Pathfinder class: Gladiator


A master of brute combat, containing knowledge of every weapon. Built to evade rather than wear heavy armor. They do not master specific weapons, but styles of fighting. Their knowledge of the arena has helped them learn the benefits of shouting commands, as well as improvising different techniques which aid them in battle.

Hit die: d10.

Skill points: 4 + int.

Class skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Escape artist, Handle animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (local), Perception, Perform, Ride, Sleight of hand, Swim.

Weapon and armor proficiencies: Gladiators are proficient with light, medium, and heavy armor, as well as all simple and martial weapons. In addition, they take half the penalty when using a weapon they are not proficient with.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Fighting style, Quick draw
Performance talent
Victor’s vigor 1, uncanny dodge
Performance feat, Performance talent
Fighting Style, agile +1
Performance talent
Victor’s vigor 2, gladiator armor training 1
Performance feat, Performance talent
improved uncanny dodge, agile +2
Performance talent, advanced talents, Fighting style
Victor’s vigor 3
Performance feat, Performance talent
agile +3, gladiator armor training 2
Performance talent
Victor’s vigor 4, Fighting Style
Performance feat, Performance talent
Agile +4
Performance talent
Victor’s vigor 5
Arena master

Quick draw (Ex): Experts in switching weapons and adjusting to different types of combat, the gladiator gains quick draw as a bonus feat.

Fighting style (Ex): At 1st, 5th, 10th and 15th level, the gladiator chooses a fighting style in combat. The gladiator gains a bonus feat specific to the style once taken. They do not need to meet the prerequisites for this feat. If the gladiator possesses the feat, however, they may choose one of the style feats listed in that style’s section, but they must meet the prerequisites for this separate feat.

Whenever the gladiator gains a new fighting style, the previous ones they have learned gain an associated bonus, noted in their sections below. These are only after they have learned the style, like fighters and weapon training. (such as, at 10th level, the 1st level style has two bonuses, while the 5th level style has one bonus)

If a weapon falls into multiple categories, the gladiator must use the bonuses from one style. Generally, a reach weapon, ranged, and thrown weapon are those categories first and foremost. Each time the gladiator learns a new fighting style, the previous styles gain their associated bonus.

At 20th level, the gladiator learns the arena master talents from the styles they have learned.

Unarmed: By choosing the unarmed fighting style, the gladiator gains improved unarmed strike as a bonus feat and their unarmed damage (for a medium creature) starts at 1d4 damage. In addition, their unarmed damage increases by one step (1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 2d6) for each new fighting style they learn. They can choose whether to deal nonlethal or lethal damage before their attack roll without a penalty.

Style feats: All feats requiring improved unarmed strike, combat expertise, combat reflexes, dodge, mobility, spring attack, toughness, endurance, diehard, greater grapple.

Arena master: All unarmed strikes use 1.5x the gladiator’s strength modifier, and possess a critical multiplier of x3.

One-handed, one hand open: By choosing the one-handed weapon style, the gladiator gains combat expertise as a bonus feat. Every time they gain a new fighting style, they gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls while they only wield a 1-handed weapon, +1 to all combat maneuver checks not involving a weapon, and nothing in their other hand. In addition, they gain a +1 dodge bonus to their AC for every 8 levels they possess while using this style.

Style feats: Combat expertise, improved feint, dodge, mobility, spring attack, weapon focus, dazzling display, shatter defenses, deadly stroke, deflect arrows, catch arrows, improved grapple, greater grapple.

Arena master talent: When grappling an enemy, you automatically get a pin attempt, with a +2 bonus or, you can take your hand off with great speed to attack the enemy with your weapon, returning to grapple. (This also occurs on grapple start on your turn)

Two-weapon: The gladiator gains two-weapon fighting as a bonus feat. Each time the gladiator learns a new fighting style, they gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls when using their two-weapon style.

Style feats: improved two-weapon fighting, greater two weapon fighting, Whirlwind attack, combat expertise, vital strike, improved vital strike, cleave, greater cleave, power attack, dazzling display, double slice, two-weapon rend.

Arena master talent: When wielding two weapons, the gladiator’s critical multipliers increase by 1, and all crits automatically confirm.

Two-handed: Taking the two-handed weapon style, these heavy-hitting gladiators gain power attack as a bonus feat. Whenever they gain a new fighting style, they gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls while wielding a melee weapon with two hands.

Style feats: Power attack, improved sunder, improved bull rush, whirlwind attack, vital strike, penetrating strike, improved penetrating strike, improved vital strike, greater vital strike, toughness.

Arena master talent: Increase critical multiplier by 1, auto confirmed.

Double weapon: Automatic feat: Two-weapon fighting. Each time the gladiator learns a new fighting style, they may either gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls when using double weapons, or proficiency with a double weapon.

Style feats: Two weapon fighting, improved two-weapon fighting, greater two weapon fighting, Whirlwind attack, combat expertise, vital strike, improved vital strike, cleave, greater cleave, power attack, double slice, two-weapon rend.

Arena master talent: Increase crit multiplier by 1x.

One-handed and shield: keeping themselves protected in the ring, these gladiators learn shield focus as a bonus feat. Each time they learn a new fighting style, they gain a +1 bonus to their attack rolls and CMD while wielding one weapon and a shield. In addition, their dodge AC increases by 1 for every 8 levels they possess when using a one-handed weapon and shield.

Style feats: two-weapon fighting, improved shield bash, shield slam, shield master, improved shield focus, toughness, endurance, die hard, deflect arrows, stand still

Arena master talent: +1 deflect AC, +5 DR/- at all times. When below 25% health, +3 deflect AC, 10 DR/-, when below 0 hit points and still conscious, 15 DR/- and +5 deflect AC.

Reach weapon: Especially trained at keeping enemies within their strike range and reaching to attack, the gladiator learns lunge as a bonus feat. In addition, for each new fighting style they learn, they gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls while wielding reach weapons. Also, they gain a +1 bonus to dodge AC against melee attacks from enemies adjacent to them while they wield a reach weapon.

Style feats: Power attack, improved bull rush, vital strike, improved vital strike, greater vital strike, penetrating strike, improved penetrating strike, Lunge, whirlwind attack, step up.

Arena master talent: When charging, deal 50% extra damage.  Crit multiplier +1, auto confirm.

Ranged: When training in ranged combat (non-thrown weapons), the gladiator learns the point-blank shot feat. In addition, each time they learn a new fighting style, they gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with these ranged weapons.

Style feats: Point-blank shot, rapid shot, manyshot, Improved critical, improved precise shot, pinpoint targeting, penetrating strike, improved penetrating strike, rapid reload, quick draw.

Arena master talent: Increase crit range by 1 (Stacks with keen/feats) auto confirm.

Thrown: The gladiator trains in thrown weapons so they can catch their enemies at a distance with deadly javelins and more. They gain point-blank shot or throw anything as a bonus feat. In addition, they gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, as well as a 5 ft. increase to their thrown weapon range increments each time they learn a new fighting style.

Style feats: Precise shot, rapid shot, manyshot, Improved critical, improved precise shot, pinpoint targeting, penetrating strike, improved penetrating strike, improved throw anything, rapid reload, deflect arrows, snatch arrows, throw anything.

Arena master talent: Thrown weapons deal one damage step higher. +1 multiplier,
Auto confirm crits.

Performance talent (Ex): At second level and every three levels thereafter, the gladiator can choose a performance talent. These are either in distraction techniques, or shouts. At 10th level, the gladiator can learn advanced talents, but they must learn the predecessor talent first.

Distraction techniques:

Blowback: The gladiator gains improved bull rush as a bonus feat. Once per day, the gladiator can make a bull rush attempt as a free action on a successful attack.
Advanced talent: Stunning blow: If the gladiator beats the bull rush CMD of the target by 5 or more, the strike stuns the enemy for 1 round. A successful fortitude save negates the stun effect. The DC is strength-based.

Blunt-end: Standard action in place of single attack. Smash enemies with the butt-end of your weapon, dealing bludgeoning weapon damage (if not already bludgeoning) dazing them for one round. A successful fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ the gladiator’s level + their strength modifier) negates the daze.
Advanced talent: Destructive blow: If the enemy fails the save by 5 or more, they are stunned for 1 round. If the target fails by 10 or more, the stun lasts 1d4+1 rounds.

Debilitate: The gladiator gains improved dirty trick as a bonus feat. If they take this talent again, they can choose either quick dirty trick or dirty trick master, if they meet the prerequisites.
Advanced talent: The enemy must take a full-round action to remove the condition, and it only improves the condition by one step (see dirty trick master)

Distract: the gladiator learns the improved feint feat even if they do not meet the prerequisites. If they possess this feat, they may take greater feint, quick feint, or ranged feint, but they must meet the prerequisites. They can take this talent again to gain a new feat.
Advanced talent: Distracting display: The gladiator can feint all enemies within 10 ft. as a standard action.

Immense impact: When landing a critical strike with a bludgeoning weapon or shield, the enemy is knocked prone. A successful fortitude save negates the prone effect. The DC is strength-based.
Advanced talent: Internal bleeding: When immense impact occurs, the target takes an additional 1d10 bleed damage. This bleed damage does not continue after the attack.

Impale: The gladiator gains impaling critical as a bonus feat. This requires 10th level or higher.
Advanced talent: Ripper: When using impale, the gladiator causes the enemy to bleed for the damage done when they rip their weapon out, and they bleed until healed.

Parry: As an immediate action, the gladiator can parry an attack against them using an attack of opportunity. If they roll higher that the opponent, the attack is parried. They can use this ability a number of times per day equal to their level.
Advanced talent: Whirling blades: The gladiator can attempt as many parries per round as they have attacks of opportunity. This does not increase the uses per day.

Precise slash: As a full-round action, the gladiator can strike the enemy,  slicing their Achilles tendon or another appropriate movement appendage, cutting their movement speed in half for one round. The gladiator can take a -4 penalty to their attack roll to make this attack as a standard action or during a full attack.
Advanced talent: immobilize: When using precise slash, the enemy cannot move for the round, and must make a DC 15 heal check or move at half speed until healed.

Master performances:

Leap slash: Leap to a space from a heightened elevation,, striking one adjacent enemy down. The gladiator deals 1.5x their strength modifier in damage on this attack (2x for 2-handed weapons) and knock the enemy prone. A successful fortitude save negates the prone condition. The DC is strength-based.

Whirlwind of rage: move up to half your movement speed, striking all adjacent enemies and allies in your path. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Every time you move you strike every adjacent individual vs AC.

Shouts: A gladiator shouts to their allies or enemies to invigorate or intimidate. These are all standard actions. At 8th level, using a shout is a move action. At 16th level, it is a swift action. As long as an ally can hear the gladiator when they first use their shout, they gain the benefits. Enemies must hear the gladiator in order to be affected by their shouts.

“Have faith in your power!” Improve the DCs of all spells, abilities, and SLAs of allies by 1 for 1 round per level of the gladiator. They can use this shout once per day, plus one additional time at 8th and 16th level.
Advanced talent: “Your energy is a mighty force!” The gladiator grants the casters a +2 bonus to their caster level in addition to the +1 to DCs.

“Unleash your inner rage!”: All allies gain a +2 morale bonus to their strength and constitution scores, but take a -2 penalty to their AC, for a number of rounds equal to the gladiator’s level. They can use this shout once per day, plus one additional time at 8th and 16th level. Unwilling allies can deny this ability if they choose to.
Advanced talent: “My heart’s fire will burn you alive!” same as above, except the bonuses to strength and constitution increase by 2. This replaces the predecessor shout. 

“We are not fooled by your tricks!” +2 morale bonus to will saving throws for 1 round/level of the gladiator. They can use this shout once per day, plus one additional time for every 6 levels they possess.
Advanced talent: “Your magic means nothing to us!” the morale bonus increases to +4. This replaces the predecessor shout.

“We fear nothing!”: For a number of rounds equal to the gladiator’s level, they and all allies that can hear the gladiator gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against fear effects. If they are already affected by a fear effect, they gain a new save against the effect with the bonus included. This lasts 1 round per level of the gladiator. They can use this shout once per day, plus one additional time for every 6 levels they possess.
Advanced talent: “Our minds are free!” This shout now applies to enchantment, charm, and compulsion effects as well. This replaces the predecessor talent.

“We must fight as one!”: All allies gain +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls for a number of rounds equal to the gladiator’s level. This bonus increases by 1 at 8th and 16th level. They can use this shout once per day, plus one additional time for every 6 levels they possess.
Advanced talent: “We will have victory!” For a number of rounds equal to the gladiator’s level, allies that could hear the shout take no penalty to AC when charging. They can use this shout twice per day, plus one additional time at 14th and 18th level.

“We must live on!”: All allies gain a +2 bonus to their dodge AC and gain 5 DR/- for two rounds. They can use this shout once per day, plus one additional time for every 8 levels they possess. This shout requires 6th level.
Advanced talent: “We will survive no matter the cost!” +1 AC bonus and 10 DR/-, and the duration increases to 3 rounds. This replaces the predecessor shout.

“You are all weaklings!”: The gladiator gains dazzling display as a bonus feat, and gains a +2 bonus on intimidate checks. Instead of an intimidate check using the feat, the gladiator can instead make enemies make a will save against the effect, with a DC equal to 10 + ½ the gladiator’s level + their charisma modifier.
Advanced talent: “You will die by my hand!” All affected enemies are shaken for a number of rounds equal to the gladiator’s level. This effect can also increase a fear effect by one step.

“You’re surrounded!” Enemies are caught flat-footed for one round. A will save negates this effect. If it's a lie, the gladiator instead makes an opposed bluff check against a sense motive check of the target. They can use this shout once per day, plus one additional time for every 6 levels they possess. 
Advanced talent: “Only a fool would fight us!” Enemies are staggered for one round, and flat-footed for two rounds if they fail the saving throw/check. This replaces the predecessor shout.

Master shout: choice of two:

"We are children of the gods!" Shout increases all attack, damage rolls, CMB CMD by 4, and saves by 2 for 1d6 rounds, also as if using dazzling display as long as enemies and allies can hear the gladiator. This lasts 1 round per level of the gladiator. They can use this shout a number of times per day equal to their charisma modifier. These are morale bonuses.

"Our phalanx is impenetrable!" Shout increases dodge AC by 5, gives 5 DR/-, and enemies struck by attacks of opportunity for movement are stopped. lasts 1 round per level of the gladiator. They can use this shout a number of times per day equal to their charisma modifier.

Victor’s vigor (Ex): At third level, when the gladiator is adjacent to an enemy that is knocked out or killed, they gain a +1 attack, CMB, and CMD morale bonus lasting for 1 round. If an ally is knocked out, this bonus is lost. This bonus does not stack with itself, but the duration refreshes.

Uncanny dodge (Ex): At 3rd level, the gladiator is no longer able to be caught flat-footed.

Performance feat (Ex): At 4th level, and every 4 levels following, the gladiator gains a performance feat. They must meet the prerequisites for these feats. They may choose from any performance feat, as well as antagonize, cleave, combat expertise, dazzling display, improved bull rush, improved dirty trick, improved feint, improved grapple, improved overrun, improved reposition, improved shield bash, improved sunder, improved trip, lunge, point-blank shot, power attack, precise shot, ranged feint, and throw anything. They may also choose feats listed as style feats, but they must meet the prerequisites for those feats.

At 8th level, they may choose from critical focus, greater bull rush, greater dirty trick, greater feint, greater grapple, greater overrun, greater reposition, greater sunder, greater trip, improved critical, shatter defenses, and vital strike.

At 12th level, they may choose from dirty trick master, improved vital strike, quick bull rush, quick dirty trick, quick feint, quick reposition, fury’s fall, rapid grappler, as well as any critical feats for which they have the prerequisites.

Agile (Ex): At 5th level, the Gladiator becomes more agile, granting them a +1 bonus to their dodge AC. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels following 5th (up to +4 at 17th level). This bonus is halved (rounding down) if the gladiator wears medium armor, and lost if they wear heavy armor.

Gladiator armor training (Ex): At 7th level, the gladiator reduces the armor check penalty of armor they wear by 1, and increase the maximum dexterity bonus by 1. In addition, they move at normal speed in medium armor. At 13th level, the reduction of their armor check penalty and bonus to their maximum dexterity bonus increases by 1 (total +2), and they are able to move and run at full speed in heavy armor.

Improved uncanny dodge (Ex): At 9th level, a gladiator is no longer able to be flanked.

Arena master (Ex): The gladiator becomes proficient in all weapons and improvised weapons. In addition, they learn one master performance talent, and become a master of their first style, gaining its arena master talent.


Intimidating shout: You can choose to have enemies that can hear your shouts to be shaken for one round. (Will DC 10 + ½ the gladiator’s level + their charisma modifier) Requirements: 14 cha, performance talent class ability, Base attack bonus +6.

Performer’s Morale: When a target is successfully affected (with full effect) by a performance talent, allies adjacent to the gladiator gain a +1 morale bonus to saving throws for 1 round. Requirements: 16 cha, performance talent class ability, base attack bonus +4.

Favoured class bonuses

Human: +1/2 to the gladiator’s CMD to disarm and trip attempts.
Gnome: Add +1/6 to the gladiator’s agile AC.
Dwarf: +1/2 to the gladiator’s CMD to bull rush and trip attempts.
Half-elf: +1/2 to the gladiator’s CMD to trip or reposition attempts.
Elf: +1/2 to sense motive checks made to oppose a feint attempt.
Night elf: Add +1/6 to the gladiator’s agile AC.
Draenei: +1/4 performance talents.
Sylvari: +1/4 performance talents.
Man’ari: +1/4 to the DC of a debilitating performance talent.
Pandaren: +1/5 to the effective level of beneficial performance talents.
Worgen: +1/3 to critical confirmation rolls (Maximum +5). This does not stack with critical focus.
Orc: +1/3 on critical confirmation rolls. (maximum +5). This does not stack with critical focus.
Half-orc: +1 to the gladiator’s CMD to sunder and bull rush attempts.
Zandalari: +1/5 to victor’s vigor bonuses.
Tauren: +1/3 to the gladiator’s CMD to overrun and trip attempts.
Forsaken: +1/6 performance talents.
Goblin: +1/5 to the DC of a single performance talent.
Blood elf: +1/6 to the gladiator’s agile AC.
Drakken: (+2 str) +1/2 damage on critical strikes. (+2 dex) +1 ft. base movement. (+2 int) +1/6 performance talents. (+2 wis) +1/5 to the DC of a single performance talent.
Frozelia: +1/2 to the gladiator’s CMD against trip and bull rush attempts.


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