Pathfinder race: Asura

Image credit: Guild wars 2 art team

Asura are very short, usually between two feet ten inches and three feet eleven inches tall. They typically have slender builds, with the head, hands, and feet in somewhat exaggerated proportions. The head in particular is a wide, flat ellipsoid whose width is extended further by large, highly articulate ears which usually drop from the sides of the head. Asura eyes are large and come in a variety of colors; their size is the evolutionary result of being a subterranean race, as small frames can easier traverse their traditional homes in the depths. Their mouths are wide and filled with pointed, shark-like teeth. Asura typically have grayish skin and dark hair. Male and female asura are very similar in appearance; they are mostly differentiated by voice and ear structure.

The asura value intelligence and intellectual superiority over all other attributes. Individual asura will dedicate an entire lifespan to building a portfolio of successful projects or becoming the foremost expert of some tiny aspect of the arcane. They constantly seek to prove their own intellectual superiority, and by extension the superiority of the asura race. This typically results in asura being arrogant to the point of rudeness towards others, especially towards non-asura races. (Taken as an excerpt from the guild wars 2 wiki)

Age:                       14 years +1d6 (intuitive)              +2d6 (self-taught)                +3d6 (trained)
Age categories:     60 years (middle-aged)                 80 years (old)                     100 years (venerable)

Maximum age:      100 + 4d20 years

Height:                                                 Weight:
Male:                       2’8” + 2d8            Male:                    35 lbs + height modifier
Female:                   2’8” + 2d6            Female:                30 lbs + height modifier

Racial traits

+2 dexterity, +2 intelligence, -2 strength: Asura are lithe and brilliant, but frail.

Small: Asura are small creatures. They take a -1 size penalty to their CMB and CMD, and gain a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, AC, and a +4 size bonus on stealth checks.

Slow speed: Due to their small stature, Asura have a land speed of 20 feet.

Darkvision: The Asura’s subterranean nature grants them darkvision out to a distance of 60 ft.

Light sensitivity: Due to their history in the underground, Asura are sensitive to light. They are dazzled whenever in the presence of bright light.

Arrogant: Asurans are self-absorbed in their own skills, and see others as less intelligence and meant for menial tasks. They take a -2 penalty on all diplomacy checks against non-asuran races.

Attuned to the arcane: Asurans gain a +2 bonus on checks to overcome spell resistance. At first level, they can choose one spell on the wizard spell list of 0th level and 1st level. They can use the 0th level spell at will as a spell-like ability, and they can use the first level spell twice per day as a spell-like ability.

Cynic: Due to their cynical nature, Asura gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against spells of the illusion and enchantment school.

Natural mechanic: Asurans gain a +2 bonus on knowledge (engineering) and craft checks, and knowledge (engineering) is always a class skill for them.

Tinker: Asurans gain a +2 bonus on disable device checks.

Languages: Asura begin play speaking Asuran and common. They may also choose from the following with a high intelligence score: Common, dwarven, elven, gnome, goblin, orc, ratfolk, sylvan, and halfling.

Alternate racial traits

Builder: Some asurans, despite their lack of magic, become masters of creation. These individuals gain master craftsman as a bonus feat at first level. This replaces attuned to the arcane.

Focused study: Some asurans focus on specific skills, rather than their natural inclinations. They gain skill focus as a bonus feat at first level. This trait replaces their +2 bonus to knowledge (engineering) and craft checks, but not their class skill.

Savant: Asurans gain spell focus as a bonus feat at first level, a +2 bonus on knowledge (arcana) checks, and a +2 bonus on spellcraft checks to craft magical items. This replaces natural mechanic and tinker.

Surface dweller: Despite most Asurans living on the surface now, some bloodlines have been on the surface far longer. These individuals gain low-light vision, and lose darkvision and light sensitivity.

Tooth and claw: Some asurans still have links to their more primal ancestors of the deep, gaining a bite and two claw attacks dealing 1d3 damage. This replaces attuned to the arcane.
