th level, this distance doubles to 60 ft. At 12th level, it becomes 90 ft., 18th, 120 ft., and at 20th level it becomes 150 ft. Only works if beginning and end point are both in shadow. Costs one shadow point.

Fright blade: When using transfer of darkness, the enemy makes a will save. If they fail, they are shaken for one round. At 8th level, they are frightened. At 16th level, they are panicked. This does not have an additional cost.

Stalwart spirit: If dark sword inflicts full damage, the shadow knight gains 1 insight AC for 1 round. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels the shadow knight possesses. This has no point cost.

Transfer: The next transfer of darkness attack does not damage the shadow knight. At 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, the number of attacks increases by 1. This ability lasts one round per level of the shadow knight, or until discharged. Costs one shadow point.

Empowered drain: Increase the DC of dark sword by 2. This is a passive effect.

Spirit drain: The shadow knight draws upon the energies of their enemy, causing them to become fatigued. At 10th level, the enemy is exhausted.

4th level or later:

 Bane of the dead: When using dark sword, the shadow knight learns to steal energies from the dead. Dark sword deals half damage to undead targets. At 8th level, it deals full damage.

Shadow images: The shadow knight creates 1d4 images plus one for every two levels they possess (maximum 4). This is a standard action. Costs one shadow point.

Invisibility: The shadow knight vanishes for a number of minutes equal to their level. This is a standard action. Any action taken against an enemy ends the effect. Costs one shadow point.

Single strike: When using dash and slash and only hitting one enemy, Deal 50% extra damage. At level 10, this increases to 100%. At level 15, 150%, at level 20, 200%. This requires dash and slash to consume one shadow point.

Maneuveral sacrifice: The shadow knight can use transfer of darkness to add a bonus to a combat maneuver check. The bonus is equal to the hit point cost. This is a passive effect.

Skill master: Use a shadow point to gain a 1d6 bonus to a skill check. If a 6 is rolled, they can roll again for an additional bonus.

Teleport with other: When combining this ability and shadow jump, the shadow knight can bring one ally adjacent to them with them. This does not increase the shadow points spent for shadow jump. This is a passive effect, and requires shadow jump.

Modified wave: Dark wave is modified to become a 30 ft. cone, rather than a 30 ft. radius. This is a passive effect.

Shadow burst: The shadow knight can cause their dark sword ability to burst with shadows, causing a cloud of darkness to form in a 20 ft. radius around the target. At 12th level, this maw function as deeper darkness. This has no additional cost.

8th level or later:

Empowered darkness: If an enemy hit by the next dark wave or dark sword takes full damage, gain +1 to weapon damage and +1 attack for a number of rounds equal to the shadow knight’s charisma modifier. This bonus increases by 1 damage per 3 levels the shadow knight possesses, and 1 attack per 5. This effect stacks duration, but the bonuses do not stack. This is a passive effect.

Gloomblade: The affected enemy is slowed, reducing their motion and their ability to act in battle. They are staggered for a number of rounds equal to the shadow knight’s level, and suffer a -1 penalty to their dodge AC, reflex saves, and attack rolls. In addition, their movement speed is halved. On a successful save, the damage is halved and the duration is reduced to one round.

Now you see me, now you don`t: When using dash and slash, the knight gains total concealment for the round following. This requires dash and slash to consume one shadow point.

Grasping blade: The enemy is grasped by cloying shadows that reach out from the shadowy blade, causing them to be grappled for one round, and entangled for a number of rounds equal to the shadow knight’s level. The shadow knight makes a CMB check using a bonus of their level + their charisma modifier. If they fail, the enemy is entangled for one round. Costs one shadow point.

Destructive Vengeance: Vengeful strike’s damage increases by one step. Costs one shadow point.

Defensive drain: If the enemy fails the save, dark sword drains 1 AC per four CL for a number of rounds equal to the shadow knight’s level. Costs one shadow point.

Strength drain: Once per round, the shadow knight’s attack causes 1d4 strength ability damage. At level 12, this increases to 1d6, 1 strength drain, or 1 negative level. At level 16, this increases to 1d8, 1d4 drain, or 1d4 negative levels. At level 20, this increases to 2d6, 1d6 drain, or 1d6 negative levels. Costs one shadow point. The negative levels have a will save to halve. (minimum 1)

Crushing slash: Enemies hit by dash and slash are hit as if the knight’s weapon was one category size larger. This deals 1.5 str with one weapon, or 2x with a 2 hander. This requires dash and slash to consume one shadow point.

12th level or later:

Vengeance for death: If an ally dies or is knocked unconscious, the knight can gain temporary hit points equal to twice their level, their attack increases by 1, plus 1 per 5 levels they possess, and the next vengeance strike damage is increased by one step. (Immediate act) Costs one shadow point.

Sacrificial redemption: If the knight passes a will save (10+1/2CL+Wis) they heal 20% of their maximum hit points after moving to 0. This consumes all shadow points.

Shadowy protector: When using shadowguard, adjacent allies gain partial concealment. This is a passive effect.

Ability drain: When using dark sword, you drain 1d4 str (will halves damage and drain). If they fail by 5 or more, 1d4+1/5CL. Lasts 1 min per level. This costs 1 shadow point.

Adamant soul : Immune to ability drain, energy drain, energy drain, and negative energy effects for 1 round/CL. This is a standard action. Costs one shadow point.

Energy drain: The shadow knight empowers an attack or spirit drain, giving the affected creature one negative level. At 16th level, this becomes 1d4 negative levels.

Hide in plain sight: If the shadow knight is within 10 ft. of shadows, they are able to make a stealth check to hide, even while being observed. This acts as the shadowdancer ability.

Takedown striker: If hit, victims of dash and slash make a reflex save. (10+½CL+wis) If they fail, they are knocked prone. This requires dash and slash to consume one shadow point.

Greater invisibility: As the invisibility shadow power, but the effect is not broken when actions are taken against enemies, and it lasts 1 round per level. This ability costs two shadow points.

16th level or later:

Ethereal knight: The knight becomes ethereal for a number of rounds equal to their level. This is a standard action, and can be dismissed as a free action.

Allied realms: Shadow realm allows allies to see perfectly. This is a passive effect.

Free transfer: Reduce life cost of life transfer by half. Costs one shadow point.

Confusion Wave: Those affected by dark wave are confused for one round on save fail. Costs one shadow point.

Drain wave: Dark wave now deals 1d4 str score on save fail. Costs one shadow point.

Dash, slash and crush: Enemies affected by dash and slash are hit twice (Two attack rolls, second has full BAB-5) This requires dash and slash to consume one shadow point.

20th level:

Invincible: The knight or one individual adjacent is invulnerable to all damage for 1 round.

Panacea: The knight or any individual touched by the knight is cured of all ailments.

Untouchable: Immune to touch attacks for 1 minute.

Drain them all: Dark sword now affects all enemies in a 10 ft. radius, and also drains 1d4 of all ability scores. This is a passive effect.

Darkvision: At 3rd level, the user gains 60 ft. of darkvision. At 7th level, their darkvision extends to 120 ft.

Resist negative energy (Ex): At 3rd level, the shadow knight’s attunement to shadows strengthens, increasing their saves against negative energy and negative energy effects by 1. This bonus increases by 1 every 4 levels thereafter.

Dark wave (Su): At 5th level, the knight can set out a wave of negative energy to all within 30 ft. Deals channel negative energy damage (cleric). The shadow takes 1 point of damage for every d6 rolled. Will save (10+1/2CL+WIS) for half damage. If the Dark knight passes this save, he takes half damage as well. The shadow knight can forgo the hit point damage by using a shadow point.

Dash/slash (Su): At 5th level, the knight may become incorporeal and dash in a straight line up to their movement speed as fly speed unhindered, slashing each threatened enemy in squares it enters at their highest BAB. Sacrifices 1 hit point plus 1 per 2 levels the shadow knight possesses. A shadow point can be used to forgo this damage. The distance of dash and slash is the character’s movement speed, and increases by 10 ft every 3 levels after 5th. A direct line must be able to be drawn, square to square. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity.

Vengeful strike (Ex): At 6th level, the knight can make a single attack as a standard action, dealing more damage the less hit points they have. The knight must announce they are using it before the attack roll is made. When used, they take a -2 penalty to their AC for the round following.
15%-2 hit points
0 or 1 health
below 0

Mistwalker (Su): At 8th level, the shadow knight is especially dexterous in medium armor, treating it as light armor, and has partial concealment from attacks of opportunity during movement. At 12th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, they gain a +1 bonus to their maximum dexterity bonus and their armor check penalty is reduced by 1.

Shadowguard (Su): At 9th level, the knight surrounds themselves with shadows, gaining partial concealment for a number of turns equal to their level. This ability consumes one shadow point as a standard action. At 14th level, this becomes total concealment.

See in Darkness (Ex): At 11th level, the knight sees past all non-magical, magical and supernatural darkness.

Drain mastery (Ex): At 12th level, the shadow knight grows in their mastery of their own energies. Each time they are affected by an attack or effect that grants them a negative level, there is a 25% chance to negate each individual negative level. At 16th level, this becomes 50%. 

Shadow Realm (Su): At 14th level, the shadow knight can envelop a 20 ft radius around the knight in deeper darkness. The knight is able to see without penalty. Uses one shadow point. Standard action. Lasts for Wis modifier rounds.

Health Transfer (Su): At 15th level, the Shadow Knight is able to transfer their own health to another (1:1 ratio, 50% at 20th level). Standard action.

Shadowmind (Su): When an individual targets the shadow knight with a mind-affecting spell, there is a 25% chance it is ineffective. In addition, the shadow knight sees through illusions such as mirror images and invisibility, and mist/fog concealment. 

Master of Darkness (Ex): The dark knight is completely attuned to shadow. They are always given partial concealment, are immune to ability drain and energy drain, and charisma further increases their ability strength (CHA to all weapon attacks while in shadows, all dark knight damaging abilities and attacks except transfer). The knight also gains their final shadow power.


Shadow boon: Increase the number of shadow points by 2. This feat can be taken multiple times.

Critical Darkness: Confirming a critical strike, the shadow knight may automatically make it a dark sword attempt. Requirements: Base attack bonus +11, Dark sword ability, critical focus.

Empowered vengeance: When using vengeance strike, damage is increased by one step. Requirements: Vengeance strike ability.

Master of the realm: The Shadow realm is centred on you (by choice) until it dissipates.
Requirements: Shadow realm ability.

Shield of shadow: When using shadowguard, the shadow knight grants their shield enhancement bonus to adjacent allies in addition to themselves. In addition, the same bonus is added to the user’s touch AC. Requirements: shadowguard ability.

Favoured class bonuses:

Human: +1/4 shadow points in the shadow pool.
Gnome: -1/5 to the health taken from transfer of darkness.
Dwarf: -1/6 health taken from dark wave and dash and slash.
Half-elf: +1/4 shadow points in the shadow pool.
Elf: +1 movement to dash and slash and the round following.
Night elf: +2 ft. movement to dash and slash.
Draenei: +1/5 to transfer of darkness attack rolls.
Sylvari: +1/2 skill points to stealth checks in forests.
Man’ari: +1 damage to dark sword.
Pandaren: +1% to concealment when they have concealment active.
Worgen: +1/4 damage to transfer of darkness attacks.
Orc: +1/4 to critical confirmation rolls on transfer of darkness attacks.
Half-orc: +1/4 shadow points into the shadow pool.
Zandalari: +2 ft. movement for the round following dash and slash.
Tauren: +1/4 damage to transfer of darkness damage rolls.
Forsaken: +1/5 to the DC of dark sword and dark wave.
Goblin: +1/4 dodge AC during dash and slash.
Blood elf: +1/8 shadow powers.
Drakken: (+2 str) +1/5 damage to transfer of darkness attacks. (+2 dex) +2 ft. movement during dash and slash. (+2 int) +1/5 to the DC of dark wave. (+2 wis) +1 damage to dark sword.

Frozelia: +1 cold damage to dark sword.


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