Welcome to Dungeons and Homebrews!

Welcome! I'm currently running a campaign based on the Into Exile setting I've created, as well as The Fourteen Virtues. 

I love creating content for tabletop games, and I decided to create a blog to showcase what I've made--at least, a small portion of it. 

In this featured post, I'll be posting links to my custom classes/races and game sessions, to make things easy. Feel free to browse, and ask questions if needed!

Image credit: Kan Liu

I find class and race creation both fun and entertaining, and I hope they'll be fun to play for both my players and any others willing to give them a try! Some are inspired by World of Warcraft, others, pathfinder classes that already exist, some that are based on the world of Guild Wars 1 and 2, and finally, the ones I made purely from my own imagination.

Homebrew Settings (5e)

Into Exile - The setting of Khastra, its curse, and its prominent deities which guide their citizens when the arcane powers of the world vanished 50 years prior. This includes Twenty backgrounds, each based upon the twenty-member pantheon of the setting, as well as a couple of new races, like the half-nymph.
The Fourteen Virtues - The setting of Himitsu and its clans based upon virtue and sin. This includes three new races - the kitsune, oni, and the Scarred.

Homebrew Classes (5e)

Brawler: A mix of the monk, fighter, and barbarian, using raw close-combat tactics to fend of enemies and support their allies.

Fiendslayer: Based on the world of warcraft demon hunters, these unarmored warriors gain manifestations like claws, horns, and tails to battle their foes, following the path of a demon they steal abilities from as they grow in power.

Gambler: They are as they're named: A gambler. They do, however, find divine power from deities of luck, granting them magic, as well as a way to draw benefits for themselves and allies from their deck of cards.

Priest/Priestess: An unarmored 9th-level divine caster with a special vocation that grants them words of power, and associated abilities for holy, shadow, discipline - and more!

Homebrew Classes (Pathfinder)

Brewmaster monk: A monk archetype based on the world of warcraft brewmaster, sacrificing quick strikes for specialized ki abilities and heavier hits.

Chanter: With the divine prowess of the priestess and the flair of the bard, the Chanter performs for audiences to proclaim their deity's power, and create fear in those that oppose their god.

Dancer: With the flair of a bard, these mystical artists of dance bestow powers upon their allies, and defy their enemies with supernatural performances.

Dark Ranger (shadow knight archetype): The range-specialized counterpart of the shadow knight. Taking most of their abilities, and adding some flavour inspired by Sylvanas from the Warcraft universe.

Death Knight: Class based on the world of warcraft class, specializing in blood, frost, and unholy.

Demon Hunter: Based on the world of warcraft demon hunters, these unarmored warriors gain manifestations like claws, wings, or fire-eyes to battle their foes, taking a demonic avatar they take abilities from as they grow in power.

Dervish: Class based on the guild wars dervish, granting enchantments and removing them for greater effects.

Diviner (priestess): Through their connection with a deity, their studies grants them different benefits from their normal vocation, as well as their power resides partially from their divine connection, rather than fully on studies.

Dragoon: Based on the final fantasy lancer/dragoon, they use a supernatural jump to devastate enemies, along with dragon breath and ability based on the dragon they channel.

Eniripsa (priestess): Instead of choosing a specific form of divinity, Eniripsas focus on the words of power themselves, granting them unrivaled versatility.

Gambler: Through d% rolling and their luck pool, gamblers bluff and chance their way to alter the battlefield in dangerous ways. Setzer was my inspiration for this one!

Geomancer: Based on the final fantasy geomancers and mixed with pathfinder's summoner, geomancers gain special supernatural abilities and bonuses while on their favored terrains, and are aided by their elemental eidolon.

Gladiator: Using fighting styles instead of weapon groups, these fighter-eque warriors use performance talents to create a spectacle of a fight--and victory.

Grounded Dragon (dragoon archetype): A dragoon archetype exchanging their reflexive talents and jump ability for raw power in close physical combat.

Guardian (paladin archetype): Based on the class from guild wars 2, the guardian gains passive bonuses from their mastered virtues, but may sacrifice their own benefits to aid allies in their time of need.

Mesmer: Based on the mesmer from guild wars and guild wars 2, producing images, weapons, and phantasms from their mind to confuse foes, and shattering the images to devastate them.

Mistweaver monk: Based on the world of warcraft mistweaver, these monks sacrifice some of their physical talent for meditation and spellcasting, healing their allies through soothing spells and ki abilities.

Monk archetypes: Brewmaster, Windwalker, and Mistweaver: All three monk archetypes in one post, along with the base pathfinder monk class.

Necromancer: Modeled after the guild wars 2 necromancer, they can have an eidolon-esque undead minion, a specialization, and death powers to combat foes! While they don't wear armor, their profane guard gives them protection.

Pirate: A mix of swashbuckler/gunslinger from paizo, with selective vigor (grit) abilities, pirate ranks, and sneak attack.

Priest/Priestess: A 9th level divine caster with a special playstyle-altering vocation that grants them words of power, and associated abilities for holy, shadow, discipline - and more!

Ravager: Gaining a resource called momentum as they strike and take damage, they spend their momentum on special attacks to expose the weaknesses of their enemies.

Red mage: With the arcane power of the wizard, divine energies of the cleric, and the force of the fighter, these versatile warriors are the jack-of-all-trades, and master of none.

Revenant: Inspired by the guild wars 2 class, revenants channel and commune with powerful spirits to gain bonuses and special abilities to aid their allies and take down foes.

Runecarver (prestige class): Using the ancient ways of the Vrykul, they morph one spell into another and craft runes of great power to aid allies and debilitate foes.

Shadow knight: A mix of dark knight from the final fantasy series and the shadow plane of pathfinder, these warriors fuel their attacks with their own life energy, and use the shadows to hide, strike, and debilitate enemies.

Shaman: Based on the World of Warcraft shaman, specializing in weapon combat, healing, or offensive spellcasting - along with summoning totems to buff allies and debilitate foes.

Spirit sword (Samurai archetype): Unarmored samurai based on the one from final fantasy tactics. They replace their mount/banners with spirit swords abilities. Their order is order of the ancestors, asking for the spirits for aid.

Templar (prestige class): A divine protector of temples whose deity gifts them with spells and abilities to guard their allies from devastating attacks.

Thief (including daredevil and deadeye): Inspired from guild wars 2, the thief adds the guile of the rogue, and the striking power of the swashbuckler or gunslinger.

Valkyrie (paladin archetype): These holy warriors channel the angels and archons through their runic abilities, and empower their allies with their healing abilities.

Warden (prestige class): Exiled warriors of elune, these relentless guards and bounty hunters put justice and their hunt before all.

Warlock:  Based on the world of warcraft class, these vicious casters use their powers of affliction, demonic summoning, or destruction to decimate their foes.

Warrior: Based on the guild wars 2 warrior, the warriors build adrenaline (like grit for gunslingers), and unleash it all at once to execute devastating abilities.

Windwalker monk: Based on the world of warcraft windwalker, these monks generate ki as they attack and unleash devastating combos.

Homebrew Races (Pathfinder & 5e)

Pathfinder and D&D 5th edition

Blazik: A humanoid race borne of fire, they may look human, but a flickering flame across their hair shows their fiery inheritance.

Eredar (Draenei and Man'ari): Ancient race infused with the power of the light, driven from their homeworld of Argus by fiendish forces - some of whom of some took gifts from them.

Hydris: A snake-like humanoid race with venomous fangs and scales across their skin. they vary from more snake-like features to human-like.

Viera: A tall, slender race with rabbit-like ears - from the world of Ivalice!

Homebrew Races (Pathfinder Only)

Bangaa: A strongly-built, intelligent lizard-like humanoid race that has long since been incorporated into the society of humans--though one should be wary of ever calling them a lizard.

Blood Elves: Elves infused with magic, but with their power of the arcane, comes with an addiction to it. Based on the World of Warcraft race!

Drakken: Human/dragon hybrid made by the twilight hammer clan, with unnatural draconic anatomy, unlike half-dragons.

Feralin: Blessed by the animal spirits, these humanoids retain the feral instincts of their ancestry.

Frozelia: A descendent of frost giants and hodir, both hardy and quick, but vulnerable to flames.

Furbolg: A bear-like humanoid race who are wiser than meets the eye; they are masters of the druidic and the shamanistic arts, but there are those that still keep their feral ways.

Irano: A slightly small, feral race of humanoids which reside in the steel-treed Porran forests; they are agile, deadly, and not to be trifled with.

Majin: Inspired by the dragonball Z series, these demonic creatures suffer from a split mind, and when they split into two forms, the good and evil hunt one another, all the while being plagued by a cannibalistic hunger.

Man'ari: Draenei that were corrupted and left behind on Argus after the departure of the Draenei. They are infused with abyssal powers, but there are those that have returned to the light.

Night Elves: Elves that were enhanced and changed by the power of the moon, these nocturnal individuals focus on druidism and the healing power of the deities of light and darkness all the same.

Sylvari: Based on Sylvari from Guild wars 2, proficient in forest combat and wise in the arts of druidism.

Vrykul: Ancient humanoids descended from the titan-keepers, with lore running deep within their history and their veins.

Race Templates

Lightforged draenei and Void elves: Some draenei are forged by the light, and elves are in touch with the void. Each with a level adjustment of +2, these templates can be quite powerful.


The Llamakin and the Salivomancer: (Public) A race hybrid of Llama and Human, and an alchemist archetype that uses dangerous or healing saliva to add their allies and decimate foes.

Session posts

Area one: The Howling Fjord

Prologue: Before the first session: Where I detail the initial (dramatic) changes to the story, and what the players learned before we started.

Session 1.1: Vengeance Point: The players arrive on the shore of the Howling Fjord, with drastic differences between their expectations, and the reality of the settlement.

Session 1.2: The Vrykul Pillar of Lore: Deciding to aid Tirion's cause, they travel to Cragmire, a Vrykul city representing the race's lore. After being threatened by one of King Ymiron's Lieutenants, they choose to help the Jarl search for knowledge of their ancient magical abilities.

Session 1.3: The Runecarvers and the Vrykul Pillar of Strength: After the challenge of the runecarvers, the players move to Ragefall to gain support through raw combat prowess.

Session 1.4: The Vrykul Pillar of Community and the Mistward Forest: Seeking the traitorous Jarl who killed her father, the King's Lieutenants offer the party a deal for bringing in the fugitive.

Session 1.5: The Executioner's Showdown: After joining with Ulrah, the party travels to Utgarde keep to challenge executioner Ingvar and Ymiron's Lieutenants Svala and Skadi themselves.

Session 1.6: The Assault on Utgarde Pinnacle: After the defeat of Svala and Skadi, the undead in Utgarde Mountain run rampant, and the Lich King comes to claim the source of the Vrykul's ancestral power as revenge.

Area two: The Grizzly Hills

Session 2.1: The sickness of the Grizzly Hills: With Soren and Magnus gone, Rosalia and Fish are joined by a new Vrykul ally. When they meet with the team leader Zigg and a new ally Dr. Torval, a sickness plaguing the Furbolgs turns from simple rage to frightening mutations.

Session 2.2: Thor Modan and the Challenge of the Titans: Arriving at Thor Modan, the furbolgs heart joins with an ooze that corrupts and dominates, and following their victory begin the Titans' trial.

Session 2.3: Challenge of the Titans part 2 and the corrupted vault: Next are the trials of the world shaper, life giver, Lore keeper, and Time keeper - only to discover a corruption within the vault below.

There were more posts, but I sadly did not have the time to keep up the writing for these! Sorry. :(


  1. Best Pathfinder and dungeons homebrew collection around would recommend 5/5 for epic games of yore. Sean Leith for president!

  2. i have no idea how to contact you and your patreon...didnt look active...are you still making homebrews?


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