Custom Pathfinder Class: Demon Hunter

Hey everyone! This one I really loved making. It has some of the warcraft flavour (such as vengeance and havoc, with fracture, spirit bomb, and stuff like that). One thing I loved making were the demonic paths - the specific demon that a demon hunter takes their powers from - and actually slowly take appearance features as they grow in power/level up. That's more flavour though. :P

Demon Hunter

Image credit: Astri Lohne

Choosing to sacrifice their name and claim to their people, these warriors choose to fight fire with fire, using demonic energies to strike down not only demons themselves, but any who would destroy what they hold dear.

Hit die: d10

Skills: 4 + int modifier.

Classes: Monk and Sorcerer.

Class skills: Bluff, Climb, Craft, Disguise, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge (Religion), Perception, Profession, Ride, Sense motive, Stealth.

Weapon and armor proficiencies: Demon hunters are proficient with all simple and martial weapons. They are not proficient with armor or shields.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Profane AC bonus
Natural attack damage
Demonic Path, fury form, detect demon, profane brands
Demon talent, unholy energy
Chaos strikes (Magic), demonic insight +1, fury feat
Demon talent, manifestation
Path ability, demonic resistances
Demon talent, fury feat
Chaos strikes (silver/cold iron), demonic insight +2
Demon talent, manifestation
Chaos strikes (Chaotic/evil), Abyssal blood, fury feat
Demon talent, path ability
Metamorphosis 1/day, demonic insight +3
Demon talent, Manifestation, fury feat
Demon talent
Path ability, Demonic insight +4, fury feat
Demon talent, manifestation, chaos strikes (adamantine)
Metamorphosis 2/day
Demon talent, fury feat
Path ability, Demonic insight +5
The demon within, demon talent

Demonic path: With their studies of the abyss, demon hunters choose one demon's ways to follow, gaining abilities at 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, and 19th level. The options are listed down below. 

In addition, demon hunters learn how to speak abyssal at first level. For the purposes of spell-like abilities, the DCs are charisma-based, and the spell levels are taken from the oracle spell list. If the spell isn’t on the oracle spell list, they take it from the sorcerer list. For the purposes of their demon talents and path abilities, the DCs are equal to 10 + ½ their demon hunter level + their charisma modifier.

Path abilities: As the demon hunters commune with the abyss, they gain new powers. They can choose from the list below, as well as those from the demons they specialize in. They gain one path ability upon choosing their demonic path. They learn one new path ability at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 19th level.

Path bonus: When the demon hunter gains their demonic insight ability, they gain a bonus to certain checks noted in the demonic paths section below.

Manifestations (Ex): As the demon hunter grows in strength, their connection to the abyss grants them new manifestations resembling their power. Each path has set manifestations that the demon hunter acquires as they grow in power. If the demon hunter takes a manifestation which they already have the benefits (such as, a changeling who takes the claws manifestation), they choose whichever damage is higher. When they choose their first natural attack manifestation, they gain the feral combat training feat even if they do not meet the prerequisites.

Claws: The demon hunter grows claws on each hand, dealing natural attack damage. The demon hunter counts as having the feral combat training feat for these attacks.

Eyes: Their eyes burn out from their sockets with unholy energy. Their eyes instead resemble glowing flames the same colour of their profane markings. When they gain this manifestation, they gain darkvision 30 ft., but they cannot see beyond that. This cannot be overcome by any means (such as the darksight talent). At 5th level, this distance becomes 60 ft., At 10th level, they gain blindsense 20 ft. At 15th level, they gain blindsight 10 ft. 

Hide: The demon hunter grows a thick, scaly hide that is tougher than leather. This hide grants the demon hunter a +1 bonus to their base natural armor. At 10th and 18th level, this bonus increases by 1. The demon hunter cannot take this manifestation until 4th level.

Hooves: The demon hunter’s feet become hooves, giving them a natural attack. In addition, they gain vicious stomp as a bonus feat, using their hoof attack.

Horns: the demon hunter grows horns that protrude from their head, giving them a gore attack. This deals the natural attack damage four levels higher.

Pincers: The demon hunter gains two pincer attacks, dealing natural attack damage.

Slam: The demon hunter gains one slam attack. This deals damage four levels higher on the damage chart.

Sting: The demon hunter grows a stinging appendage. At 8th level, this sting attack becomes poisonous, dealing either 1d2 str or dex damage. Once the ability score is chosen, it cannot be changed. At 12th level, this deals 1d4 ability damage. At 16th level, 1d6. At 20th level, 1d8. This poison lasts 6 rounds, has a fortitude save is equal to the demon hunter’s DC, with one save to cure. Once a target makes its save, it is immune to the poison for 24 hours.

Tail: the demon hunter gains a thick, scaly tail, granting them a tail slap attack. In addition, they can make trip attempts with the tail in place of their attack without provoking attacks of opportunity. This deals damage four levels higher on the natural attack damage chart. They can take improved trip without the need for prerequisites.

Talons: The demon hunter’s feet become akin to talons of a falcon or other beast, granting them two talon natural attacks.

Teeth: the demon hunter’s teeth grow sharp and vicious, giving them a bite attack. This deals damage four levels higher on the natural attack damage chart.

Wings: the demon hunter grows demonic wings from their back, giving them a fly speed (poor) equal to double their movement speed. This requires the demon hunter to be of at least 8th level. At 12th level, this becomes average flight. At 16th level, their flight quality increases to perfect. This also allows them to learn the fly-by attack feat. These do not grant natural attacks.

Instead of choosing a new manifestation, the demon hunter can enhance one of their other manifestations. This increases the damage of a natural attack manifestation by one step, and attack rolls as well as DCs used by the manifestation by 1 (such as the sting's poison. The hide manifestation increases by +1. If the selected manifestation is a secondary attack, the demon hunter may instead choose to make it a primary attack. Darkvision given by the eyes manifestation increases by 10 ft. (5 ft. for blindsense, not blindsight, if they possess those traits). Flight speed by the wings manifestation increases by 10 ft. They can only enhance a single manifestation using this method once.

Profane brands (Su): The demon hunter’s skin is marked with profane runes, granting them profane AC equal to their charisma modifier. This bonus is increased by +1 at 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter. As they view armor as weakness, wearing armor causes them demon hunter to lose their focus on the abyss, and thus the profane AC bonus.

This AC bonus does not stack with others of it's kind, such as the AC bonus granted by a monk's wisdom modifier, or a mesmer's deflection AC bonus granted by their charisma modifier. If they possess more than one ability of this nature, they must choose one AC bonus to have at any one time, and may take a full-round action to change from one ability to another.

Fury form: Demon hunters take their powers for various reasons. Some take vengeance upon enemies that have betrayed them, while others seek to wreak raw havoc upon the enemies and outsiders that do the same. Either way, the taint of the abyss forms their method of motivation, whether the intent of good or evil. An evil vengeance demon hunter may kill their enemies no matter who they are, all who stand against them--while a good vengeance demon hunter may strike back against evil creatures who have wronged them or other innocents--bringing them to justice to keep the realm safe.

Based on which path they choose, they may learn different demon talents, as well as gain new class skills and saves. They may choose their form of fury: Either vengeance fuels their power, or the energy of raw havoc.

Vengeance: As dedicated hunters and avengers, these demon hunters gain survival as a class skill. In addition, they automatically stabilize when reduced below 0 health, and can’t be killed until taken to negative hit points equal to their constitution score + their charisma modifier (if positive). With their experience in battle, they gain a good fortitude save progression (see the numbers for their will save)

When they gain access to unholy energy, the demon hunter can spend one to do one of the following as a swift (or immediate, if applicable) action:

Gain a +20 ft. profane bonus to their movement speed bonus for one round. (+10 per 4 levels they possess after 2nd)

Empower one of their natural attacks or weapons with chaotic energies for a single attack, dealing 1d6 additional unholy damage. The damage of this effect increases by 1d6 for every 3 levels following 2nd. Attacks empowered by this ability bypass all damage reduction if the target is a demon.

Havoc: As agile, chaotic slayers, these demon hunters gain acrobatics as a class skill. In addition, they may get up from prone as a swift action. With their experience in battle, they gain a good reflex save progression (see the numbers for their will save)

When they gain access to unholy energy, the demon hunter can spend one to do one of the following as a swift (or immediate, if applicable) action. These abilities can only be used on targets that are below their maximum hit points.

Gain a +2 profane bonus to one attack or combat maneuver roll. This must be chosen before the first roll is made. (+1 for every 3 levels they possess after 2nd) If the target is a demon, attacks empowered with this ability bypass all damage reduction.

Grant a bonus attack at their highest base attack bonus during a full attack. This does not stack with effects that grant extra attacks such as the haste spell. If the target is a demon, attacks empowered with this ability bypass all damage reduction.

Detect demon (Sp): At will, a demon hunter can use detect demon, as the spell. A demon hunter can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is a demon, learning the strength of its aura as if he had studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the demon hunter does not detect demons in any other object or individual within range.

Unholy energy (Su): At second level, Demon hunters have a base amount of unholy energy equal to 1/2 their level + their charisma modifier (if positive), which they use to empower their strikes, defenses, and other combat abilities. They can replenish their unholy energy in one of the following ways:

Deal a critical strike against a demon: Whenever a demon hunter deals a critical strike against a demon, they regain 1 unholy energy. 

Killing blow against a demon: Whenever the demon hunter deals takes a demon below 0 hit points or kills them, they regain 1 unholy energy.

Targets must have a hit dice of at least half the demon hunter's character level in order for the demon hunter to gain energy. If their hit dice is below this threshold, energy is not gained by any of the above means. The demon hunter does not gain energy from dealing a critical strike against or killing a helpless target.

Demon talents: At second level, and every two levels thereafter, the demon hunter gains an ability that resembles their connection to the abyss. These very from feats, to special attacks, spell-like abilities, and empowering their chosen manifestations.

Abyssal magic (Sp): The demon hunter can choose one spell to use as a spell-like ability of the list below. These consume an amount of unholy energy when cast, listed below. 

At 2nd level, they can choose from the following list:
Cause fear (1 energy)
Charm person (1 energy)
Comprehend languages (1 energy)
Disguise self (1 energy)

Doom (1 energy)
Magic fang (1 energy)
Protection from alignment
 (1 energy)

At 5th level, the following are added to the list.
Alter self (1 energy)
Darkness (1 energy)

Protection from outsiders (1 energy)
Resist energy (1 energy)
See invisibility (2 energy)
Shard of chaos 
 (1 energy)

At 7th level, the following are added to the list.
Blood scent (1 energy)
Deadly juggernaut (1 energy)
Deeper darkness (2 energy)
Dispel magic (2 energy)
Magic fang (greater)  (2 energy)
Resist energy (communal) (2 energy)
Suggestion (2 energy)

At 9th level, the following are added to the list.
Aura of doom (2 energy)
Chaos hammer (2 energy)
Dismissal (2 energy, 1 energy for demons)
Fear (2 energy)
Unholy blight (2 energy)

At 11th level, the following are added to the list.
Charm monster (2 energy)
Dominate person (3 energy)
Flame strike (with unholy fire) (3 energy)
Slay living (3 energy)
Spell resistance (2 energy)
Teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of items) (2 energy)

At 13th level, the following are added to the list.
Banishment (3 energy, 2 energy for demons)
Dispel magic (greater) (3 energy)
True seeing (3 energy)
Suggestion (mass) (3 energy)

At 15th level, the following are added to the list.
Blasphemy (3 energy)
Destruction (4 energy)
Teleport, greater (self plus 50 lbs. of items) (3 energy)
Word of chaos (3 energy)

At 17th level, the following are added to the list.
Cloak of chaos (4 energy)
Unholy aura (4 energy)


Abyssal rush (Su): the demon hunter dashes through the air up to their movement speed as a full-round action, slashing enemies they pass for their weapon damage, and enchant them with the flaming quality. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity, and costs 1 unholy energy. This requires the havoc fury form, and 10th level. They may only use their attacks as if doing a full attack action. This can be used once per day, plus one additional time for every 3 levels following 10th.

Attack focus (Ex): The demon hunter can take weapon focus in one of their natural attacks as a bonus feat. This talent can be taken multiple times.

Blade dance (Su): Vanish and strike at the enemy from all sides with each of your natural attacks or weapon attacks as a full-round action. These attacks act as if they have the improved critical feat, and the target is considered flat-footed. This can be used once per day, plus one additional time at 15th and 20th level. This requires 10th level, the havoc specialization, and costs 2 unholy energy.

Blind as a bat (Ex): The demon hunter gains blind fight as a bonus feat. If they have blind fight, they may take this talent to gain improved blind fight if they are at least 10th level. If they have improved blind fight, they may choose this talent to gain greater blind fight if they are at least 15th level. This talent can be taken multiple times. Each time, they gain a new feat of their choice if they meet the above requirements. If they have the eyes manifestation, they can spend 1 unholy energy as a free action to double the distance of each of their senses for 1 round. This requires the eyes manifestation.

Born in flames (Ex): Immolation aura now lasts for 1 minute per level. This talent requires immolation aura, and 12th level.

Burning flesh (Su): While aflame with energy, fire bursts from the demon hunter's flesh when they're struck. While immolation aura is active, creatures striking the demon hunter take fire damage equal to the damage dice of the aura. Creatures striking the demon hunter with a weapon may make a reflex save for half damage. This ability requires the immolation aura talent, and 10th level.

Chaotic burst (Su): When the demon hunter deals a critical hit while using their energy pool to deal additional damage, the target bursts with unholy energy, dealing splash unholy damage equal to the number of unholy damage dice + the demon hunter's charisma modifier. Targets get a reflex save to halve this damage. This requires the vengeance fury form, and 6th level.

Conviction (Ex): The demon hunter can use two unholy energy as a standard action to roll a new saving throw against a persistent condition of a fear, compulsion, or charm effect. If the condition or effect was given by a demon, the demon hunter gains a competence bonus to the roll equal to their charisma modifier (if positive). They can only use this ability once per effect. This talent requires the vengeance fury form, and 6th level. 

Constrict (Ex): While the demon hunter grapples a target, their tail wraps around them to deal additional damage, granting a constrict attack. On a successful grapple check, they deal constrict damage equal to the tail slap damage dice plus 1.5x the demon hunter’s strength modifier. This requires the tail manifestation.

Darkness (Su): Place a realm of darkness at their feet out to a radius of 20 ft. as a standard action that remains for 1 round per level of the demon hunter. While in this darkness, allies who make a reflex save for half damage take no damage. At 16th level, they take half damage even if they fail the save. This ability requires 8th level, and costs 1 unholy energy. This does not grant special vision to allies, and cannot see if they do not have darkvision.

Darksight (Ex): The demon hunter gains Darkvision out to a distance of 30 ft. At 6th level, this becomes 60 ft. At 10th level, this becomes 120 ft. This does not extend past their distance limits of sight if they possess the eyes manifestation.

Deadly revenge (Ex): When the demon hunter rolls a critical threat that benefits from revenge, the critical hit has its damage multiplier increased by 1. This talent requires 16th level, the revenge talent, and the vengeance fury form. 

Death surge (Ex): If the demon hunter is conscious when dealt a killing blow in melee, they may make one attack with all their might as a final retort using all remaining energy from their pool, if any. This attack gains a +2 competence bonus to attack and damage, plus additional damage equal to the remaining energy in their pool. If the demon hunter kills the creature that dealt the attack, they heal for the damage done, to a maximum that would leave them at -1 hit points (or their hit point total before the killing blow, if lower) and unconscious. If the healing does not take them above their death threshold, they die. This can only be used once per day. This requires 10th level, and the vengeance fury form.

Deceitful insight (Su): The demon hunter can use one unholy energy as a free action to grant them a bonus to a bluff or disguise check equal to 1/2 their level. In addition, if they have the disguise or alter self spell-like abilities, they can use these one additional time (or time increment) per day, and the DC to see through their spell or disguise increases by 2.

Demon scales (Su): The demon hunter grows scales all over their skin as a standard action, granting them a +1 enhancement bonus to their natural armor. This bonus increases by +1 for every three levels the demon hunter possesses following 2nd. These scales remain for 10 minutes per level the demon hunter possesses. This ability costs 1 unholy energy.

Demon hunter (Ex): The demon hunter gains demon hunter as a bonus feat. 

Demon Soul (Su): A demon hunter can spend 1 point of unholy energy as a swift action to gain spell resistance equal to their demon hunter level + 10. This spell resistance lasts for a number of rounds equal to the demon hunter’s level. This requires 12th level or higher.

Demon spikes (Ex and Su): Spikes emerge from the demon hunter's skin, granting them a +1 bonus to their base natural armor. If the demon hunter is grappled or grapples a target, the enemy takes piercing damage per round in the grapple one step lower than their natural attack damage. (1d3 at second level). These spikes possess the same traits (magic, cold iron, etc.) as their natural attacks. If they spend one unholy energy, the spikes grow for 1 minute per level, causing creatures who hit the demon hunter with a natural attack or unarmed strike to take the piercing damage. This requires the vengeance fury form.

Demonic Resilience (Su): By spending 1 unholy energy as a swift action, the demon hunter gains DR 3/cold iron and good. At 16th level, this increases to DR 6/cold iron and good. At 19th level, this increases to DR 9/cold iron and good. This damage reduction lasts for 1 round per level they possess. This requires 12th level or higher.

Demonic Rush (Ex): The demon hunter gains improved bull rush as a bonus feat. In addition, they may make a bull rush attempt in place of their gore attack if they possess the horns manifestation. If they possess the quick bull rush feat, they gain a free bull rush attempt upon a successful hit with their gore attack. 

Determination (Ex): While the demon hunter has at least one energy in their pool and are below their maximum hit points, they gain DR 1/-. This damage reduction increases by 1 at 12th, 16th, and 20th level. If the demon hunter is at or below 0 hit points, this damage reduction doubles. This does not stack with damage reduction gained by demonic resilience. This requires the vengeance specialization, and 8th level.

Disarming horns (Ex): The gnarled horns of the demon hunter make it easy to help catch weapons, and thus the demon hunter gains a +2 bonus on all disarm attempts. In addition, they do not provoke attacks of opportunity when making disarm attempts with their gore attack. This requires the horns manifestation, and allow the demon hunter to take improved and greater disarm as feats without the need for feat prerequisites. This requires 6th level.
Diseased maw (Su): the demon hunter can, by using 1 unholy energy, deliver a vile disease with their bite attack though venomous fangs. This acts as demon fever, but has a DC equal to the demon hunter’s DC. This requires the bite manifestation, and 10th level. This can be used three times per day, plus one additional time at 12th, 15th, and 18th level. This also makes the demon hunter immune to the effects of demon fever.

Embrace the pain (Ex): If the demon hunter is dealt a single blow totaling more than one quarter their maximum hit points, they regenerate one unholy energy. This cannot be dealt to them willingly. This can activate once per day, plus one additional time for every 3 levels following 4th. This requires 4th level, and the vengeance fury form.

Energy surge (Ex): Using 1 unholy energy as an immediate action, the demon hunter can gain a 1d6 bonus to an acrobatics, climb, fly, or swim check. If a 6 is rolled, they roll an additional 1d6 bonus to the roll. This can be chosen after the roll is made, but before the result is revealed.

Essence sever (Su): When using fracture or soul cleave, the demon hunter instead severs 2 soul fragments per strike. This requires 14th level, and either the fracture or soul cleave ability.

Evasion (Ex): When the demon hunter passes a reflex save that would normally allow them to take half damage, they take no damage instead. This requires the havoc fury form.

Evisceration (Ex): When the demon hunter knocks a target unconscious or deals a critical hit with a piercing or slashing natural attack, their demonic tendencies take over. They deal a deep wound that lasts, dealing 1d4 constitution damage. A successful fortitude save halves this damage (minimum 1). This requires 12th level, and the havoc fury form. 

Eye beam (Su): The demon hunter releases the flame of the abyss from their eyes as a standard action, dealing 1d6 damage (half unholy, half fire) plus the demon hunter’s level in a 15 ft. line. At 6th level, this becomes a 30 ft. line. At 12th level, it becomes a 60 ft. line. This can be used once per day, plus one additional time at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level, and the damage increases by 1d6 at 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter. This ability costs 1 unholy energy. A successful reflex save halves the damage. This requires the eyes manifestation.

Fearsome energy (Ex): When dealing additional damage or making an extra attack with their energy pool, the demon hunter strikes fear into the soul of their target, causing them to be shaken for 1 round. Targets get a will save to resist this effect. If the attack is a confirmed critical hit, this effect has no saving throw. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. 

Fiery soul (Ex): If the demon hunter confirms a critical hit while immolation aura is active, the duration of the aura extends by one round (or one minute if they possess the born in flames talent. This requires the immolation aura talent.

First blood (Ex): The demon hunter gains improved initiative as a bonus feat.

Flame crash (Su): When using infernal strike, they release an explosion of flame as they land, dealing 3d6 damage (half unholy, half fire) to all enemies within the strike radius. This damage increases by 1d6 for every 3 levels the demon hunter possesses after 10th. A successful reflex save (for the infernal strike) halves this damage. If the demon hunter has learned the immolation aura talent, they can instead activate it upon impact using 1 additional energy point, replacing the fire damage of this ability with immolation aura. This requires the infernal strike ability, 10th level, and the vengeance specialization.

Fly-by attack (Ex): The demon hunter gains fly-by attack as a bonus feat. This requires the wings manifestation.

Fracture (Su): As a standard action, the demon hunter strikes with their two claws or held weapons to fracture the target’s life force. The demon hunter deals damage claw damage four levels higher than normal on their natural attack damage table above. For each hit, they steal one life fragment. As a swift action, they can consume these life fragments for 1d4+1 hit points per fragment. The healing per fragment increases by 1d4+1 per 4 levels the demon hunter possesses following 2nd. This requires the claws manifestation, and costs 1 unholy energy. They can hold a number of fragments at one time equal to half their level (minimum 2). The fragment stealing effect does not work on non-living targets, such as undead or constructs. If the fragments are consumed by another means (such as the spirit bomb talent) the healing is still gained.

Frightful presence (Ex): The demon hunter can, using two unholy energy, radiate an aura of raw fear as a standard action through a frightening display of power, or as a free action during a charge. Opponents within 30 ft. of the demon hunter are shaken for 1 round per level the demon hunter possesses, or until they leave the aura. If they re-enter the aura, the condition returns. If the creature has 4 hit dice or less, they are panicked. If the demon hunter enters metamorphosis, this ability automatically activates without spending unholy energy. Creatures who succeed at a will save are unaffected by the aura. Once affected or their save succeeds, a creature is immune to the demon hunter's frightful presence ability for 24 hours. The demon hunter must be 12th level before selecting this talent.

Fueled by fire (Ex): When taking fire damage from an enemy, the demon hunter gain fast healing 1 for a number of rounds equal to their charisma modifier. This does not activate if the fire damage does not bypass the demon hunter’s resistances, if present. This fast healing increases by 1 for every 4 levels the demon hunter possesses following 2nd. This fast healing does not stack, but it does refresh duration. In addition, if the demon hunter possesses the immolation aura talent, they gain hit points equal to the minimum damage of the aura's burst. If the demon hunter is struck by a good-aligned spell or attack, this fast healing is suppressed for 1 round.

Grab (Ex): The demon hunter’s tail becomes longer and more powerful, allowing them to grapple with their tail as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity on a successful hit. This requires the tail manifestation. This cannot be used in the same attack as a trip with their tail. This ability grants the demon hunter a +2 bonus on all grapple checks.

Grievous wound (Ex): On an attack, the demon hunter deals a deadly wound to the enemy. They instantly take 1 bleed damage. On each turn following, the target makes a fortitude save. If they fail, they take double the bleed damage of the previous round. Every time this ability deals damage, the bleed doubles, to a maximum of the demon hunter’s level until healed. On a successful save, the bleed damage does not increase for that round, but deals damage as normal. This costs 1 unholy energy, and the energy is spent before the attack roll is made.

Heartseeker (Ex): When the demon hunter deals a critical hit when using their energy pool to increase their attack roll, they deal the damage dice of their natural attack or weapon on top of the critical damage. This extra dice is not multiplied. This talent requires the havoc fury form, and 8th level.

Heavy strikes (Ex): The demon hunter can take improved natural attack as a bonus feat for one of their natural attacks not granted by their manifestations. This talent can be taken multiple times. This talent cannot be taken for natural attacks given by their manifestations. If they take a manifestation that overwrites their natural abilities, this talent is inactive.

Immolation aura (Su): As a standard action using 1 unholy energy, the demon hunter bursts with unholy fire, dealing 1d6 + their charisma modifier as fire damage to adjacent targets. For a number if rounds equal to their level afterward, adjacent creatures take 1d6 fire damage if they end their turn within the aura. Creatures may make a reflex saving throw for half damage from the initial burst. The aura can be dismissed and re-activated as a free action, but the burst does not occur again. The fire damage from the burst and aura increases by 1d6 for every 4 levels they possess after 4th. While immolation aura is active, they gain resistance 10 to fire. At 8th level, this increases to 20. At 12th level, this increases to 30. The demon hunter, creatures they carry, as well as their equipment do not take damage from immolation aura. This ability requires 4th level.

Improved evasion (Ex): When the demon hunter fails a reflex saving throw where a success would allow them to take half damage, they take half damage instead of full. This requires 14th level, and the havoc fury form.

Infernal force (Su): When using infernal strike, targets who fail their reflex save are also subject to a bull rush attempt. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This requires the infernal strike ability, and 10th level.

Infernal strike (Su): The demon hunter leaps into the air as a full-round action, landing in a space within their movement speed, smashing the ground below. Adjacent targets are subject to a trip attempt using a CMB equal to the demon hunter's level + their strength modifier. If the demon hunter possesses the hoof manifestation, they deal hoof natural attack damage to adjacent targets, and a successful reflex save negates the damage. The demon hunter provokes attacks of opportunity from movement when leaving their initial location. This requires the vengeance fury form, and uses 1 unholy energy.

Multiattack (Ex): The demon hunter gains multiattack as a bonus feat.

Netherwalk (Sp): Using 1 unholy energy, the demon hunter shifts into the ethereal plane as a swift action, and moves up to their movement speed. Once their movement ends, they reappear in the material plane. This requires 10th level.

Planar strikes (Ex): As long as the demon hunter as at least one unholy energy, their natural and weapon attacks have the planar special ability. At 16th level, this planar ability increases to 10 points of damage reduction. This talent requires 8th level.

Rake (Ex): The demon hunter gains 2 rake attacks, equal to their claw or talon manifestation damage. They cannot rake with both claws and talons in the same grapple check. This requires one of the claws or talons manifestations.

Razor spikes (Ex): The demon hunter chooses one of their natural attacks. As a move action, they can cause spikes to emerge from their skin, making the attack deal piercing damage. They can retract these spikes again as a move action. In addition, the target bleeds for 1 damage per turn after taking damage from demon spikes. This damage continues until healed, but it does not stack. At 10th, 15th, and 20th level, this bleed damage increases by 1. This requires the demon spikes talent, and 5th level.

Regeneration (Ex): The demon hunter gains the ability to heal from wounds rapidly. As a standard action using one unholy energy, they can instantly heal 1d8 hit points plus their level. In addition, when the demon hunter is in metamorphosis, they gain fast healing 5. This fast healing in metamorphosis increases by 1 every 2 levels after 10th. At 6th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the demon hunter may choose to spend one additional energy point to increase their regeneration by 1d8 hit points.

Rend (Ex): If the demon hunter strikes with two claws or talons on a target during a full attack, they rend for their claw or talon damage plus 1.5x their strength modifier. This cannot activate more than once per turn. This requires one of the claws or talons manifestations.

Retributive wrath (Ex): If an ally is knocked unconscious or killed while within their sight, the demon hunter can spend two unholy energy to charge, or move up to double their movement speed and make a single attack against the one who attacked their ally as an immediate action. The demon hunter gains a profane bonus to their attack roll equal to their charisma modifier, and a bonus to their damage roll equal to their level. This ability can be used once per day. If the target is knocked unconscious or killed by the attack, the demon hunter may use this ability one additional time during the day. This talent requires 14th level, and the vengeance specialization.

Revenge (Ex): For 1 round after the demon hunter has a critical hit confirmed against them, their critical threat ranges are doubled against the one who struck them This stacks with effects such as improved critical. This effect ends once the demon hunter strikes the associated creature with a critical hit. This requires 10th level and the vengeance fury form.

See in Darkness (Ex): The demon hunter gains the see in darkness ability, allowing them to see in areas of darkness, including magical and supernatural darkness. This requires the eyes manifestation, and 14th level.

Severe poison (Ex): If using the sting natural attack, the demon hunter’s poison now requires two saves to cure, and it lasts 1 round per level, instead of 6 rounds. This requires 10th level. This talent can be taken again at 14th level, allowing the demon hunter to deal constitution damage instead of strength or dexterity. This requires the sting manifestation. If the demon hunter has the tail spike talent, they can take this talent to have it act as the poison from the sting manifestation.

Severing strikes (Ex): The demon hunter gains the improved critical feat for one of their natural attacks. This talent can be taken multiple times, applying to a different natural attack. This requires 8th level.

Shapechanger (Su): The demon hunter gains the shapechanger subtype. They are able to shift to their form without their demonic manifestations, or any mix of them, and revert back and forth as a standard action. This can only be taken if their demon from their path has the shapechanger subtype. This requires 10th level.

Soul barrier (Su): As a standard action, the demon hunter consumes all the life they have taken to grant themselves 1d6 temporary hit points per fragment consumed.  These temporary hit points last for one minute, and cannot take the demon hunter above their maximum hit points equal to their level. This requires the vengeance specialization, as well as the fracture or soul cleave ability.

Soul cleave (Su): Gain cleave as a bonus feat. If they already have this feat, it becomes greater cleave (at 6th level). By spending one unholy energy and using the cleave or greater cleave feat, it becomes a soul cleave. Every target hit by soul cleave fragments their soul, removing one life fragment. The demon hunter can hold a number of life fragments equal to their charisma modifier. They can consume these fragments as noted in the fracture ability. If the demon hunter misses the soul cleave, the unholy energy is wasted. This does not work on non-living targets such as constructs or undead. This requires 6th level.

Source of the abyss (Ex): When the demon hunter is in metamorphosis, eye beam, infernal strike, abyssal rush, and chaos strikes may be used once without expending daily uses, or unholy energy. They must still possess these demon talents. This requires 12th level.

Spectral sight (Su): Using one unholy energy, the demon hunter can grant themselves the ability to see demons through darkness, mist, and other forms of visual concealment for 1 round per level they possess. If they have the eyes manifestation, they also gain the ability to see invisible demons, as well as those on the ethereal plane for the duration. This does not allow them to see other creatures or objects in these conditions. This requires 6th level.

Spiked charge (Ex): The demon hunter’s charge using a gore attack is especially deadly. When charging, the demon hunter’s gore deals damage one size category higher, with 1.5x their strength modifier to the damage. This requires the horns manifestation, and 8th level.

Spirit bomb (Su): As a standard action, the demon hunter consumes all soul fragments and explodes with unholy energy, dealing 1d8 damage (half fire, half unholy) per fragment to all targets within 10 ft. A successful reflex save halves this damage. This requires the fracture or soul cleave ability, and 10th level.

Spirit surge (Ex): For every soul fragment the demon hunter consumes, there is a 10% chance they regenerate 1 unholy energy. This requires the soul cleave or fracture ability.

Tail spike (Ex): The demon hunter's tail elongates, and the end grows into a deadly spike-like formation. The demon hunter may choose to, instead of bludgeoning, deal piercing damage on demand. This spike has a base critical multiplier of x3. The tail loses the grab quality (if present) when using its spike.

Telepathy (Su): The demon hunter can use one unholy energy as a standard action to gain the telepathy ability out to a distance of 100 ft. for 1 minute per level they possess. The demon hunter must be 14th level before selecting this talent.

Thrill of the Hunt (Ex): When the demon hunter kills a demon or deals a critical hit to a demon, they can, instead of regenerating unholy energy, bolster themselves and become increasingly difficult to stop. With each incident, they gain a +1 luck bonus to melee attack and damage rolls, strength checks and strength-based skill checks, and 2 DR/- for one minute per level they possess. These bonuses stack with themselves and refresh duration, up to five times. To gain this bonus, the demon must be at least of a CR of half their level (rounding up) or higher. This requires 8th level.

Touch of Chaos (Su): The demon hunter can, instead of striking them enemy, deal their chaotic energy damage with a melee touch attack. This requires the vengeance fury form. 

Trip (Ex): If the demon hunter strikes with it’s tail slap, they automatically may initiate a trip attempt as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. The tail gains a +2 bonus on trip attempts. This requires the tail manifestation, and does not cost unholy energy. This cannot be used in the same attack as the grab demon talent, and it allows the demon hunter to take improved and greater trip without the need for prerequisites.

Unholy claws (Su): The demon hunter can enchant their claws with powerful unholy energies as a move action. Due to the focus this takes, they can only take one move action and claw attack as a standard action, or a full-round attack with only using their claws to maintain the power in their attacks. During this effect, they add their demon hunter level to damage rolls with their claws. After a number of rounds equal to their charisma modifier, the energy fades. This ability requires a swift action every round to keep, and requires concentration. This costs 1 unholy energy, and requires the claw manifestation.

Unity in chaos (Ex): The demon hunter becomes talented into weaving their attacks together and finding how skill in one benefits another. They choose one demon talent applying to a single natural attack, such as attack focus or severing strikes. This feat now applies to all of the demon hunter's natural attacks. This talent can be taken multiple times. Each time, it applies to a new talent. This requires 12th level.

Unlimited power (Ex): When at or below 0 hit points, all of the demon hunter's abilities have no energy cost. This does not grant additional uses of abilities that may be used a number of times per day. This requires the vengeance fury form, and 6th level.

Unrelenting (Ex): The demon hunter can use three unholy energy to re-roll a saving throw they just failed as an immediate action. If the save was due to an effect given by a demon, the demon hunter gains a competence bonus to the roll equal to their charisma modifier (if positive). This can only be used once per effect. This requires the vengeance fury form, the conviction demon talent, and 12th level.

Vengeance strike (Ex): When dealt hit point damage by a weapon, unarmed, or natural attack in melee, the demon hunter can spend one unholy energy to make a counterattack as an immediate action. This requires 8th level, and the vengeance fury form.

Vengeance incarnate (Ex): When the demon hunter is in view of one or more unconscious allies, they gain a +1 morale bonus to natural, unarmed, or weapon attack rolls and damage rolls, and their movement speed increases by 5 ft. In addition, they gain a cumulative +1 morale bonus to these rolls and +5 ft. when they are below one third their maximum hit points, and at or below zero hit points. The bonuses increase by 1 at 10th level. This requires the vengeance fury form. 

Vengeful hunt (Ex): Once per day, the demon hunter chooses a single target that has cast an offensive spell, ability, attack that has had a negative effect, or dealt hit point damage to them or their allies in the past minute. For a number of hours equal to the demon hunter's level, they gain the effects of blood scent for that specific creature. They also gain a profane bonus to checks to track the creature, as well as their attack rolls against it equal to half their charisma modifier (minimum 1). If the target is a demon, the demon hunter gains half their level to damage rolls. If the target is killed, or the demon hunter rests, the vengeful hunt ends. They can declare one additional vengeful hunt at 12th, 16th, and 20th level. This requires the vengeance fury form, and 8th level.

Whip tail (Ex): The demon hunter's tail grows longer and whip-like. The demon hunter may grapple and pin creatures one size larger than usual. If they possess the grab talent, they may use this ability on creatures up to one size larger than their own. In addition, their constrict damage deals damage one category higher than normal if they possess this talent. This can only occur once per round. This requires the tail manifestation, and 10th level.

Demonic insight (Ex): At third level, and every four levels thereafter, the demon hunter’s knowledge of evil outsiders, the planes, and other entities grows. They gain a +1 bonus to the following:
·         Knowledge (Planes) checks to identify outsiders and their weaknesses
·         Sense motive checks on outsiders
·         Confirm critical strikes against demons, and saving throws against the source of their demonic path
·         Checks detailed in the demonic path section as path bonuses (see below)

Chaos strikes (Ex): At 3th level, when the demon hunter strikes with a natural attack, they are treated as magic. At 7th level, they are treated as silver and cold iron. At 9th level, they are treated as evil and chaotic. At 16th level, they are treated as adamantine.

In addition, at 3rd level, the demon hunter can grant themselves a +1 enhancement bonus to one of their natural attacks as a swift action for 1 minute using 1 unholy energy. This enhancement bonus increases by 1 for every 3 levels they possess after 3rd, to a maximum of +6 at 18th level. This stacks with any existing enhancement bonus or abilities of the attack, to a maximum enhancement of +5 (abilities can be added for the remaining enhancements). If their natural attacks have at least a +1 enhancement bonus, they can choose to add the following abilities: 

+1 bonus: Bane (chaotic or evil outsider), blood-hunting (abyssal only), cruel, flaming, glamered, huntsman (demons only), keen, menacing, miserable (chaotic or evil outsider), planar, vicious.

+2 bonus: Anarchic, flaming burst, furyborn, igniting, invigorating, phase-locking, planestriking, unholy, wounding.

+3 bonus: Gory, nullifying, speed.

If the demon hunter is lawful or good and uses the anarchic or unholy enchantments respectively, they take a permanent negative level as if they held the appropriate weapon until the enchantment ends or is removed.

This enhancement can be divided among the demon hunter's natural attacks, but each natural attack must have at least an enhancement bonus of +1 before they may add abilities. They cannot stack multiple uses of this ability. When the demon hunter uses unholy energy to change abilities or refresh them, the old bonuses are replaced.

Fury feat: At 3rd level, and every 3 levels following, the demon hunter gains a feat based on their fury form. They gain these feats even if they do not meet the prerequisites. If they already possess a feat gained, they instead gain a combat feat that the demon hunter possesses the prerequisites for.

Those fueled by vengeance gain the following: 3rd - Endurance, 6th - Diehard, 9th - Deathless initiate, 12th - Deathless master, 15th - Deathless zealot, 18th - Counterpunch.

Those fueled by havoc gain the following: 3rd - Nimble moves, 6th - Dodge, 9th - Mobility, 12th - Spring attack, 15th - Improved spring attack, 18th - Greater spring attack.

Demonic resistances (Ex): At 5th level, demon hunters gain resistance 5 to electricity, and a +2 bonus to saving throws against poisons. Every five levels following, they gain resist 5 to a new energy type of their choice of fire, acid, and cold, and the previous resistances increase by 5.

Abyssal blood (Ex): At ninth level, demon hunters are immune to poison.

Metamorphosis (Su): At eleventh level, the demon hunter can transform into the demon within as a standard action for a number of rounds equal to their level. This is a polymorph effect. They gain specific traits based on the path they follow, including the following: they are immune to electricity, their fire, cold, and acid resistances increase by 5, they gain DR 5/cold iron and good, and they gain spell resistance equal to their level + 10.  In addition, all weapon and natural attacks against demons bypass all damage reduction. At 17th level, they gain damage reduction 10/cold iron and good while in this form.

They can exit this form as a free action, but the extra rounds are wasted. After this form ends, they are fatigued for a number of minutes equal to the rounds they remained in metamorphosis. This ability can be used once per day, plus one additional use at 17th level. This ability empties the demon hunter's energy pool, at a minimum of three unholy energy. At 17th level, this ability only spends three unholy energy.

Furyborn: At 13th level, their drive to hunt demons grows beyond the limits of normal demon hunters.  Energy-consuming abilities gained by their specialization (e.g. increasing damage, or movement speed by using energy as vengeance) are now free actions. In addition, havoc demon hunters may get up from prone as a free action, or as a move action without provoking attacks of opportunity. The vengeance demon hunter's death threshold increase (their charisma modifier) doubles.

When within 60 ft. of a demon that possesses a hit dice more than half their own and they are actively in combat with, abilities have no energy cost. If the demon hunter uses a hostile ability with an energy cost within an area that a demon does not encompass or does not specifically target a demon, the ability retains its energy cost.

The demon within: The demon hunter becomes a true demonic scion, taking on the majority of appearance similarities of the demon they take the path of. They become classified as an outsider (native) and have a powerful chaotic and evil aura, no matter their true alignment. They gain immunity to electricity, DR 10/good and cold iron, and spell resistance equal to 11 + their level. Their other resistances increase as normal. They gain a demon talent, and based on their fury form the demon hunter gains a powerful ability.

Vengeance: Last resort (Ex)

When the vengeance demon hunter is taken below 0 hit points, they are immune to the staggered, stunned, paralyzed, and dazed conditions. They can be knocked unconscious, but only if the demon hunter chooses. When they are taken below the death threshold, they don’t die, but instead trigger the demonic power within them. They instantly return to a half their maximum hit points, gain one temporary negative level and activate metamorphosis, even if they have no uses of the ability or energy remaining. They are cleansed of all conditions, ability drain, and ability damage, and are immune to these effects until metamorphosis ends. The temporary negative level is only removed when the demon hunter rests. This only activates once per day.

Havoc: Chaos blades (Su)

The demon hunter can empower their strikes with chaotic energies as a swift action, granting them a damage bonus to their attacks equal to their level. This applies to both weapon attacks and natural attacks. This can be used for a number of rounds per day equal to their level + their charisma modifier. During chaos blades, their attacks pierce all damage reduction, and they increase their base movement speed of all types by 30 ft.


Constant spell-like ability: The demon hunter's mastered spell-like ability is engraved deep within their soul. Its duration becomes constant for themselves, and can be dismissed and re-cast as a swift action on the demon hunter. Requirements: Demon hunter level equal to twelve above the spell-like ability requirement, Signature spell-like ability of the chosen spell, mastered spell-like ability of the chosen spell, cha 20.

Extra demon talent: Gain one additional demon talent. This feat can be taken multiple times.

Extra unholy energy: The demon hunter's unholy energy pool increases by 2. This feat can be taken multiple times.

Flames of the Abyss: When the demon hunter deals fire damage, half the damage counts as unholy. This does not affect abilities which already deal half damage as unholy (such as the flame strike spell-like ability). Prerequisites: 10th level Demon Hunter.

Improved natural attack: Choose one of the creature’s natural attack forms (not an unarmed strike). The damage for this natural attack increases by one step on the following list, as if the creature’s size had increased by one category. Damage dice increase as follows: 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 6d6, 8d6, 12d6. A weapon or attack that deals 1d10 points of damage increases as follows: 1d10, 2d8, 3d8, 4d8, 6d8, 8d8, 12d8. This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, it applies to a different natural attack. If a demon hunter takes this feat, it applies to a natural attack that is not one of their manifestations. This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time, it applies to a new natural attack. Prerequisites: Natural weapon, base attack bonus +4

Mastered spell-like ability: The demon hunter's mastery of a single spell-like ability causes it to become part of their being. The spell-like ability consumes one less unholy energy at all times. Three times per day, it consumes two unholy energy less than its original cost (minimum 0). Prerequisites: Signature spell-like ability of the spell chosen, Demon hunter level equal to eight above the spell-like ability requirement, cha 18.

Persistent brand: If the demon hunter has taken the lilitu path, their brand can now be used on a target one additional time per day if the target made a successful save. Prerequisites: 13th level demon hunter, lilitu demonic path, brand path ability, cha 16.

Searing brand: The demon hunter's brand weakens a target more vulnerable to the one who branded them. While targets bear a brand, they take a -2 penalty to will saves against the demon hunter's spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities, as well as a -2 penalty to their AC against attacks of the demon hunter. Prerequisites: Lilitu demonic path, Brand path ability, Base attack bonus + 8, Cha 15.

Signature spell-like ability: The demon hunter chooses one spell-like ability they have learned through demon talents and have mastered as part of their demonic energies. Four times per day, it consumes one less unholy energy than it would normally use. This feat cannot be taken a second time. Prerequisites: Spell-like ability demon talent, Demon hunter level equal to four above the spell-like ability requirement, cha 16.

Vicious brand: The demon hunter's brand creates visceral wounds within the target's soul. While bearing a debilitating brand, the target takes a -4 penalty to their wisdom score. Prerequisites: Searing brand, Lilitu demonic path, Brand path ability, Base attack bonus + 12, Cha 17.

Demonic Paths


Image credit: Ben Wootten on Deviantart

Taking the traits the babau, the demon hunter tends to have a more hunched, and strange wetness and greying of the skin that seems unnatural. As they grow in power, their skin grows more slimy, making them a little off-putting. Evil babau demon hunters prefer to strike their enemies from the shadows, assassinating those that would go against them, while good individuals would dismantle evil plans at the heart before they even notice.

Path bonuses: Stealth checks, as well as saving throws against disease and poison.

Manifestation abilities: Claws, teeth, eyes, sting, hide

Path abilities

1st level: Poisonous (Su): The demon hunter’s attacks are laced with poisonous venom. At first level this poison does 1d2 strength damage per round for a number of rounds equal to their charisma modifier (minimum 1). At 5th level, this venom can deliver 1d3 strength or dexterity damage, or 1 constitution damage. At 10th level this can deal 1d4 strength or dexterity, or 1d2 constitution damage. At 15th level this increases to 1d6/1d4, and at level 20, 2d6/1d6. This poison can be used once per day per level they possess.

5th level: Protective Slime (Su): A layer of acidic slime coats the demon hunter’s skin, granting them a +2 bonus to their CMD against trip, bull rush, and grapple attempts. Any creature that strikes a them with a natural attack or unarmed strike takes 1d8 points of acid damage from this slime if it fails a Reflex save. A creature that strikes them with a melee weapon must make a reflex save or the weapon takes 1d8 points of acid damage; if this damage penetrates the weapon's hardness, the weapon gains the broken condition. Ammunition that strikes them is automatically destroyed after it inflicts its damage. The demon hunter can activate this ability as a move action for a number of minutes equal to their level, in one-minute increments.

10th level: Acid strikes (Su):  A number of rounds per day equal to their level, the demon hunter can give their weapons or natural attacks the corrosive burst special ability as a free action. This is spent in one-round increments.

15th level: Assassin’s strike (Ex): When the enemy is flanked or denied their dexterity bonus to AC (flat-footed, stunned), the demon hunter’s attacks deal an additional 1d6 damage. This increases by 1d6 at 17th and 20th level. This is considered precision damage.

19th level: Death strike (Ex): The demon hunter can unleash a vital strike at their foe while dealing precision damage, forcing them to make a fortitude save or be instantly killed. Once a target has made their save, they are immune to the demon hunter's death strike for 24 hours.

Metamorphosis: The demon hunter gains a +2 bonus to their dexterity modifier, and they gain +1d6 precision damage as the rogue’s sneak attack ability. Whenever they strike, they deal bleed damage equal to their weapon or natural attack damage dice. This bleed damage does not stack. In addition, their protective slime and poisonous maw abilities are constant.


Image credit: Willdan on Deviantart

Taking on the traits of the balor, these demon hunters typically gain scales along their skin, and a stronger, peculiar heat to their body. They slowly gain a more hulking, intimidating appearance as they grow in power.

Path bonuses: Intimidate checks, and confirmation rolls against all targets, rather than oustiders alone.

Manifestation abilities: Slam, wings, hide, teeth, horns

Path abilities

1st level: Whip mastery (Ex): The demon hunter becomes proficient in whips, and gains the whip mastery feat. In addition, whips are treated as light weapons for the purposes of two-weapon fighting. At 5th level, they gain the improved whip mastery feat. At 10th level, they gain the greater whip mastery feat. If they possess these feats when they would normally gain them, they may take a combat feat for which they meet the prerequisites.

5th level:  Flame body (Su): A demon hunter can activate the ability as a standard action. When attacked by an enemy or grappled, the enemy takes 1d6 fire damage. This fire damage increases by 1d6 for every 5 levels they possess after 5th. This can be active for 1 minute per level they possess.

10th level: Death throes (Su): When the demon hunter is knocked out, they can choose to activate death throes, which deals 5 damage per level of the demon hunter (half fire, half unholy) to all creatures within 30 ft. At 15th level, it becomes 60 ft. If the demon hunter chooses not to activate this ability when they are knocked unconscious, and they are killed afterward, it activates automatically. This ability only works once per day.

15th level: Unholy aura (Sp): The demon hunter gains unholy aura spell-like ability, which they can activate as a move action, and dismiss as a free action. This functions for a minute per two levels the demon hunter possesses, in one-minute increments. If they dismiss the aura before a minute is complete, the rounds are lost.

19th level: Vorpal strike (Su): Any slashing weapon held by the demon hunter, as well as their slashing natural attacks, gain the vorpal special quality. They can deny this ability’s use if they choose to.

Metamorphosis: The demon hunter becomes large, gains a +4 bonus to their strength and constitution scores, +2 natural armor, -1 penalty to AC and attack rolls for being large, as well as a -2 penalty to their dexterity score. Their weapons and natural attacks gain the flaming burst quality, and their flame body ability is constant without consuming daily uses. In addition, all of their attacks act as if they have the improved critical feat. This does not stack with other effects like the feat, or keen edge. This does not stack with effects such as the enlarge person spell.


Taking on the traits of the brimorak, the demon hunter's breath becomes filled with smoke, and they gain fiery eyes and more feral hair-like accents along their arms and legs. Against a prone foe, the demon hunter can make two hoof attacks as part of a full attack.

Path bonuses: Saving throws against fire effects, and intimidate checks.

Manifestation abilities: Hooves, Horns, Hide, Eyes, Claws.

Path abilities

1st level: Smoke breath (Ex): For one minute per level, the demon hunter's breath exudes smoke within 5 ft. of them. During this time, the demon hunter can breathe in hot and smoke-ridden environments without penalty. When creatures begin their turn in this aura, they must make a fortitude save or be sickened for 1 round. A creature is immune to the demon hunter's smoke breath for 24 hours once they make a successful save. At 10th level, this effect nauseates creatures as well. This is a poison effect.

5th level: Burning attacks (Su): For one minute per level, the demon hunter's attacks with weapons and natural attacks gain the fiery special quality. At 12th level, this becomes flaming burst. During this time, the demon hunter's hoofs or boots leave scorch marks on the ground, giving creatures a +8 bonus to survival checks to track them.

10th level: Boiling blood (Ex): The demon hunter's blood becomes boiling hot. They automatically take fire resistance at 10th level, but they start with resist 10. When a creature strikes the demon hunter with a piercing or slashing melee weapon, they take 1d4 points of fire damage from the boiling blood splashing on them. 

15th level: Blood breath (Ex): Twice per day, the demon hunter can unleash a violent breath weapon of boiling blood in a 30 ft. line. This breath deals 1d6 damage per level of the demon hunter as fire damage. At 20th level, this can be used one additional time per day.

19th level: Abyssal flames (Su): The demon hunter becomes immune to fire damage. Their smoke breath and burning attacks are constant, unless they choose to dismiss or re-activate them as a swift action

Metamorphosis: The demon hunter gains a +2 bonus to their strength, constitution, and charisma scores, and instantly gains the effects of the air walk spell. They can use their blood breath with a cooldown of 1d4 rounds before they gain this ability. The damage of boiling blood increases by one step while in this form, and the DC of their smoke breath increases by 2. 


Image credit: VegasMike on Deviantart

Taking on the traits of the glabrezu, the demon hunter’s hands become more rigid and bony, and their frame grows more hulking and powerful as they grow in power.

Path bonuses: Disguise checks, and saving throws against illusions.

Manifestation abilities: Claws, teeth, hide, pincers, horns

Path abilities

1st level: Disguise (Sp): The demon hunter can use disguise self on themselves as a spell-like ability for ten minutes per level they possess, in 10-minute increments. At 5th level, they can use alter self. 

5th level: Conjure image (Sp): The demon hunter can use silent image and major image as spell-like ability three times (as a whole) per day. At 9th level, they can use majestic image. At 11th level, they can use persistent image. At 13th level, they add permanent image to this list. At 15th level, they can use project image, except the image attacks, rather than casts spells. These spell-like abilities can be used one additional time every three levels after 5th.

10th level: Mirror images (Sp): The demon hunter can use mirror images as a spell-like ability twice per day, plus one additional time for every three levels after 10th.

15th level: Conjure illusion (Sp): The demon hunter can use darting duplicate, hypnotic pattern, fearsome duplicate, illusion of treachery, impossible angles, mislead, and scintillating pattern as a spell-like abilities a number of times per day (as a whole) equal to a one time per day per four levels they possess.

19th level: Wish (Sp): once per week, the demon hunter can bestow a wish upon another mortal person as a spell-like ability.

Metamorphosis: The demon hunter gains a +2 bonus to their strength, constitution, and charisma scores, and instantly gains the effects of the mirror image spell. Once per day while in this form, they can use power word: stun spell at a spell like ability. During metamorphosis, they can use their illusion and image spells at will.


Image credit: Wizards of the Coast/Conceptopolis

Taking on the traits of the hezrou, the demon hunter’s skin becomes rough and scaly, while their mouth grows slightly wider and teeth sharper, making them otherworldly, and peculiar.

Path bonuses: Knowledge (nature) and survival checks.

Manifestation abilities: Claws, horns, teeth, tail, hide.

Path abilities

1st level: Nausea (Ex): The demon hunter gains improved grapple as a bonus feat at first level without the need for prerequisites. While grappling or grappled, they can release noxious vapours when they make a successful grapple check instead of attacking or moving/repositioning, causing the enemy to become sickened for 1 round per level of the demon hunter. Each round, they get a new fortitude save to end the effect as a full-round action. This can be used once per day, plus one additional time for every 2 levels they possess after first. They can instead discharge this ability during a natural attack.

5th level: Noxious spit (Ex): the demon hunter can spit noxious liquid at an enemy within 30 ft. as a ranged touch attack that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. This deals 3d6 acid damage and forces the enemy to make a fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The damage and duration of this spit increases by 1d6 and 1 round for every 2 levels following 5th. This can be used a number of times per day equal to 1 + the demon hunter's constitution modifier (if positive). Once a creature makes its save against the spit, they are immune to the effect for 24 hours.

10th level: Sickening aura (Su): The demon hunter can activate a sickening aura out to a range of 10 ft, forcing creatures to make a fortitude save every round they remain within the aura to not be sickened. This aura can be active for a number of minutes per day equal to the demon hunter’s level, split into one-minute increments.

15th level: Wilting aura (Su): the demon hunter can activate a wilting aura out to 20 ft. as a standard action, dealing 1d6 damage per 3 levels they possess to creatures with the plant subtype. This aura can be active for a number of minutes per level, divided in minute increments.

19th level: Wither (Su): Anything the demon hunter touches can be poisoned. They can use the poison spell as a spell-like ability at will. In addition, they can use this ability on any target within 60 ft, and cause it to take 1d8 points of acid damage + 1 per level per round for a number of rounds equal to their level. In addition, the demon hunter is immune to acid.

Metamorphosis: The demon hunter becomes large, granting a +4 bonus to their strength and constitution scores, +2 to their natural armor, -1 penalty to their AC and attack rolls, as well as a -2 penalty to their dexterity score. They become immune to diseases, acid, and the sickened and nauseated conditions. If they are currently affected by one of these conditions, it is suppressed until metamorphosis ends. In addition, their noxious spit deals 1d6 additional acid damage, and the DC of their path abilities increases by 2. While in this form, the demon hunter can use their noxious spit ability at will without consuming daily uses. 


Image credit: Paizo Inc.

Taking on traits of the Lilitu, the demon hunter’s build is somewhat slender, and more physically appealing than others with a resounding smokiness to their tone. When they take the tail manifestation, the tail is more slick than broad, but just as deadly. Despite their appearance, their claws grow devastating as they grow in power. An evil lilitu demon hunter would convince allies to destroy their enemies using their own ideals, while a good individual would convince evil creatures to do good deeds using their own motives.

Path bonuses: Diplomacy and bluff checks.

Manifestation abilities: Claws, horns, hooves, tail, eyes. Claws are automatically taken at first level. Tail is automatically taken at 4th level.

Path abilities

1st level: Profane grace (Ex): The Lilitu demon hunter has an otherworldly grace that exudes abyssal power. They gain a +2 profane bonus to initiative checks and +1 profane bonus to reflex saves. Their profane AC scaling increases to +1 at 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter, to a maximum of +6 at 18th level (instead of +1 at 4th and every 4 levels to a maximum of +5 at 20th). The bonus to initiative checks and reflex saves increases by 2 and 1 respectively at 10th and 20th level.

5th level: Brand (Su): Twice per day, plus one additional time for every two levels after 5th, the demon hunter can leave a profane brand on a living target. This can be during a full attack, and is always an attack with the demon hunter's tail against touch AC. The demon hunter's tail does not use additional effects such as the grab or trip qualities while making this touch attack, and this must be chosen before the attack roll is made. The target is staggered for one round, and they gain a brand of the demon hunter’s choice. Once an target is affected by a brand (whether they succeed on the save or not) they cannot be affected by this ability for 24 hours. The demon hunter cannot brand themselves. A successful will save reduces the effect of the brand to 1 round, and negates the stagger effect. This is a curse effect. This brand can do one of the following things:

Attribute penalty: The brand grants a -4 penalty to one ability score of their choice for 1 minute per level of the demon hunter.

Frighten: The brand causes a deep, visceral fear within the target. They are shaken for 1 round per level of the demon hunter. 

Sicken: The raw presence of the brand sickens them, granting them the sickened condition for 1 round per level the demon hunter possesses.

Tire: The brand drains energy from the target, causing them to become fatigued for 1 minute per level.

At 10th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, the demon hunter can enhance the power of the brand within one of it's uses. If they choose the ability score penalty, they increase this penalty by 2. If they choose shaken, they can enhance the effect to frightened, or panicked at 15th level. If they choose sickened, they can nauseate the target. If they choose tire, they can exhaust the target. This does not change the condition gained on a successful save.

Dispel chaos, dispel evil, greater restoration, heal, limited wish, miracle, remove curse, restoration, and wish can remove this brand before the duration ends. Casting protection from evil or protection from chaos grants an individual a new save to remove the brand. Using a spell or effect not listed above that removes the condition bestowed suppresses the effect for the duration of said spell, or one round per caster level of the one removing the effect.

10th level: Profane wishcraft (Sp): The demon hunter can cast good hope or crushing despair as spell-like abilities each twice per day. At 20th level, they can cast wish once per week. As a standard action, they can alter the good hope spell into crushing despair (or vice versa) for all creatures within 100 ft. whom willingly accepted her good hope. This does not refresh duration, and the creatures gain a new will save against the effect with a -2 penalty. If the will save succeeds, they do not gain crushing despair, and good hope is lost. The DC of these spells is equal to 10 + 1/2 the demon hunter's level + their charisma modifier.

15th level: Swift claws (Ex): The Lilitu demon hunter, when making a full attack, can attack two times with each claw, for a total of four claw attacks.

19th level: Create husk (Su): When reducing a branded creature beneath 0 hit points the Lilitu forces the creature to make a fortitude save or become a husk for the demon hunter’s uses. They have 60 hit points and hardness 15. The Lilitu can assume the original form of the husk (in life) at will as a swift action, and can drain it’s remaining hit points as a full-round action to themselves to destroy the husk. As a move action, the demon hunter can switch places with a husk if it is within 100 ft. of them. Finally, if there is a husk within 100 ft. of the demon hunter, and they take damage that would normally kill them, they can transfer the damage to one of the husks that the lilitu demon hunter controls. The demon hunter can have a number of active husks equal to their charisma modifier.

Metamorphosis: The demon hunter gains the effects of true seeing, and fly, a +2 bonus to their charisma score, and a +2 bonus to their dexterity score. If they have the claws manifestation, they can attack twice with their claws in a turn or gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls with their claws if they already possess the swift claws ability.


Image credit: Kerembeyit/D&D's savage encounters - miniatures expansion

Taking on the traits of the marilith, these demon hunters tend to have more elegant features, and a forked tongue with a hiss to their tone as they grow in power. While they don’t grow additional arms, their ability to attack quickly and plentifully does not go unnoticed.

Path bonuses: Sense motive and intimidate checks.

Manifestation abilities: Tail, slam, sting, eyes, hide. The demon hunter automatically takes the tail manifestation at first level.

Path abilities

1st level: Multi-weapon fighting (Ex): The demon hunter gains two-weapon fighting as a bonus feat at first level. At 6th level, they gain improved two-weapon fighting. At 11th level, they gain greater two-weapon fighting.

5th level: Blade barrier (Ex): The demon hunter gains the ability to parry enemy attacks as an immediate action. Attacks chosen to parry are unable to be used on their next turn. If they spend unholy energy, the attack is not consumed. They can parry with their natural attacks.

10th level: Crushing coils (Ex): The demon hunter automatically gains the grapple demon talent, and automatically takes the constrict demon talent at 10th level. If they have already have the talent, they gain a +2 bonus on grapple checks, and their constrict damage increases to twice their strength modifier, rather than 1.5x. When dealing constrict damage, the enemy must make a fortitude save or lose consciousness for 1d4 rounds. Once unconscious, they are immune to further uses of crushing coils for 24 hours.

15th level: Multi-weapon mastery (Ex): When two-weapon fighting, the penalties are reduced by 1. In addition, the penalties to natural attack rolls when attacking with weapons in the same round is also reduced by 1.

19th level: Final embrace (Ex): When an enemy fails a second fortitude save after falling unconscious to crushing coils, they are instantly killed. Once a target makes this save, they are immune to the effects of final embrace for 24 hours.

Metamorphosis: The demon hunter gains a +2 bonus on grapple checks with their tail. The Demon hunter’s arms split in two. This does not duplicate weapons or items held. In addition, they gain the multiweapon fighting feat when in this form. Once per metamorphosis, the demon hunter can cast blade barrier as a spell-like ability.


Image credit: MattiasFahlberg/Paizo Inc. Campaign setting: Demons Revisited

The nabasu demon hunter’s skin grows darker and more dull as they grow in power, while their teeth become sharp, eyes darker, and skin that is rough to the touch. At the height of their power, the demon hunter’s eyes are pitch black.

Path bonuses: Stealth and escape artist checks.

Manifestation abilities: Claws, teeth, wings, eyes, horns. The nabasu demon hunter takes the claws manifestation at first level.

Path abilities

1st level: Consume life (Su): When the demon hunter takes a target below 0 hit points or kills them, they gain a number of hit points equal to the target's hit dice, and they gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks for 1 round. This morale bonus increases by 1 for every 5 levels the demon hunter possesses.

5th level: Precise strikes (Ex): The demon hunter deals 1d6 precision damage to enemies denied their dexterity bonus to AC, or flanked enemies. This damage increases by 1d6 every 5 levels after 5th.

10th level: Death gaze (Su): As a standard action, the demon hunter locks eyes onto an enemy that they can see within 30 ft. If the enemy fails a fortitude save, they gain 1 temporary negative level. At 15th level, this becomes 1d4 negative levels. At 20th level, this becomes 1d4+1 negative levels. This can be used once per day, plus one additional time at 13th, 16th, and 19th level. This is a gaze attack, and works with the eyes manifestation as well as normal sight.

15th level: Hide in plain sight (Ex): The demon hunter can hide when they are within 10 ft. of shadows, even while being observed, as the shadowdancer ability.

19th level: Drain aura (Su): Whenever an enemy comes within 10 ft. of the demon hunter, they make a fortitude save for every round they remain. Every time they fail, they gain 1 negative level. This aura can be dismissed and activated as a free action, and lasts a number of rounds per level, spent in 1 round increments.

Metamorphosis: If the demon hunter does not yet possess the wings manifestation, they automatically grow wings that last the duration of the ability that grant them 60 ft. fly speed (perfect). Whenever the demon hunter successfully uses death gaze, they gain 5 hit points, and a +1 profane bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws until metamorphosis ends. The bonus to rolls does not stack, but they can gain additional hit points from additional uses of death gaze.  In addition, when the demon hunter strikes an enemy with a weapon or natural attack and deals damage, they heal 1 hit point in addition to any hit points that would be gained from steal life.


The traits of the nalfeshnee come through in many ways; some demon hunters grow a light coat of fur, others are more stout—but many have tusks that begin to emerge from their mouths to aid in intimidating their foes.

Path bonuses: Intimidate and climb checks.

Manifestation abilities: Teeth, claws, hooves, wings, hide

Path abilities

1st level: Distracting lights (Su): The demon hunter forms beams of light that radiate around their body as a standard action, causing enemies to become fascinated and dazzled for 1d4 rounds if they fail a will save. If they pass, they are dazzled for one round. This ability can be used once per day, plus one additional time at 3rd level, and every 2 levels thereafter. Targets that make their save against distracting lights are immune to its effects for 24 hours.

5th level: Nauseating ray (Su): The demon hunter can cast a ray toward an enemy as a ranged touch attack. If it connects, the enemy is nauseated for a number of rounds equal to the demon hunter’s level. A fortitude save reduces the effect to sickened for one round. This can be used once per day, plus one additional time for every three levels following 5th.

10th level: Slowing strikes (Sp): For one round, the demon hunter can enchant their attacks as a swift action, causing enemies struck to be affected by the slow spell as a spell-like ability. Enemies struck are affected for one round per time they are struck, but get a will save to negate each attack’s effect. This duration stacks up to a number of rounds equal to the demon hunter's level. This can be used a number of times per day equal to the demon hunter's charisma modifier (minimum 1).

15th level: Unholy Nimbus (Su): The demon hunter can create a nimbus of unholy light, causing nauseating beams of writhing color to play around its body. One round later, the light bursts in a 30-foot radius. Any non-demon creature caught within this area must succeed on a will save or be dazed for 1 round per level of the demon hunter as visions of madness hound it. This can be used once per day, plus one additional time at 17th and 19th level.

19th level: Nauseating aura (Su): Whenever an enemy comes within 20 ft. of the demon hunter, they must make a fortitude save or become nauseated as long as they remain within it. This lasts a number of minutes equal to their level, spent in minute increments.

Metamorphosis: The demon hunter becomes large, gaining a +4 bonus to strength and constitution, +2 to their natural armor, and taking a -1 penalty to AC, attack rolls, and a -2 penalty to dexterity. Once per round, their natural attacks can nauseate the enemy for 1 round (fortitude negates). In addition, creatures adjacent to the demon hunter are sickened as long as they remain adjacent (fortitude negates) or until metamorphosis ends. They need only make this save once.

Shadow demon

Image credit: BenWootten

Taking on the traits of the shadow demon, these demon hunters’ eyes slowly turn black as they grow in power, as well, their skin pales and teeth grow sharp as knives. Slowly, they emit a colder temperature than the area around them, giving others a slight chill when they pass by, as a ghost would.

Path bonuses:  Stealth and intimidate checks.

Manifestation abilities: Claws, wings, teeth, eyes, horns. The shadow demon hunter's wings are made of shadow, giving them a supernatural flight speed.

Path abilities

1st level: Dark dweller (Ex): The demon hunter gains darkvision out to 60 ft. At 6th level, this becomes 120 ft., and they can cast darkness twice per day. At 12th level, they gain the see in darkness ability, and they can cast deeper darkness twice per day. If they already possess darkvision, this distance increases by 30 ft., to a maximum of 120 ft.

5th level: Shadow blending (Sp): The demon hunter has constant blurred movement while in darkness, and can use blur or vanish as a standard action if they are in darkness. At 10th level, they can cast displacement or invisibility, and have constant blur. At 15th level, they can cast shadow step or greater invisibility.. They can use their non-constant spell-like abilities a number of times per day (in total) equal to half their level. Once the demon hunter leaves the darkness, the spell is suppressed until the spell ends, or they re-enter darkness.

10th level: Icy touch (Sp): For one minute per level, the demon hunter can grant all of their attacks the frost and ghost touch abilities as a move action. 

15th level:  Hide in plain sight (Ex): The demon hunter gains the hide in plain sight ability, as the shadowdancer ability. 
19th level: True shadow (Su): The demon hunter gains true seeing whenever in dim light or lower. They gain a +4 bonus to stealth checks. Whenever they are in dim light or lower, they gain DR 10/-, and their weapons gain the cold burst and ghost touch special abilities. In addition, they gain 3d6 sneak attack damage as the rogue ability. Whenever they are in darkness, the demon hunter is treated as being invisible.

Metamorphosis: The demon hunter becomes incorporeal, and gains a supernatural fly speed of 60 ft., and all attacks count as if they had the cold burst and ghost touch qualities. They can hide in plain sight as a swift action, rather than as part of a move action. The demon hunter may, as a full-round action, possess a living humanoid creature adjacent to them while they are in metamorphosis if the target fails a will save. While inhabiting them, the demon hunter can use their spell-like and supernatural abilities, but they take on the extraordinary abilities and physical ability scores of the target. They count as staggered. If metamorphosis ends while they are possessing a target, They are randomly shoved out, adjacent to the target. They and the target must make a fortitude save equal to the demon hunter's DC or be stunned for 1 round. At the beginning of their turn, the target may make a will save as a full-round action to end their possession. Ending this possession is a full-round action for the demon hunter.


Image credit: Mirco Cabbia (Sciamano240)

The demon hunter slowly takes on the traits of the succubi. They become more physically attractive, and they slowly come to speak (or have a much easier time of speaking) in a smoky, sultry tone. Rather than fighting as other demons would, these demon hunters are dangerous manipulators and shapeshifters.

Path bonuses: Bluff and diplomacy checks.

Manifestation abilities: Hooves, wings, claws, eyes, horns

Path abilities

1st level: Profane gift (Su): the demon hunter can grant one of their allies a +2 profane bonus to one ability score of their choice. This lasts an hour per level, and only works on a creature once per day. They can use this ability at will as a standard action, but cannot place a profane gift on more than one target at a time. If they place a gift on another creature, the previous one is automatically removed. At 8th level, this bonus increases to +4, or +2 to two different scores of the demon hunter’s choice. At 16th level, this bonus increases to +6, +4/+2, or +2/+2/+2. 

5th level: Alter appearance (Sp): The demon hunter can use alter self as a spell-like ability for 1 hour per level they possess. While altered, they are still able to use their path, spell-like, and supernatural abilities that do not require their manifestations. This duration does not have to be consecutive; it can be spent in 1-hour increments. During this time, the demon hunter can grant their natural attacks the glamered magical quality.

10th level: Charms (Sp): The demon hunter can use charm person, seducer’s eyes, suggestion, charm monster, and dominate person as spell-like abilities. At 14th level, they add suggestion (mass) and waves of ecstasy as spell like abilities. These (as a whole) can be used three times per day, plus one additional time at 14th and 18th level. At 14th level, charm person can be used at will. At 20th level, they can use dominate monster as a spell-like ability once per day.

15th level: Energy drain (Su): The demon hunter drains energy from someone they lure into an act of passion, such as a kiss. An unwilling victim must be grappled before they can use this ability. The demon hunter's kiss bestows one negative level. The kiss also has the effect of a suggestion spell, asking the victim to accept another act of passion from the succubus. The subject must succeed a fortitude save to negate the negative level, and a will save to negate the suggestion.

19th level: Aura of the succubi (Su): the demon hunter is immune to all charm, compulsion, and enchantment effects. Whenever allies are within 10 ft. of the demon hunter, they gain a +4 bonus to saves against charm, enchantment, and compulsion effects, but take a -4 penalty to charm effects that the demon hunter bestows. Enemies that enter the aura make a will save. If they fail, they are compelled to avoid harming the demon hunter. If the demon hunter attacks them, they get a new save, but at a -2 penalty do the confusion of being harmed by someone they now hold dear. Once they make this save, they are immune to the aura for 24 hours.

Metamorphosis: The demon hunter gains a +4 bonus to their charisma score, and fascinates all creatures within 30 ft. as long as metamorphosis lasts. A creature only needs to make this save once. If a creature comes within 30 ft. of the demon hunter, they are subject to this effect. While in this form, they can cast any of their charm spells at will.


Image credit: Damie-m on Deviantart from Demons Revisited

As they grow in power, these demon hunters grow a light coat of feathers that grant them a majestic, yet intimidating appearance.

Path bonuses: Perform (dance) and fly checks.

Manifestation abilities: Wings, claws, talons, teeth, tail

Path abilities

1st level: Dance of ruin (Su): The demon hunter can dance as a full-round action. All targets within 30 ft. of them take 1d6 electricity damage, plus an additional 1d6 for every two levels after first. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to 1 + their charisma modifier. For each demon hunter using dance of ruin in the same round within 30 ft., their dance deals 1d6 additional damage, up to a maximum of 3d6 additional damage.

5th level: Spores (Su): The demon hunter channels the vrock, spraying spores onto creatures adjacent to them. These spores deal 1d8 damage, plus 1d4 damage per round for a number of rounds equal to the demon hunter’s level. These wither and die after the rounds are up, rather than growing vines. They can use this ability once per day, plus one for every five levels they possess.

10th level: Ruining strikes (Su): The demon hunter can channel the dance of ruin into their attacks, enchanting them with the shocking burst special ability for a minutes per day equal to their charisma modifier, split into one-minute increments.

15th level: Screech (Su): Once per day, the demon hunter lets out a shrill screech of sonic energy, causing all creatures within 30 ft. who fail a fortitude save to be stunned for 1d4 rounds, and staggered for 1d4 rounds if they pass the save or are immune to the save or stunning effect. This can be used one additional time at 17th and 19th level.

19th level: Aura of storms (Su): The demon hunter gains fast healing 10 for 1d4 rounds when exposed to electricity. This works a number of times equal to their level. In addition, for a number of rounds equal to their level, they can activate an aura of storms as a free action, dealing 1d6 damage per level to all creatures within the aura (reflex half). This is split into round increments. Enemies that fail the reflex save must make a fortitude save. If they fail, they are stunned for one round.

Metamorphosis: The demon hunter gains a +2 bonus to their dexterity score, and grows feathery wings if they haven’t yet taken the manifestation, granting them 60 ft. fly speed (perfect). Their attacks gain the shocking burst quality without using daily uses of ruining strikes, and they can use their dance of ruin as a standard action, instead of a full-round, and add their level to the damage it inflicts.

Image credit: Paizo Bestiary 6

As they grow in power, these demon hunters grow a light coat of fur, teeth elongate and they gain vicious canines. Their eyes glow a dark red.

Path bonuses: Intimidate and critical confirmation checks against all creatures, not just demons.

Manifestation abilities: Teeth, tail, eyes, hide, claws. The yaenit demon hunter automatically takes the teeth manifestation at first level.

Path abilities

1st level: Break bones (Ex): When the demon hunter confirms a critical hit with their bite attack, the target's movement speed is reduced by 10 ft., to a minimum of 5 ft. This penalty remains until they are magically healed, or their bones are healed by a DC 20 heal check. At 5th level, they deal 1d2 strength and dexterity damage on a successful critical hit. At 10th level, this increases to 1d4. at 15th level, this increases to 1d6. A successful fortitude save negates the movement penalty and ability damage. The DC is strength-based.

5th level: Savage hunter (Ex): The yaenit demon hunter is a vicious, unrelenting hunter. They gain a +10 ft. bonus to their base movement speed, and a bonus to survival checks equal to half their level to track individuals. In addition, they gain magical abilities which enhance their toolkit for finding prey. At 5th level, they may use see invisibility as a spell-like ability for 10 minutes per level per day as a swift action. These can be spent in 10-minute increments. At 10th level, they can use blood scent for 1 minute per level. At 15th level, they can use true seeing for 1 round per level. Using these spell-like abilities may be activated as a free action on their turn.

10th level: Hallucinatory aura (Su): As a standard action, the yaenit demon hunter can emit an aura of mind-warping magic. A creature affected by their hallucinatory aura takes a –2 penalty on Will saves, caster level checks, Intelligence-based skill checks, and Wisdom-based skill checks for as long as it remains within the aura’s range and for 1d4–1 rounds after leaving the area of effect. This is a mind-affecting effect. A successful will save negates the effects of the aura. This aura can be used for a number of rounds per day equal to their level, spent in 1-round increments. Whether or not the save is successful, an affected creature is immune to the demon hunter's hallucinatory aura for 24 hours. 

15th level: Deadly bite (Ex): The yaenit demon hunter's bite grows into a devastating vice. Their bite's natural critical range increases to 19-20/x2. 

19th level: Decapitate (Ex): When the demon hunter confirms a critical hit with their bite attack, the target must make a fortitude save or be instantly killed by a decapitating bite. Creatures that would not be affected by decapitation are immune to this effect.

Metamorphosis: The demon hunter's base movement speed increases by 10 ft., they gain a +2 bonus to their strength and constitution scores, and their bite attack increases it's critical multiplier by 1. The spell-like abilities gained by the savage hunter ability are constant in this form without consuming daily increments.

Favoured class bonuses:

Human, half-elf, half-orc: +1/4 unholy energy
Tiefling: +1/8 to the DC when considering the power of one spell-like ability.
Aasimar: add +1/4 to the demon hunter’s demonic insight bonuses.

Magic items

Abyssal bindings

Aura moderate transmutation CL 10th

Slot body; Price 13,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

When worn, this tight bodywrap grants physical prowess of the abyss. If the character is a demon hunter, their profane bonus to AC and natural attack damage act as if they are 5 levels higher. In addition, these bindings store 1 unholy energy within them. This energy cannot be restored by normal means, and replenishes when the wearer rests. If the character is not a demon hunter, they gain a profane bonus to their armor class equal to that of a 5th level demon hunter In addition, three times per day, they can form a single natural attack manifestation for one minute as a move action. The natural attack (one of claws, hooves, horns, pincers, tail, talons, and teeth) is chosen upon creation, and deals damage equal to that of a 5th level demon hunter.

Construction requirements

Craft wondrous item, protection from good, and either profane nimbus or transformation. Cost: 6500 gp.


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